Non-Topic Updates



  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Update: Doc appt this morning baby has dropped a little more, cervix is soft and thinning and I am dilated to a 1. Crossing my fingers that this means something! :p
  • futurestarz
    futurestarz Posts: 510
    yay Tigger!!!! So excited for you! I hope your baby comes soon :)
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    Well, we're scheduled for an ultrasound on Wednesday at a special clinic to hopefully determine whether or not the baby has spina bifida. (I'm secretly hoping they'll tell us the gender, too, as our gender scan isn't until June 6th! :laugh:)
  • vlmcwilliams
    vlmcwilliams Posts: 46 Member
    Anyone else have a low placenta at anatomy scan and had it move up later on? Just curious, I was told mine was low lying and there is a 90-95% chance it will move out of the way in time but I have another scan to check in a few weeks (I'm 28 weeks now). I think it's relatively uncommon to have a low placenta in the first place....
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Not what you want to hear, I am sure...
    I never had this but have a very close friend that did. Hers never moved.
  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    Ladies... I just need to say... I can't WAIT until I post here saying I'm pregnant! My BF and I will be starting TTC in 3-4 weeks and I'm super excited, and anxious. I already have a (private) baby wishlist on Amazon, is that crazy?! My mom also started knitting for the 'future baby'... I swear I did not ask her to! LOL! She's as excited as I am.

    Anyways I enjoy reading everything on this board, because this we are trying for our first baby and I have a lot to learn :)

    Hopefully I'm one of you soon enough!
  • futurestarz
    futurestarz Posts: 510
    kaylyrra- Keep us posted. I'll be thinking of you this week. Hugs
  • Destanie_Robyn
    Destanie_Robyn Posts: 304 Member
    To all those of you with pets and who are being challenged with the shedding, here are a few tips for you (I have a Rottweiler, a cat and two rabbits)...

    Don't let the pets go on the furniture and keep them out of certain rooms you want hair free. My pets are only allowed in the living room and in the basement. The upstairs is off limits and so is the kitchen. They each have a bed they can sleep on.

    Get a wireless vacuum if you have hardwood floors. I have one and it's awesome. It works on hardwood, vinyl and any sort of low-lying carpet. It does a good job cleaning up the pet hair and other dirt. I use it everyday.

    Brush, brush, brush! I bought a Furminator for the herd and it's awesome. We try to do it once per week and I noticed a significant difference. You can really tell when the herd needs it because the shedding worsens.

    I know it can be difficult to train your animals, but start now and it will get easier with time as long as you are consistent. The Rottweiler has been a challenge. They are an extremely stubborn breed and you need to show strong leadership or they will take over your house. Bat Face is only 10 months old and she's a better behaved dog than most. We do put a lot of work into her. I will have no worries once the baby gets here because she will know we are the pack leaders and she has to choice but to accept any new member of our household. :)

    Hope these tips help.

    LOL here are our "Dog Rules"

    We end up just sweeping a lot and even though we try to brush our lab regularly it seems he has a never ending supply of fur!

  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Hello! 5 weeks pregnant with my second. Trying to be healthier this time around. Already exhausted & have reduced my workouts. It's doesn't help that I'm chasing a 3 year old toddler around all day. Not nearly exhausted the first time around. Lol.
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Hello! 5 weeks pregnant with my second. Trying to be healthier this time around. Already exhausted & have reduced my workouts. It's doesn't help that I'm chasing a 3 year old toddler around all day. Not nearly exhausted the first time around. Lol.

    Hey! I'm also 5-6 weeks pregnant (not sure exactly how far along yet!) And am also chasing an 18 month old toddler around! It's not easy! Feel free to add me :)
  • Binky_Muffin
    Binky_Muffin Posts: 191 Member
    LOL here are our "Dog Rules"

    We end up just sweeping a lot and even though we try to brush our lab regularly it seems he has a never ending supply of fur!


    LOL. What a cozy picture.

