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Introduce Your Little Ones



  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    Hudson he is 22 months old bentlee a girl still baking due in 7 wks ... My son is aeroplane mad just like his dad.. He's a such a little monkey:)
  • 88meli88
    88meli88 Posts: 238 Member
    Hiya, I have a four year old son and a 2 week old son. It is all very exciting second time around and really enjoyable. So I am hopeful that as soon as I am given the all clear after my section, I will find the time to work out. I am really determined not to let my weight/shape stay this way for 3 years like I did after my first. I am BFing on demand and trying to be mindful of my eating but I get very hungry. I am going to wait a bit until milk supply is fully established to change anything in my eating though. I am looking for new MFP friends with LO's for motivation so feel free to add me.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    @Lisa_Rhodes: Sorry that your pregnancy and delivery held so many complications. Even though pregnancy (except for the rare few whole get off symptom free) is not very much fun, it is so worth it. Glad you are enjoying your baby and welcome!

    @clowmow: Your children are beautiful! I am so glad Dexter is doing okay now. All of that sounds so scary!

    @Kristina: you have to use an image hosting site, like photobucket.com

    @MadelineGrace: My daughter is 8, I am 26. I was also 18 when I got married. However, I didn't stay that way. I was divorced by 19 and am married again now. Love your kids names and your life sounds fun :)

    @Sentrita: that is a really good thought to keep in mind. Perhaps I will weigh myself after first feeding each day. Sounds like you have a very healthy goal and I am confident you will get there :)

    @winklkr: your little boy is adorable and right at my favorite age. Aren't they so much fun when they start walking and talking? .... (but not mouthing off yet, lol)

    @lina: isn't it amazing how at such a young age, they can already be so much like their parents. I have to take a step back at times and realize, a large portion of the things my daughter does that drive me crazy - she gets from me.

    @meli: so nice to meet you and glad you are here! I hope you get your clear to exercise at 6 weeks and am glad you are doing well after your Csection.
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    I have two little girls who are the best of friends! Gwyneth will be 7 in August and Maggie just turned 3! I'm due with my third child the end of September and we won't know if it will be a brother or sister until then! ;) I had been thinking it was a boy, but now I'm starting to really feel girl. Guess it will be a good surprise! lol

    I home school Gwyneth and will be starting preK with Maggie in the fall. The girls are crazy about My Little Pony! (just like I was when I was little...I admit I encourage them! lol) They certainly keep me busy, though I love that they also entertain themselves really well!
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    @Dandelyon: Sounds like you have a full plate all the way around! I have to say though, I really would love hear about how your autistic little one is doing being homeschooled. I often wonder if this might be the best route for my autistic nephew.

    Well, it's definitely the *better* choice for us at this time, though we have a hard time fitting in social activities. Academically, it's wonderful because he can work at his own pace and like most kids, that pace varies from lightspeed to mind numbingly slow. He needs a lot of breaks and opportunities to run around, something even a great teacher would have difficulty accommodating.
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 323 Member
    I have two daughters.. my first MaKayla, she is 14 years old.. and my 2nd is Willow who is almost 9 weeks old...
  • austepants
    austepants Posts: 356 Member
    Hello my name is Megan. I am a single Mommy of 3 number 4 arriving January 2015. Kadin (7), Caleb (5) and Calie (15months) I am currently in the middle of a divorce and this pregnancy was very much a surprise for me and my soon to be ex! I'm hoping to keep my weight gain to a reasonable amount and continue exercising as long as I can. I lost 17.3 pounds before I found out I was pregnant. This site has always been helpful to me. :)
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Oh wow Megan! That sounds very challenging. 3 kids is hard enough, being a single mom is really hard and being pregnant is tough - now mix em all together and what have you got? Ahh! What a challenge! How are you holding up?
  • PhoenixRising7
    PhoenixRising7 Posts: 194 Member
    My name is Sara, and I have one daughter, Olivia who is 6 years old. She just recently finished K-5. I always loved the name Olivia and chose it long before it became so popular.

    We are expecting another girl at the end of August. I, too, feel a bit like we are starting over, and I never intended to wait this long, but there's not much I can do about that now! :)

    My daughter is very excited about having a sister. Olivia is home schooled, and she enjoys it very much. I am a former middle/high school teacher, so it's nice to be teaching again (even if it's not in a traditional classroom). I am not sure how long we will continue with homeschooling, but for now it works for us.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I'm Tracy and I live in Las Vegas. I have a 15 month old son, Brock (born 2/12/13) who was recently joined by his one month old sister, Emma (born 4/25/14). Brock is quite the rambunctious little toddler and is taking his time with talking. Emma was born five weeks premature and in fact my due date with her is this coming Saturday. For a preemie she's doing great, she was five pounds at birth and is now well over six pounds. Totally different babies as far as newborns go! Everyone has adorable kiddos on this thread :-)
  • tinybry
    tinybry Posts: 71 Member
    Hi everyone :) nice to meet so many other mums :)

    I have a 3 1/2 year old daughter, Rosalyn (Ros) and a 5 1/2 month old son, Leonard (Lenny). We live in the UK (South West England)
  • qhiggins86
    qhiggins86 Posts: 113 Member
    Hi, I'm Quana and I'm excited to finally post on this thread! I'm a first time mom and had my baby girl on her due date (May 28th). She was a healthy 7 lbs 5 oz and 20.75 inches long. She's now 10 days old and it has been quite the journey so far. She became jaundiced on her second day home from the hospital after testing clear of it. It's made breastfeeding very very difficult because of how sleepy it's made her. I can't say I haven't had my frustrations and self-doubt, but just seeing her plump up and progress is worth it. I'm trying my best to soak in the beauty that is the newborn stage.

