Just Diagnosed, confused

Bellavita2888 Posts: 36 Member
Hello: My regular Doc manually checked my thyroid and said it was ok, then she retired. A week later, my new Doc (young pup) put me on meds due to blood work(hypothyroid). I was taking meds for 2 weeks then I noticed my thyroid was swollen and visible in mirror, when it had never been visible before. Does Synthroid make your thyroid bigger . I am away on holiday so cannot see my Doc.. I am thinking of going off meds.


  • Genevieve23120
    Genevieve23120 Posts: 11 Member
    In general it is never safe to self-medicate whether that means taking medications or stopping medications. I am not a doctor so my only advice is to call a nurse line or your doctor's office and ask if stopping the medication is safe. I have Hashimoto's which causes my thyroid hormone needs to change every now and then. This means that I have to have blood work done on a regular basis to ensure that i am taking the appropriate amount of medication. Also be aware that major changes in diet can affect your hormone production, for example, you are on holiday and snacking much more than usual (just an example). But once you are back and can see your doctor tell him/her what you see and ask for an exam (usually the doctor will feel your thyroid or order an ultra sound).
    I hope this helps.
  • sandraroberts18
    It is one of the reasons that it is one of the most misdiagnosed illnesses in the world One moment your level can be fine the next it can skyrocket or drop. I was misdiagnosed for more then 20 years It wasn't until I was hospitalized for a heart attack that they discovered my levels were out of wack.
    Self medicating is really dangerous to much you can have a "Graves storm"and they can be deadly or your level scan drop your heart could slow down you could black out. DO NOT STOP YOUR MEDS!!! You are getting Goiters and the meds have nothing to do with it your body can only absorb what it needs. Your Thyroid is enlarging to produce more hormones it is part of "Graves Disease"
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    This is an older post and i hope by now you've followed up with your doctor.

    thyroid medicine does NOT cause your thyroid to enlarge! i hope you did NOT stop taking your meds. they were given to you to HELP you because you NEED them! your thyroid is out of balance... it controls a LOT of things - your entire body. I've posted a link below to help you begin your research. Never mess around with the thyroid. If it's enlarged, that means there is something wrong in addition to you needing the meds and you need further attention.

  • smhcampbell23
    An out of whack thyroid causes your thyroid to enlarge... or goiters/tumors... I would continue to take my meds and call the doctor as soon as you get home to have it checked! I have been on Thyroid medicine for hypo for 3 years it definitely does not cause and enlargement!
  • Bellavita2888
    Bellavita2888 Posts: 36 Member
    Thank you for your replies. You know what? i did go off my meds without consulting my Doc. I know, stupid. And believe it or not I'm not a stupid person. It's just that recently, I had to stand by and watch my 2 kids be pumped full of meds, for different reasons. I feel that the body should have a chance to repair itself. Even as I writing this I know it doesn't make sense. :ohwell:

    However, your replies have motivated me to make a Dr appointment this week and get a second opinion. Thank you.