Protein Options

ErinCoury Posts: 32 Member
Hi Everyone! I was sleeved on 4/14 and I'm starting a new job next Monday. It has been a while since I packed a lunch so I'm hoping everyone can give me ideas of what they pack for their lunches? I already have greek yogurt on my list and cottage cheese!


  • ATXHeather
    ATXHeather Posts: 218 Member
    Maybe some pre-made protein drinks, like Premier Protein. Do you like protein bars? Turkey and cheese? Turkey pepperoni?
  • sue100194
    sue100194 Posts: 129
    A packet of tuna. Laughing cow cheese wedge. multigrain crackers.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    Are there any guidelines from your surgeon or his team? I would stick as closely to that as possible. I know with my surgeon, at about 6 weeks out like you are, carbs were a no-no. I have brought my lunch to work just about every day. In the beginning I would bring cottage cheese too, and sometimes I would add hummus for flavor. You can also try egg salad, and I have made chili with turkey too. Sometimes I would roll up slices of turkey with half a wedge of laughing cow cheese and roasted red pepper. I would make chicken salad and substitute greek yogurt for mayo and it was really yummy. I just made sure I seasoned my food well so that it didn't' get too bland or boring.
  • murphyraven
    murphyraven Posts: 163 Member
    soft or hard boiled eggs
    Lunchmeat rolled up with a bit of cream cheese and a small slice of pickle or celery
    hummus and sliced thin veggies to dip
    peanut butter w/veggies or crackers
  • vsg_joanna
    vsg_joanna Posts: 27 Member
    Tuna with light mayo- I added onion and celery too... I know raw veggies are hit and miss at this point, but it's worth a try if allowed on your plan!
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    at 6 weeks out i was still on softs

    dairylea dunkers
    scrambled eggs
    tuna mixed with low fat mayo
  • ErinCoury
    ErinCoury Posts: 32 Member
    Are there any guidelines from your surgeon or his team? I would stick as closely to that as possible. I know with my surgeon, at about 6 weeks out like you are, carbs were a no-no. I have brought my lunch to work just about every day. In the beginning I would bring cottage cheese too, and sometimes I would add hummus for flavor. You can also try egg salad, and I have made chili with turkey too. Sometimes I would roll up slices of turkey with half a wedge of laughing cow cheese and roasted red pepper. I would make chicken salad and substitute greek yogurt for mayo and it was really yummy. I just made sure I seasoned my food well so that it didn't' get too bland or boring.

    Noppers. I just went on regular foods. They said I could do a lot of stuff, but most Sleeves tend to stay away from bread rice and other items which is fine by me, but i can have crackers!
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I love soup and make my own to increase protein (put in lots of extra meat) and keep calories and sodium way down. I make simple things like chicken vegtable using chopped chicken, fat free chicken broth, spices to taste and a bag of frozen vegtables. I love the receipe builder on here to figure out calories, protein, etc. Other things on here are also staples, canned chicken mixed with plain Greek yogurt and spices for a low fat/high protein chicken salad, tuna, scrambled eggs, etc. I also use a lot of leftovers from dinner the previous night. Since our protions are so small, I always have something left for lunch.
  • csmccord
    csmccord Posts: 272 Member
    Moisture is the name of the game right now. Anything that is moist. Maybe tuna or chicken salad using greek yogurt and a bit of mayo. Eggs, beans, soups with most of the extra liquid drained off are all good options.

    My biggest suggestion is to only try one new food a time though. Sometimes post surgery our GI system doesn't react well to some foods. For example my wife became lactose intolerant, and I simply can't eat shrimp without feeling like I'm dying! If you only eat one new food at a time, then you'll know what caused the issue. If you eat two new ones at at time, then you have to try them again! This mostly affects those with RNY, however I would think VSGers need to be careful with this too.

    I would stay away from raw veggies for a while, and slowly introduce them back in. If you do decide to add them in now, make sure you chew very well. My doctor wanted everything chewed to peanut butter consistency.