Check in May 28, 2014

julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
Good morning!!!

I have all my food tracked, breakfast eaten, swallowing coffee and checking in here before going off and getting dressed for work which really should have happened 10 minutes ago! I am hoping that my Boss let's me not go to an event tonight so that I can get to the gym for Aqua Zumba.. in the water I can move.

Is there anything you do to prepare for the day everyday? Track food? Pack and prepare food? Anything else?


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I do more mental preparation than anything...if I make a loose mental plan, I'm more likely to stick with it. If I plan everything out, my subconscious is rebellious, as if from another generation, and being boxed in leads to very unscrupulous behavior. Because I have learned this about myself, I tend to set loose goals that guide me the direction I plan to go, rather than force myself to that path. These days, I tend to make healthy decisions on my own, but having healthy backup plans never goes awry...

    I am lucky to have a workplace that allows me the time to quickly prepare snacks (5 minutes or less) and to eat them, apart from meal times. (Thanks for that!) So, aside from just making sure I'm in a good mental place, and making sure I have a few snack options in my corner, I don't spend a lot of time worrying about the rest - oh, and I live close enough that I usually go home for lunch, so I don't have to pack that either.

    Happy Hump Day, everyone!
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Gooood morning!

    I don't do much to prepare for every day... I don't track my food before I eat it,I have breakfast (or at least coffee) at work, and I buy lunch for the week at the grocery store across from work on Monday, so basically my morning routine is 1) get dressed and 2) hop out the door. I guess I've added getting my gym clothes together so I can't use "well I don't have the right clothes" as an excuse not to walk or work out. I think that is honestly what's helped me keep on track most of all. If I don't head home before walking or going to the gym, I don't have that extra opportunity to realize I'm tired and sit "just for a minute" which of course turns into the whole night.
  • kaliya89
    kaliya89 Posts: 61 Member
    I generally try to track my food as soon as I know what I'm going to have. If I've already put in the time to type up a recipe and put it into the tracker, I'm less likely to want to have to do the same thing for something else. Plus, that lets me see how many calories I have left over for snacks and motivates me to exercise if I see that I'm out of calories but am likely to still be hungry.

    Sadly, I do not yet know what I'm eating today (apart from my breakfast smoothie, which I already had). I got back from the beach late Monday/early Tuesday. The first two days were great. I exercised a lot (3+ hours of walking around Savannah the first day and hours of swimming the second day), and the exercise and food balanced out.

    But the last day was horrible. I had pasta and a bagel for breakfast. I had a sandwich for lunch, even though I wasn't hungry, just because others were eating. I kept eating the dessert bars I made, again when I wasn't hungry. Then yesterday I had a job fair, and I ended up missing breakfast, so I went to Taco Bell after and got two things even though one would have been plenty. Then my boyfriend and I went to a pizza buffet, and I'm sure you can all guess what a terrible idea that was. I'm back up 1.8 pounds since Friday.

    Still, I'm not letting it get me down too much. I made stupid choices, but I can start making good choices again now.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Good Morning my loverlies! :flowerforyou:

    I do SO much better when I prepare!

    I am about a week behind in life right now. Ok, maybe about 2 days behind. I need to get paid, go grocery shopping and stock up on some of my healthy staples. (Like Salad mix)

    I DID pack my 1.5 Liter bottle of water half frozen to take with me to work.. I should get some points for that. But - 3 points for no breakfast, lunch or snacks. :grumble:

    I need today to be lively around here. I am ALL caught up on my month from hell at work and I have decided I am going to give myself a play day. Or at least a play morning if possible. So....entertain me. :bigsmile:

    Where's Karen? She always has good stories to tell.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member

    Still, I'm not letting it get me down too much. I made stupid choices, but I can start making good choices again now.

    Don't get down! I was HORRIBLE over the weekend! I am up too! Oh well. We move on, right?
  • cekennon
    cekennon Posts: 44 Member
    I am so much better when I am prepared - today I am "armed" with good food to get back on track. Last night I went into the bag of candy my daughter had on table and she said"DONT EAT IT - stop eating hte twizzxerls you said today you were going to eat candy, mom did you not hear the woman on chooped who said she almost died from diabetes and now she is a size 2, I dont want you to wind up in the hosptial" as I stood there I kept eating the candy and fast so she didnt come and get it" I told her to get it out of the house and she sai d"no, you just to have to eat it"
    I did feel very bad - I told her she hurt my feelings. But I will say I packed all my food for today - I thru out the eggplant parm left over instead of taking it with me..I have hard bolied eggs, salad, fruit and carrots...I am hopeful again today "Not in my stregth but His"
  • debunny34
    debunny34 Posts: 97 Member
    Kali, I did horrible over the weekend too!! But we all are going to be fine and recover from it because we all took the steps of getting right back on here. I was really hard on myself yesterday about it all, but then I realized that the rest of the world isn't going to stand still for me, so that I can stay on plan. I have to be the one to do that, and if I fall off here and there it is ok, because I WILL be right back up and moving past it. I thought alot yesterday about this board and some things I have learned. I KNOW I can not give up chocolate forever, so I need to start being smart about that and work it in my plan if I feel like I HAVE to have it. Camping was definitely not the way I thought it would be and the temptations were just way too much for me so I gave in to them. I think if we go again, we will still make smores, but I will limit how many I take period. Honestly, two each was more than plenty even for the kids. But in my head, I think I set myself up for failure by taking SOOOO much junk with us; thinking I HAD to make sure the kids had a good time and I centered that "good" time around food instead of activities. So next time, I WILL take precautions for myself AND for my family, because they do not "need" all of those treats either, when they would have been just as happy with a few.

