How is the weekend going?

newlife6745 Posts: 129 Member
Given that it's our "first" holiday weekend of summer and all of the BBQs, parties, etc . how are you handling it?

Since I'm out of town I went for an hour walk early. Saturday was a bit of a challenge but I planned today a bit better. Went to the store and purchased a few healthy items. I swear my friend's kids eat only junk packaged food.


  • praevalere
    praevalere Posts: 24
    Going to stay around the house this weekend. I dislike it when it is busier (and memorial day weekend usually is) than usual. Bought a bunch of ribeyes and ny strips for grilling yesterday. So, probably 3 days of grilling them up, yum.
  • jolene_CO
    jolene_CO Posts: 48
    My weekend is going splendidly. I got in 6 hours of gardening yesterday and today I'm preparing my "processed food." I make my own mayonnaise, yogurt, cheese, and canned goods and generally make a month's worth of products the last weekend of the month. I love productive weekends, so I'm excited about how much I've gotten done.

    I don't celebrate Memorial Day. I lost too many friends and family in the war in the Middle East, so my family spends Memorial Day in reflection and quiet appreciation for the sacrifices made on our behalf.
  • IlluminatedMayhem
    Its just a typical weekend for me. But I lost 8 lbs since last weekend. There's a good chance it was water weight but it is something to be excited about.
  • wimom35
    wimom35 Posts: 20 Member
    Went over on calories yesterday, because we had a small family reunion with a lot of yummy food. Not too much over, though, because I still got some exercise that night. I didn't beat myself up over it and throw in the towel because of one "bad" day. Today was good, because I did a lot of landscaping again. I enjoyed a few toasted marshmallows at our bonfire tonight without feeling guilty. The downside to all the landscaping is that my knees are killing me. Maybe as I get more weight off, they won't be so sore...
  • gokari30
    gokari30 Posts: 112 Member
    Still sitting at 7 lbs lost, and it's been about a month. Evey day I eat every single calorie given to me, plus the calories for working out, so maybe I need to reduce more? My cals are registered for a 1.5 loss a week but maybe I'll change to 2 lbs a week.

    I know 7 lbs is nothing to sneeze at, but I was hoping for a bit more after so much being "good"...
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    I didn't go to any parties or my first weekend post-thesis, I just wanted to stay home and relax. I binged. I always lose control on the weekends. I lack structure on the weekends. I'm surrounded by food. I'm left to my own devices rather than just sticking to what I packed for myself. But I did do a few good things, despite the binge.

    1. I shared a whoopie pie instead of eating the whole thing myself.
    2. I continued to exercise even after the binge. Which makes me not feel as horrible this morning.
    3. I binged on unhealthy and healthy foods. Don't get me wrong, eating two bowls of bran flakes when you're already over your calorie goal is still an excess of calories, but it is better than chewing on a bag of candy.

    Why did I binge?

    Well, I think I've been letting stress get to me without trying to talk myself down. Also, this long weekend wasn't very productive. I just sort of worked out and watched TV. I had planned to hike, but the weather was bad and I couldn't go. We didn't do the spring cleaning that we'd planned. And knowing that I wasn't doing what I'd wanted or intended to do really bugged me, and my way of coping with that has always been to eat rather than tackle the problem I'm mulling over.

    I was supposed to weigh myself this morning, but refused knowing that I'm still recovering and digesting the binge and that the number would be too high. Will probably weigh myself tomorrow instead.

    I've spent some time this morning reading up on weekend binge eating, and so I'm implementing a few strategies.

    1. Plan meals and snacks for the weekend and place in a lunchbag, like I do for work.
    2. Add some extra cardio on the weekends.
    3. Really try supplementing unhealthy foods with healthy foods between.
    4. Get out of the house, even if it's just to sit outside. I won't binge in my lawnchair.
  • naj609
    naj609 Posts: 18 Member
    No plans, had a relaxing weekend at home. Which I discovered=lazy me. Without scheduling my workouts, I just didn't have any motivation. My food choices we're good, but not so much for the exercises.