For today May 20th

GrokRockStar Posts: 2,938 Member
“The profoundest affinities are those most readily felt.” – George Santayana

“For today: My joy in recovery is multiplied in direct proportion to the extent to which I share it with other compulsive overeaters.”

This reading reminds us that we are not alone in this disease as we can truly relate to one another. If we are feeling angst or uneasy, we can reach out to our fellow COE via outreach calls and meetings because they understand what we are going through.

Have a great, abstinent day!


  • blackthrux
    blackthrux Posts: 58 Member
    In addition to what GrokRockStar wrote above, I think it's also important to proactively share our successes with other COE that we associate with. You never know when sharing a success is going to be just the right thing at just the right time to inspire someone to remain abstinent.