Tuesday NIGHT check ins!

FitCoachShawn Posts: 230 Member
Today was your first task and challenge! Some of you were up for the challenge and did great. All I am looking for is PARTICIPATION and INTEGRITY! You cant be successful if you dont try and break out of your shell. :) We are all in the same boat and have the same goals to some extent. We are all friends here to help each other out with our with our struggles.

Tonight I would like to see you check in and tell us how you felt about your first day over all and how you felt you did today.

Personally I did pretty good. I fell victim of the Sunkist soda once again! My kryptonite! lol I will get there. I need to get my P90X3 work out in tonight before bed. Nobody is perfect and we all struggle at some point at some thing.
FitCoach Shawn


  • lorim621
    lorim621 Posts: 16 Member
    First day was great. It was a good re commitment for me. Now.... The challenge is to not eat anything tonight to mess up my good day.
  • precious_
    precious_ Posts: 17
    Today was a very good day for me. I had a good workout today. I'm excited to feel sore tomorrow so I can push through it.
  • karenertl
    karenertl Posts: 271 Member
    I had some Hershey's kisses and 3/4 of a can of Coca Cola before I got tired of drinking it. Otherwise, I think today went well. I got my bicycle out of storage and was able to get a good ride in. That soda can really be a bad temptation for a lot of people!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Completely losing my energy here - but can't say today was bad.

    Didn't overeat that much, a few mistakes here (lazy on dinner, cookie at gas station, tootsie roll at work, forgetting breakfast = vending machine.)

    Didn't exercise tonight. Told myself I would, then did not. Having energy after work is the most difficult for me and morning always seems to come so quickly.
  • precious_
    precious_ Posts: 17
    Completely losing my energy here - but can't say today was bad.

    Didn't overeat that much, a few mistakes here (lazy on dinner, cookie at gas station, tootsie roll at work, forgetting breakfast = vending machine.)

    Didn't exercise tonight. Told myself I would, then did not. Having energy after work is the most difficult for me and morning always seems to come so quickly.

    Don't give up, everyone has those days :smile:
  • laurawelch62085
    laurawelch62085 Posts: 8 Member
    So - I am very dissapointed that it is practially 10 p.m. and I haven't exercised. That being said - I ate well today.

    Breakfast - 1 cup of scrambled eggs, 1 apple, 1 seltzer water

    Lunch - chopped salad with chicken, eggs, tomatoes, celery and balsamic dressing

    Dinner - Large almond milk smoothie with banana, chocolate and coconut syrup

    Dinner had lots of sugar but hey - I had calories to spare and couldn't bear another salad:)

    I am way under my alloted calorie count for today so I guess not exercising isn't so bad.
  • jesskawelmacher
    jesskawelmacher Posts: 24 Member
    My first day was pretty good! I fell short a little bit and had some overly sweet dessert. Today is my off day at the gym, but I did my yoga this morning and I am going to do an hour of yoga tonight too. Ready to start again tomorrow and do even better today! This is going to be a struggle as I am a sucker for carbs and sweets, but let's do this!!!
  • mhill40
    mhill40 Posts: 16 Member
    I did ok today, I was a little over my RECOMMENDED calorie intake which s/be 1250 I was around 1430 and no exercise today, :( but I will do better tomorrow with God's help!
    Breakfast Quaker High fiber oatmeal, apple slices 1/2 cup dry honey nut cheerios,tbsp sugar in the oatmeal
    Lunch Smart Ones meal and veggies
    Snacks Light butter popcorn, black tea tbsp. sugar,1/3 cup sweet n salty trail mix
    Dinner: grilled chicken wrap from Sonic
    10 glasses of water
  • redcecil76
    redcecil76 Posts: 5
    I did pretty well-had to visit my mum for a family dinner in the evening but I just made sure the portions weren't the equivalent of the size of Belgium and all went well.
    It was a very busy day though so didn't get a chance to exercise formally...made up for it by running everywhere!
    Well done to everyone btw-aren't we great! :happy:
  • redcecil76
    redcecil76 Posts: 5
    ...and I'm going to have to change that profile pic-it's scaring me now!
  • redcecil76
    redcecil76 Posts: 5
    ...that's better :smile:
  • debbie389
    debbie389 Posts: 291 Member
    Sorry I didn't get to this yesterday. I had an ok day, went to the gym and have started C25K so week 1 day 1 done. Did crumble and had a 500ml bottle of diet pepsi, and some dark chocolate. But life would be so boring without a few treats. Stayed under my calorie goal, so that's good. I'm great at the beginning it's about 5 days in when I start to lose it, and need my butt kicking, but I'm going to stick with it.

  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    I did ok today, I was a little over my RECOMMENDED calorie intake which s/be 1250 I was around 1430 and no exercise today, :( but I will do better tomorrow with God's help!
    Breakfast Quaker High fiber oatmeal, apple slices 1/2 cup dry honey nut cheerios,tbsp sugar in the oatmeal
    Lunch Smart Ones meal and veggies
    Snacks Light butter popcorn, black tea tbsp. sugar,1/3 cup sweet n salty trail mix
    Dinner: grilled chicken wrap from Sonic
    10 glasses of water

    My calories are around 1250 as well and I know how easy it is to jump above that. Hopefully we'll both do better tomorrow/today. :)
  • ddrmaster07
    ddrmaster07 Posts: 41 Member
    I do stuff like that too. Funny Yester day I woke up late and i wasnt going to go to the gym and instead I did. After work I dont want to do anything. So I try not to lie to myself. Working out in the morning also helps to keep me accountable about whats going into my mouth. I used to say I can eat this I'll just work it off later, which never ended up happening. I really have to be strict with myself. WOrking out before work is a must, but I'm working to make it second nature lol
  • FitCoachShawn
    FitCoachShawn Posts: 230 Member
    Sodas are a struggle for a lot of people even me! Sunkist is my Kryptonite!
  • FitCoachShawn
    FitCoachShawn Posts: 230 Member