May 22nd Check in

tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
GOOOOOOOOOOD morning people!

How is everyone doing?

I am feeling good today, the last few days I have been able to 'run' with my son a little. Not a lot and I have to stop and then go again, but I litereally physically could not run with him before. THe weight obviously and a knee that was agony. It was actually one of my ultimate reasons for doing this. One day I will run with my son. Well this week I have. The yoga really helps my knee, I notice the difference when I have my lazy months of not doing it how my knee slowly gets worse again. Well if anything is a motivator to keep tracking and doing that yoga it was the short run bursts with Dean. Time to build up how long mummy can run for!

Did we do this yet? Maybe we could each choose something to focus on, either short term or long term, one thing that stands out for you. 'One day I will......' What is yours?


  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    Good morning! How am I? I feel really good actually. It seems I have finally turned a corner with my sleep apnea treatment. It takes quite a while, (it has been about 8 months or so now I have been on treatment), to catch up with all the sleep deficit but once you do the difference is amazing. I am so sad my Dad went undiagnosed and untreated, he was such an intelligent and amazing man it would have made all the difference to his health. Anyway, I now get a good nights sleep and get up at 5:00 feeling good, not tired. And that is worth celebrating.

    I took Remy (my 1 yr old German Shepherd) to her best friends for a play day this morning, she was SO happy to be there. And today is the 1.25 mile employee walk at lunchtime and I am doing it for the first time since it started 2 years ago.

    As for the One Day I will... I don't have one thing I have several..

    1. I will be at 180lbs again.
    2. I will swim with the US Masters Team again and be able to keep up with the Beginners group this time.
    3. I will be back at ballet class.
    4. I will ride 14 miles on my bike again.

    And I think my biggie is:

    One Day I will ride the RAGBRAI!
  • kaliya89
    kaliya89 Posts: 61 Member
    One day I will be able to jog a mile without stopping.

    Last summer, my mom and I started that couch to 5k program, but we stopped after week 3 - well, week 3.5, as we created our own week because we thought theirs increased too soon. I could jog for 3 minutes without stopping, which was definite progress. Now I've stopped. A month or two ago, I tried jogging a mile, and I managed to do a quarter of a mile before I had to stop. Problem is now it's just so freaking hot outside most days that I don't want to go outside at all, let alone exercise outside.

    Also, I can't do much of anything today because my knee hurts. I think I did something wrong exercising yesterday. I'm still going to exercise somehow, but I'm not really sure what I can do that won't hurt it more. We're going to the beach this weekend - I don't want to have to hobble over there!
  • EjSings
    EjSings Posts: 13
    Good morning!

    I had a good day yesterday as far as my food goes. I ate under my calories and kept to my diet. I'm disappointed in myself that I didn't get to any exercise, so I've only done two light workouts this week, but hopefully I can make up for that. I'm on a fast day so I'm just drinking my green tea with a tiny bit of coconut oil this morning before I get going. I'm hoping to mow the lawn today and get in a decent rebounding workout for some exercise.

    I was a bit disappointed and almost had a panic attack this morning when I got on the scale. Yesterday I weighed in at 244.6 and have been steadily losing for a couple weeks. Today I weighed 246 :-/ I'm hoping the fluctuation is normal since I haven't cheated on my diet at all. Do you guys record when those fluctuations up happen, or do you just wait until you are back into a pattern of losing?

    As for a goal.. I can't wait until exercise becomes something I like to do and feels good while I'm doing it, and not a painful chore lol

    Have a great day everyone!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Hmm...I don't really have "one day I will..." statements in my head right now. I managed to pinch a nerve in my neck about 36-48 hours ago, so I'm in agony. I work a desk job where I answer the phones, and the phone is on the pinched side, so yeah, lots of fun! Not. Other than that and the normal stresses of being broke (fiance is struggling to find decent work in our ridiculously small town), I'm pretty good. Well on track to hit 250 by my birthday (July 13), as I checked in at 251.2 yesterday am. I may have to lower it again, depending on how the rest of this week goes.

    Foodwise, I'm basically ignoring sodium on a trial basis... I had been trying to reign it in, due primarily to water weight, but due to my new endo's recommendation to get between 30-50% protein, 25% carbs (max), and the balance in fats, I'm really working on macros this week... I've done pretty good since Monday, I think. Really focusing on making my fruit choices good ones (low GI/low sugar/high fiber content), and trying not to have excess sugar...