    I tip my hat to those of you that already have children along with a new bundle of joy. I can barely function with this little one! :flowerforyou:
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Congratulations Quana! And, welcome to motherhood!
    Being a parent is such a mixed hat. You will have days you don't sleep at all and days you feel you need a vacation (don't be afraid of taking that break when you need it.) Then, you will have days where you swell with pride and can't get enough of how amazing your children are, not knowing what you would ever do without them!
    Parenthood is difficult - but SO worth it!

    Your baby is beautiful!
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    I have a seven year old daughter, Miriana, or usually just Miri, and a five month old son, Gabriel. I had a lot of troubling conceiving my daughter and didn't plan on having another one because it was very stressful. But I changed my mind right after she turned five. It took a year and a half to conceive my son so we have a big gap too.
    I am always amazed how different they are. Miri was an awesome sleeper and had a very "even" personality. Gabe, well, not so much with the sleeping, and he is either screaming his head off (he has reflux and colic) or smiling. He smiles so much; I have no idea how he can be so happy with reflux and colic.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    My son, Jericho, was born on 6/13. He was 8lbs even and 21.5 inches long.
    He is currently over 9lbs and is 11 days old, he's gaining like crazy.
    I would post a pic here, but I have a few in my profile. I will just leave it at that.
    No longer a pregnant mommy and happy to be part of the post partum pack :)
  • feliciaclark7
    feliciaclark7 Posts: 11 Member
    I have two children. Both were born by c-section. Kaylie is my oldest. She is 2.5. She is a ball of energy and keeps me on my toes. She is so smart and sweet. We are currently working on potty training.

    My youngest was born on May 13th, 2014. He weighed 8 pounds 1 ounce at birth and is currently at 10.5 pounds. He is exclusively breastfed. His name is Jake.

    Kaylie loves her little brother so much. She is a wonderful big sister.

  • kate4vt
    kate4vt Posts: 20
    Hi y'all! I'm Katie, 29, from Virginia and a new mom to Cole, born March 15.

    I've always struggled with my weight but was down to my lowest weight in about 4 years when I became pregnant last summer. I had "morning sickness" until my third trimester, so I was able to keep my weight gain down, and gained a total of 28 lbs overall. I gave birth to Cole, 10 days late, after 3 days on pitocin, via c-section. He weighed 8 lbs 12 oz.

    I returned to work as an attorney 7 weeks postpartum. By then, I had lost all but 5lbs. Then, 2 months later, I stepped on the scale and realized I had gained over 10 lbs! Great. I had reached my highest not pregnant weight ever. I had to do something. My cousin talked me into doing the Advocare Cleanse plus clean eating. That was 10 days. In 10 days, I lost 10 lbs and 2 inches off my waist. Yay!

    Anyway, I'm hoping to keep up with the weight loss. My short term goal is 20 lbs by the end of the year.

    Cole is pretty much incredible. (Don't all moms say that?!) Initially after his birth, I felt like a failure as a mom. After trying so hard, I was unable to have the unmedicated vaginal birth I so desperately wanted. On top of that, my milk never came in, and I was forced to formula feed (I wanted to breastfeed SO bad). I'm trying to overcome these daily bouts of self-doubt and become a good mom. Working such a demanding job doesn't make that easy.

    I'd love to meet friends that I can lose this PP weight with!
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member

    Hi, I'm Michelle, mom to the horde. :P When I met my husband he was a single dad of a 2yo son (Aoghdan) and 3yo daughter (Aryanna). Shortly after that, I became their mom. :) They were cute little toddlers, and now they are awesome teens. We also have six more: Seamus (12), Hamish (10), Sinead (9), Aisling (7), Diarmuid (5), and Roisin (6 months).

    I'm a SAHM, and we homeschool, and I love it. We were going to be done having kids after Diarmuid, but then we changed our minds to have just one more. Roisin was born on Christmas Eve - she was a great present! I had a great pregancy, easy birth, and was lucky enough to lose all the baby weight in the first week. Roisin has had no problems with nursing, and slept great from day one. (We cosleep, so my babies don't even wake up to eat, just sleep right next to the breast and latch on whenever they want.)

    So, yeah. Don't mean to sound braggy or anything, but I have struggled with depression my entire life, so I'm just ecstatic that right now I am capable of enjoying how good my life is. :)
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    8 kids, wow! Fun! I really wanted a lot of kids. I am one of 17 in my family (#7 actually, so in the middle) and I loved having so many brothers and sisters. When I was younger I thought I wanted 8. Then, I had my daughter and was like 'nope, I am done' lol (bad pregnancy and birth experience.) 8 years later, I just had my son and am now thinking again I might be done, I don't know though.

    There are so many wonderful experiences to be had and things to love about a large family. I am so glad you are enjoying your life and are happy in it. I am happy for you :)
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    I can introduce my little one now! Our sweet Vanessa was born nearly two weeks ago on June 17th. I had an amazingly smooth pregnancy and delivery (which surprised me because pregnancies and deliveries in my family are not so smooth).

    I gained a grand total of 50 lbs with my pregnancy and have lost half of it as of now. I am currently off of work and am a SAHM with no plans to return unless we should need me to money-wise.