Day 1 - Starting today - Tips & Tricks???

mtnspirit Posts: 15 Member
Hi -

I have decided to start the Bikini Body Mommy 90 Day challenge today. I have been on MFP for a while now, but actively on it since November. Completing a 90 Day "Commit to Get Fit" challenge in February where I lost weight (with minimal exercise) and am now finding myself on a plateau, about halfway to my weight loss goal. Knowing I need to "Step it Up," the Bikini Body Mommy 90 Challenge seemed like a good directiion. I was happy to find this group on MFP.

To attempt to overcome my plateau, two weeks ago, I also started jogging with a committment to a 5K in early May -- and I hate to run. I haven't seen the scale move in my favor thus far...but haven't gained weight either.

I look forward to any tips & tricks you have to offer regarding the Bikini Body Mommy challenge and overcoming plateaus.



  • shorty1182
    shorty1182 Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck! I just started today! Have you been able to stick to the program? What are your results? I bought the meal plan, but I'm only sticking to it about 80% of the time, and I'm tailoring it to fit MY family's lifestyle. I don't think the hubby or my 3 year old will be eating coconut flour and some of the other stuff on the meal plan. I'm being realistic about it.
  • QueenMother14
    QueenMother14 Posts: 438 Member
    Im starting this today. I did her first workout the other day but didn't log my scores so I plan to do it again today and log.