    Still waiting on blood test results to see if I'm insulin resistant or what else might be going on. Hopefully this new doctor can help me unravel and solve this mystery! Have a great one, y'all!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Nice to see all the movers and shakers in here this morning. Other than a late afternoon appt with my chiro and dinner/crafting with a friend, my day is still unplanned. Somewhere in there needs to be a workout. I took three days off this week because of joint and back pain, but I need to get back now.

    My One thing is definitely to lose the crutches!!!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    EJ, you might consider just weighing yourself weekly or monthly. Our bodies naturally fluctuate, and if the scale goes up temporarily, it's probably water and hormones. I find it too easy to let the evil scale spiral me into some very unhealthy eating disorder behaviors, so I try to just weigh in at doctor's office every few weeks.
  • kaliya89
    kaliya89 Posts: 61 Member
    EJ - I'm with Karen. Our bodies fluctuate, and you don't want to get too upset and find out that it's gone again tomorrow.

    I have an Excel spreadsheet where I'm trying to remember to record my weight daily (just so I can try to see if there's a pattern between what I eat and how much I weigh), but I only record it on the site twice a week - on Mondays, because that's the day I started, and I like to be consistent, and Friday, because I'm part of another group, and that's when they update their spreadsheet.
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Good morning all!

    It's great to read your "One Day I will" statements!

    I'm feeling very well today. Yesterday I got in a LOT of steps. I couldn't walk home due to a thunderstorm, but I went to the gym and did Couch to 5k week 2 day 1, then walked to get my hair cut, walked home, and went for another walk/jog after dinner. I was able to jog *outside* *on pavement* for two full minutes three times and I still felt okay. I'm starting to think that if I stick with it, I might actually be able to do a 5k without walking by the fall.

    One day, I will do a 5k without walking.
    One day, I will do a 10k without walking.
    One day, I will do a half marathon without walking.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Morning all! I'm a bit grumpasarus today. No reason. May be PMS, not sure. I am horrible at tracking that so the best I can do is go through old posts where I was complaining about it last time and see if that is the culprit. I'm at work and I can honestly say I want to move. Like walk. Far Far away. It's humid but not too hot yet and I just want to get out of here.

    One day I would like to...hmmm...I really don't know. I have never run a mile in my life. I am still traumatized from when they used to make us do it in school and I always ended up being the fat kid who had to stop and walk. The closet I got was in big school I was able to run a half mile.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    In high school. Not big school. My phone is tripping
  • Sandyslosenit
    Sandyslosenit Posts: 322 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good morning all you fantastic people! I am finally off work WooHoo! Man, I can feel I overdid it this week. I climbed the steps at work this week well over a hundred times. Bye the end of the day last night I was having to hold the hand rail and pull myself up! I had to inventory and pack up the stuff of my fella that passed away last week, that was both physically and emotionally hard on me:ohwell: Then another one of my guys bought a new recliner chair, I had to carry it into the home all bye myself :grumble: This morning every muscle in my body is screaming!:laugh: even my butt hurts:laugh: I've gained 9 1/2 lbs over the last 36 hrs. My legs are so swollen the skin is shiny and looks like it could split :noway:
    Sorry I wasn't able to be to involved the last few day, but I plan on going back and reading all the new topics! I cant wait to get caught back up with y'all. :heart:
    one day I will be able to zipline!!!!! I will be flying through the woods over the canapy in ecstatic delight!!!
    one day I will be in a healthy weight range while looking fit and athletic!
    One day I will have my husband pick me up and carry me across the threshold!! :smooched:
    Blessings :flowerforyou:
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    I have never run a mile in my life. I am still traumatized from when they used to make us do it in school and I always ended up being the fat kid who had to stop and walk. The closet I got was in big school I was able to run a half mile.

    This is meeee. Although I don't know if I ever even ran half a mile, to be honest. I also remember when I was in karate in third grade and we had to run, and the instructor ended up picking me up and carrying me because I was so slow. How frustrating is it that these memories still haunt us?
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    In high school. Not big school. My phone is tripping

    Your phone may be tripping Heather, but you are cracking me up this morning! Bwahahaahaa!!! You called Rat a crazy Pony! You track your cycle by when you last complained about it! Bwahahahahahaaaaaa!

    Oh, ladies and gents, you all need to come to my house this summer for a MorBese Retreat on the lake!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Oh, Sandy, I hope you get some rest and get some of the fluid out of your legs!

