Emotionally overwhelmed??

Hi, everyone. To be honest, I always thought once I joined a website like this, my entire diet plan would be shot. I have no idea where this idea came from, it's just one I've always had. But, now, I am on my proverbial knees asking for forgiveness because I just really need some support of some people possibly going through the same thing as me.

I started, yet another, attempt to lose weight yesterday. This time- doctor supervised, which I never, ever thought I'd do after a bad experience with a doctor like that when I was a little girl. But I did it. And now, 2 days in.... I feel extremely overwhelmed. I'm doing a low-carb, keto sort of thing. So, for the first four days all I can eat is eggs, meat, and cheese. I don't know, I'm not upset or depressed.. I'm just overwhelmed. Because, I mean, all of sudden my diet is just flip turned upside down. I didn't eat badly before (cough), but breads and potatoes were a recurrent part of it. I don't know.... I should stop rambling. You get the point, I'm overwhelmed... like, I just might burst into tears at any given moment... But I WANT this. I WANT TO BE HEALTHY! Any advice? Thank you all in advance. :3<3 I highly appreciate it.


  • jldahlen21
    jldahlen21 Posts: 18
    Take it ONE day at a time.... The only time I think about tomorrow is when I'm planning my am kale shake and am snack. I've also done some counseling (for a recent baby loss & surgery) but decided I wanted to discover why I sabotage my success with my eating and general health... I've been amazed to see what I've discovered. Anyway, give yourself GRACE and ask for support. These are what has helped me anyway. Add me as a friend if you'd like...
  • HiImMorganlol
    Thank you, so much. :) You made me feel better. I just need to trust myself, I suppose. And know I'm strong enough to do this. Thank you! ^.^
  • TriciannT
    TriciannT Posts: 58 Member
    Can u share your kale shake recipe with us plez?
  • TriciannT
    TriciannT Posts: 58 Member
    One day at a time is great advice. I went from no weight problem to a weight problem. I too have a weeekness for bread and potatoes. At my house I am always out filled for healthy choices but am gettingvasround it slowly.
  • denizfindigi
    I used to not eat chicken and red meat (now I only do not eat red meat) and I had to do a keto diet like you. I am also a student so I was going to school and all I was able to take with me was canned tuna. If I was able to do it I am sure you will do it in an amazing way! It is just the beginning - and when you feel bad remind yourself that you are a courageous person who is willing to take a step towards a better healthier life. Nothing great comes without a price but once you are done it is going to be a lovely story - it is going to be the past and the future is going the be your lovely reflection on the mirror. Take it one step at a time, remind yourself that you are capable of anything!

    Best of luck!
  • jldahlen21
    jldahlen21 Posts: 18
    So for the LONG time between replying.... I'm glad to have been of some support. How are you doing?!
  • jldahlen21
    jldahlen21 Posts: 18
    Sorry... I haven't been on my ipad and haven't seen the responses...my iPhone doesn't show me all the posts :-). My kale shakes: 2 cups spinach, 1 cup kale, 2 TBSP flax seeds & fruit......usually banana, kiwi, black cherries, pineapple are my usual go to fruit. Oh, I add ice and water, but sometime 1/2 cup almond milk