Week 8 Monday May 19 to Sunday May 25

Kathrynrbg Posts: 176 Member
Started with 119 now 115 but may be i am just dehydrated.


  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    4/14 107
    4/21 106
    4/28 106.8
    5/5 109.4
    5/12 ?
    5/19 107.8 Going the wrong way again!!!

    No loss. Hope everyone is doing well. Perhaps I will check again on Friday as I need to be more accountable with scale readings.
  • linka411
    linka411 Posts: 101 Member
    Week 1: 127.2
    Week 2: 126.2
    Week 3: 126.0
    Week 4: 125.8
    Week 5: 125.0
    Week 6: 125.4
    Week 7: 124.8
    Week 8: 125.2

    I was expecting a little bit of gain since I was at a wedding last weekend, but on Monday the scale said 125.8-so I feel a little better about having lost a good amount of that extra weight in two days. Hopefully next week I can get the scale below 125 again. I do have a NSV though, my incline push-ups are getting better :D
  • ljiangrsf
    ljiangrsf Posts: 14 Member
    CW 155
    GW 145

    Height: 5'11"
    BMI CW: 21.5
    BMI GW: 19.5

    I started in Feb weighted at 165. I managed to lose 10 lbs by middle of April. My weight hit plateau for about a month. I ate right and exercise, no luck. On the positive note, my cloth fit better. I wear size 4 or 6 comfortably.

    At this point, I will focus on being fit than losing weight. That will help me to stay on course.