    I don't know why, but I am a bread *kitten* today. Hubby brought two kinds of (gasp! ) white bread into the house and I am doing it like crack. I need to nip this in the bud and stick to veggies and protein.

    Off to the gym shortly--my focus is on getting things done!
  • EjSings
    EjSings Posts: 13
    One day I would like to...hmmm...I really don't know. I have never run a mile in my life. I am still traumatized from when they used to make us do it in school and I always ended up being the fat kid who had to stop and walk. The closet I got was in big school I was able to run a half mile.

    OMG I was so traumatized in high school over the running. I was the only fat kid in my PE class one year and I was always last when we had to run. I remember the coaches were really hard on me and some of my classmates would snicker or make snide comments about me. The worst was when we had to do something called the "Granny Lap" which was a run that took us around the property of the school and was a mile and a half. I would almost always end up crying by the end of it. I honestly don't think I was ever able to run more than 1 lap (a quarter of a mile) without stopping. I would usually try to run the straights and walk the curves, but couldn't even keep that up for a mile :(

    And thanks for the advice on weighing. I probably do need to back off of doing it every day before I drive myself nuts lol
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Haven't really started my day yet. I slept through my first fitbit alarm and decided to let myself have another hour or two of sleep (I have to occasionally enjoy the perks of being self employed). My legs and back are sore from my walk yesterday, i'll have tog et out the foam roller and go over everything. Yoga today should help, but I may have to put off walking tonight to get work done. Lots of deadlines for work today and i haven't planed out any of my meals so we will see how it goes.

    One day I will be able to maintain a health weight for the rest of my life.
    One day I will be able to hike to the top of Yosemite upper falls.
    One day I will swim again.
    One day I will be able to hop on a bike and ride it so far their's not enough time in the day to turn around and return home.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member

    I was a bit disappointed and almost had a panic attack this morning when I got on the scale. Yesterday I weighed in at 244.6 and have been steadily losing for a couple weeks. Today I weighed 246 :-/ I'm hoping the fluctuation is normal since I haven't cheated on my diet at all. Do you guys record when those fluctuations up happen, or do you just wait until you are back into a pattern of losing?

    We did a post with an article about how to weigh. But I would say if you weigh regularly, keep a spreadsheet of the weights and then average it out, or do a point plot graph and draw an average line between them. That should give you a better idea of what your weight progress is between all the fluctuation.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Good morning all!

    It's great to read your "One Day I will" statements!

    I'm feeling very well today. Yesterday I got in a LOT of steps. I couldn't walk home due to a thunderstorm, but I went to the gym and did Couch to 5k week 2 day 1, then walked to get my hair cut, walked home, and went for another walk/jog after dinner. I was able to jog *outside* *on pavement* for two full minutes three times and I still felt okay. I'm starting to think that if I stick with it, I might actually be able to do a 5k without walking by the fall.

    One day, I will do a 5k without walking.
    One day, I will do a 10k without walking.
    One day, I will do a half marathon without walking.

    How are you liking the couch-to-5k app. I've seen it before and was considering it to change up the walking and have something to try and achieve.
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    I like it -- I have the Couch-to-5k app on my iPhone. I like it because I can play my own music with it. One annoyance is that I have to change my settings so that the phone never goes into lock mode because if the phone locks/goes dark, the little messages telling you what to do stop.

    At this point, it seems quite ambitious to finish the program in the suggested 9 weeks. I'm planning to take it slower than the app suggests. I'm on week 2 now and we'll see how that goes. It seems like things get quite a bit harder after week 3. I'm debating going back to week 1 after finishing week 2 and just bumping up my running speed from 4.5mph to 5 or 5.5 and seeing how that goes. If I do that, then I'll do week 2 at that speed, and then do week 3 back at 4.5 mph and repeat that kind of cycle. Depending on how I feel, I might just try bumping up to 5mph for the last day of week 2. We'll seeeee.
  • debunny34
    debunny34 Posts: 97 Member
    Hmm One day I will Do a 5K race. Not sure if I will walk it or run but I WILL do one :)

    Heather there is an app called Pink Pad that is wonderful to keep up with that lol. Not sure if you have an android or Iphone but it is on the google play store for free. LOL I plan vacations around that thing!! You literally just tap it and it puts it in for you and then you dont worry about it until it comes around the next month. But it will show you how many more days until it comes.