Wednesday check ins!!

FitCoachShawn Posts: 230 Member
Lets see how many people out of 70 take the time to check in? Even if you didn't have a good day you should still check in. It's about holding yourself accountable. Good habits lead to good out comes!


  • mhill40
    mhill40 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm hanging in there I've lost 6 pounds and I will try my best to keep it going to reach my goal and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Whew it's work! But rewarding at the same time. Have a great day!
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    all of my days are crappy lately
  • jesskawelmacher
    jesskawelmacher Posts: 24 Member
    Yesterday was a good day in my book! My legs are killing me from "leg day" at the gym, but I feel good, I feel energized and ready to take on today! I am planning on spending 2 hours at the gym tonight, doing Zumba and a yoga class, so I am excited about that. I recently found some new recipes to try, so I am going to give them a whirl.

    I recently weighed myself and became discouraged because I didn't see the results that I was hoping for, so I hid my scale. I don't want to be tempted to weigh myself every time that I saw the dang thing, so I hid it in a place where it's a huge pain in the butt to get to, so I am hoping that I can go for a while without weighing myself and see the change in my body and not just on the scale.
  • lorim621
    lorim621 Posts: 16 Member
    4 days in a row at the gym or running. Feeling good about it. I need to really pay attention to the dieting.,,,no workout can make up for a bad diet!!!
  • ddrmaster07
    ddrmaster07 Posts: 41 Member
    I did not go to the gym in the morning yesterday. I had to suck it up and go after work. I was worried that I was hate working out this morning. I felt like a beast after the gym this morning. I keep telling myself its gonna take 4 consistant weeks for me to notice a diff. I did have a big lunch today....I think the dressing was more then the salad I ate.
  • FitCoachShawn
    FitCoachShawn Posts: 230 Member
    Great job mhill40! Every day is another day you can get closer to your goal. As long as you keep moving and trying, you will get there! anything you ever really wanted you have to work for. Your health is no different. Congrats on your 6 lbs lost. :)
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Did ok on food again. Over by 200 calories, but I have my weight loss goal as 1.5lbs/week so 200 cals/day over would have me at a 1lb/week deficit (not gaining).

    Exercise, did my 10 minute trainer in the morning. Joined beachbody website because I lost my workout program and I want to know the order of these things! Tomorrow another 10 minute working and C25k (seriously, that's the hard part to get done!)

    Water - did not drink enough water. This is an ongoing struggle for me, however I am trying and getting better!

  • Healthyj83
    Healthyj83 Posts: 7 Member
    hi everyone! today i've been good so far, hoping i don't over-do it and eat too much at night :) have a great rest of the week!
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    Hard day for me today, I worked last night then back this morning... ugh! I did eat well during the day but came home starving and we went out for mexican. I was a little over but I didn't overeat. I feel good... got some yoga in tonight before bed. I'm off for the next 4 days... planning on hitting the pavement tomorrow to continue my zombie 5k journey. Hopefully ready to weigh in on Friday!
  • FitCoachShawn
    FitCoachShawn Posts: 230 Member
    Learn from those days and apply better decisions in the days to come. Learn from your mistakes to make a better you. More than anything else..... DONT GIVE UP!
  • LockStockNSam
    LockStockNSam Posts: 30 Member
    Heya! Dropped into my boxing club a little early to do some core work, then attended half a high-intensity spin class. Had to cut out early because I was meeting a friend, but I got my hour in. I was drenched by the time I left. Hooha!