    My husband already steals most of the blankets at night, so adding another 65 pound body to the bed will not happen.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Hello! 5 weeks pregnant with my second. Trying to be healthier this time around. Already exhausted & have reduced my workouts. It's doesn't help that I'm chasing a 3 year old toddler around all day. Not nearly exhausted the first time around. Lol.

    Hey! I'm also 5-6 weeks pregnant (not sure exactly how far along yet!) And am also chasing an 18 month old toddler around! It's not easy! Feel free to add me :)

    Sent you a FR!
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    Hello! 5 weeks pregnant with my second. Trying to be healthier this time around. Already exhausted & have reduced my workouts. It's doesn't help that I'm chasing a 3 year old toddler around all day. Not nearly exhausted the first time around. Lol.

    Hey! I'm also 5-6 weeks pregnant (not sure exactly how far along yet!) And am also chasing an 18 month old toddler around! It's not easy! Feel free to add me :)

    I'm 18+5, and chasing a 17 month old toddler... never a dull moment, that's for sure! 1st Tri was exhausting. It's so much better in 2nd Tri when your energy levels come back up a little.

    Update: We had our in depth ultrasound this morning, and everything looks good on baby. No spine deformations, no excess fluid, nothing! The Dr. said that he thinks it's probably my placenta putting out the little extra AFP, and that I'm probably a slightly higher risk so I need to be careful and if I have any spotting or cramping, I need to call it in. But other than that, everything is good! So relieved!
  • futurestarz
    futurestarz Posts: 510
    Wonderful news!! I'm so happy for you :happy:
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    That is good to hear Kalyrra! Hope everything stays well and you take it easy!
  • Binky_Muffin
    Binky_Muffin Posts: 191 Member
    Yay! Good news for sure.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Hello! 5 weeks pregnant with my second. Trying to be healthier this time around. Already exhausted & have reduced my workouts. It's doesn't help that I'm chasing a 3 year old toddler around all day. Not nearly exhausted the first time around. Lol.

    Hey! I'm also 5-6 weeks pregnant (not sure exactly how far along yet!) And am also chasing an 18 month old toddler around! It's not easy! Feel free to add me :)

    I'm 18+5, and chasing a 17 month old toddler... never a dull moment, that's for sure! 1st Tri was exhausting. It's so much better in 2nd Tri when your energy levels come back up a little.

    Thank you! I take it one day at a time. One day I'll feel great & the next I want to sleep all day lol.
  • MrsCarter00
    MrsCarter00 Posts: 502 Member
    Hello! 5 weeks pregnant with my second. Trying to be healthier this time around. Already exhausted & have reduced my workouts. It's doesn't help that I'm chasing a 3 year old toddler around all day. Not nearly exhausted the first time around. Lol.

    Hey! I'm also 5-6 weeks pregnant (not sure exactly how far along yet!) And am also chasing an 18 month old toddler around! It's not easy! Feel free to add me :)

    I'm 18+5, and chasing a 17 month old toddler... never a dull moment, that's for sure! 1st Tri was exhausting. It's so much better in 2nd Tri when your energy levels come back up a little.

    Thank you! I take it one day at a time. One day I'll feel great & the next I want to sleep all day lol.

    Sameeeeeee hereeeee! Today I overdid it ugh
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I am feeling so incredibly lucky. Spacing my kids apart 8 years wasn't what I thought was best but that is what ended up happening. I am beginning to feel it is the biggest blessing!
    My daughter is so helpful already. Today was great because I woke feeling sick and she was a huge help! Dishes, laundry, cleaning, etc ... She followed me around everywhere today helping me and even doing about half of it completely herself. She kept getting mad at me when I would try to bend over and pick something up off the floor, lol. She kept saying 'Mom, I am right here. Just let me do it. All you have to do is tell me to pick it up. It is that easy. Stop making it harder than it has to be.'
    She is a pain some days, but she is oh so wonderful and I don't know what I would be doing without her right now.
  • futurestarz
    futurestarz Posts: 510
    Lucky mama!!