    I do not track my food before I eat it either. And I plan on the fly, which is sometimes bad for me lol. It is just hard for me to plan for food daily, when there are some days I am just not hungry so it is hard to make myself eat just because it is mealtime.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Good morning, duckies. It's another lovely November day here in Maine. I swear, I am still wearing WOOL SWEATERS. What the heck????

    My day plan has to include what food and when and where. I try to do it the night before. I may not always follow my exact food plan, but if I don't have healthy choices, I will hit the drive-thru in a heartbeat.

    Yesterday wasn't a good food day for me, I still haven't logged, and mostly I justified it by saying I haven't had a cheat day in so long... but I think there's more of a self sabotage going on. When I weighed myself and discovered I was down 31 pounds, I was so excited to weigh in at the bariatric center on Friday. Then I stuffed myself yesterday and now I'm back in that familiar panic place, that I'm Not good enough place. Well I'm not having that. I will weigh what I weigh, self-flagellation or not. Might as well approve of myself.
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    Honestly this is what I find the most exciting here. It is the number of us who are having bad days but getting right back up and getting on with it again. I have spent so long in that place where you start with great determination, then hit a holiday day or a moment or whatever.. and that moment turns into days, weeks, months and I end up heavier than I started.

    What I see happening here is everyone saying.. hey it's okay.. no guilt, just do better today, eat healthy, move a little and don't let the bad days trip you up.

    This to my mind is what makes this group particularly powerful. Agree?
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Good morning, duckies. It's another lovely November day here in Maine. I swear, I am still wearing WOOL SWEATERS. What the heck????

    My day plan has to include what food and when and where. I try to do it the night before. I may not always follow my exact food plan, but if I don't have healthy choices, I will hit the drive-thru in a heartbeat.

    Yesterday wasn't a good food day for me, I still haven't logged, and mostly I justified it by saying I haven't had a cheat day in so long... but I think there's more of a self sabotage going on. When I weighed myself and discovered I was down 31 pounds, I was so excited to weigh in at the bariatric center on Friday. Then I stuffed myself yesterday and now I'm back in that familiar panic place, that I'm Not good enough place. Well I'm not having that. I will weigh what I weigh, self-flagellation or not. Might as well approve of myself.

    1. JEALOUS of your weather.
    2. What the heck! Not logging? That doesn't sound like you. :noway:

    I say log it so you can move on. Put it behind you and done and done! :smooched:

    3. Get back to that GOOD place. :flowerforyou:
  • momofthreeinwis
    momofthreeinwis Posts: 21 Member
    Makes me feel so much better to know I am not alone! I was off camping all weekend and did OK but not great...I was missing my exercise that is for sure...I am hoping to recover this week! Off again!!
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    That's our strength here momofthree, we are not alone, our whole group is in the same category and fully understands each other.. it's very powerful.
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    There's another online community that I'm a part of that encourages folks not to respond to troll-ish or negative comments. The mantra is "FIAMO" -- "flag it and move on."

    I've started telling myself LIAMO whenever I make a choice that I feel isn't in line with my goals -- log it and move on!

    It does feel like a big step to be honest about all of it.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Ladies, the thing I keep having to remind myself when I have a day of less than stellar food choices is that you actually have to eat 3500 calories OVER your MAINTENANCE calories, not your daily calories with weight loss included that MFP assigns you - but 3500 over your maintenance (which is usually around 700-1000 over your MFP number), so unless you have eaten 4500 extra calories, it is likely that any "weekend gain" is more likely to be water weight from extra sodium or carbs! When I remember that, and that if I don't drink enough water for me (everyone's number is different), then my weight can easily go up and down 5 pounds or more in one single day! I had a doctor tell me that your urine should be between the color of lemonade and clear. If it isn't, you aren't getting enough water. So, my challenge to you, if you aren't already taking life's lemons and making your own "lemonade" *WINK*, drink one more glass of water today...what can it hurt?

    For those of us using the scale as measurement - despite the fact that we don't want to celebrate those fat rolls (and believe me, I have enough of them for 3 people!), are you taking pictures? Are you taking measurements? Those things, plus the calories, plus the exercise, plus the numbers on the scale - they are all just data. Why do we let them be an emotional sucker punch? Because I know I do. I am working to distance myself from the emotional up and downs. If today, I feel pretty good, I get in some good steps and water, then today is a success, right? There is more than one way to measure success.... Anything you do today that you didn't do yesterday is a success. I find guilt to be one of the absolute worst things for me on my journey. If I make less than stellar decision, I just have to own that choice, accept the consequence, and refuse to carry that guilt around with me. Why weigh myself down further?

    Will one choice undo everything I have worked for? Heck, no. Will one (or ten, for that matter) smores mean I don't deserve to smile today? I have to make absurd comparisons sometimes to let me know how silly or obsessive I am being about something that isn't as important as I'm making it out to be. If in one day, I make more decent choices that poorer ones, I'm winning. How about you - will you win with me today? Even if you have to choose the lesser of two evils?

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I absolutely love this! LIAMO!! My new version of LMAO! I am so stealing that. Thanks, @NorahCait!
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I've started telling myself LIAMO whenever I make a choice that I feel isn't in line with my goals -- log it and move on!

    It does feel like a big step to be honest about all of it.

    Love it! I struggled with that this weekend. I was going back and forth whether to log all the crap I put in my mouth or just chalk it up to a free day, and finally the going back and forth was driving me nuts, once I decided to just log it, I felt so much better. Even seeing it all added up, it still didn't bug me that much although it was higher than what I had added in my head, I just felt like I could really move on and the going back and forth was over.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Ladies, the thing I keep having to remind myself when I have a day of less than stellar food choices is that you actually have to eat 3500 calories OVER your MAINTENANCE calories, not your daily calories with weight loss included that MFP assigns you - but 3500 over your maintenance (which is usually around 700-1000 over your MFP number), so unless you have eaten 4500 extra calories, it is likely that any "weekend gain" is more likely to be water weight from extra sodium or carbs! When I remember that, and that if I don't drink enough water for me (everyone's number is different), then my weight can easily go up and down 5 pounds or more in one single day! I had a doctor tell me that your urine should be between the color of lemonade and clear. If it isn't, you aren't getting enough water. So, my challenge to you, if you aren't already taking life's lemons and making your own "lemonade" *WINK*, drink one more glass of water today...what can it hurt?

    For those of us using the scale as measurement - despite the fact that we don't want to celebrate those fat rolls (and believe me, I have enough of them for 3 people!), are you taking pictures? Are you taking measurements? Those things, plus the calories, plus the exercise, plus the numbers on the scale - they are all just data. Why do we let them be an emotional sucker punch? Because I know I do. I am working to distance myself from the emotional up and downs. If today, I feel pretty good, I get in some good steps and water, then today is a success, right? There is more than one way to measure success.... Anything you do today that you didn't do yesterday is a success. I find guilt to be one of the absolute worst things for me on my journey. If I make less than stellar decision, I just have to own that choice, accept the consequence, and refuse to carry that guilt around with me. Why weigh myself down further?

    Will one choice undo everything I have worked for? Heck, no. Will one (or ten, for that matter) smores mean I don't deserve to smile today? I have to make absurd comparisons sometimes to let me know how silly or obsessive I am being about something that isn't as important as I'm making it out to be. If in one day, I make more decent choices that poorer ones, I'm winning. How about you - will you win with me today? Even if you have to choose the lesser of two evils?


    GO TEAM!! That was one of the best half-time locker room pep talks ever!! I really felt like my head is in the game now. Thanks coach!! *pats butts all around* :drinker:
  • julieworley376
    julieworley376 Posts: 444 Member
    I think tracking it all is a really good thing to do unless you can't! LOL. At the Graduation Party I ate way too much of two different cakes.. I couldn't log that if I tried because there were no set portions and one was home made. Call me picky but to track I have to have it exact. When that kind of thing happens I just have to write it off and carry on. I think the difference now is that when I have to do something like that I AM getting back on that horse and eating healthy again.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I am horrible about guesstimating. I try to over-guesstimate, but it does drive me nuts not knowing for sure. I need to be a little better about that. Especially lately.
  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    I am better if I have "good" choices around me, but I can not pre-plan anything. It's like I am being told what to do, even though it was me telling me what to do! It's also a case of if I pre-plan and then whatever it is that I planned doesn't fit my mood, I am likely to start grabbing little things here and there to compensate for what I really felt like having. Not sure if that all makes as much sense written out as it does in my head! lol

    I will admit too that I don't always log my "bad" days. The reason for this is because I don't want to remember what I ate, especially if I know I ate "bad" and the scale still goes down. My head will then think that I can eat that bad more often and still lose weight. It is such a mental game to me some times.

    Karen, I am so sick of this weather. I might be able to open the pool by August the way we are going! When I took the kids to school this morning it was 42! Grrrrrr.

    Heather, I was thinking the same thing about KnitorMiss and her pep talk! Go Team is right!

    Knit, great advice on the pictures and measurements. I haven't done either in a while and maybe it is time that I should again.

    It's so nice to know that I am not alone. Thank you all for allowing me to be part of this wonderful group.

    Hugs!! :flowerforyou: