A bit stuck at a plateau and I still weigh 160!

Andromache85 Posts: 11 Member
Hi everyone

I'm stuck. Let me describe my lifestyle: I've been eating Paleo/Primal for a year. I had 10+ pounds come off then. On average I ate 1600-1800 calories a day. This February I did keto for two weeks..I didn't quite have the willpower to do more (it was still freezing cold out, and I just wanted squash and soup).

I did keto again for 5 weeks starting in April, with a goal of 1500-1600 calories, and less than 20g of carbs. I lost a total of about 5 pounds, coming off fairly quickly near the beginning. My belt got a notch tighter.

Now I'm at 1500 calories a day, with 40g of net carbs, still paleo/primal, and I've been cycling an hour a day for the past month. I went up to 40g because I was feeling very lethargic after ketoing so long, and I really needed some fruit in my diet. My diet has basically stayed the same, with the odd fruit thrown in, so most days I'm still around 30g.

My weight isn't budging! I shouldn't be at my optimal weight yet, right? I mean, I still weigh near 160 lbs and am 5'3" tall. For an idea of my shape, I wear size 8-10 pants, small or medium shirt, 34D or DD bra.

Is there something I'm missing? I was thinking about starting to do running, but my neighbourhood is extremely shady, so I'd rather stay indoors...Also all that cardio may not be optimum for weight loss. I bike about 100 km to 120 km (60-75 miles) a week. I've also started doing some planks and push ups in the evening. All in all with the biking I do an hour of exercise every day during the week, and a few hours of intense biking on the weekend.

Thanks for your advice! Stats: Female, 28, 5'3", SW 175 lbs, CW 157 lbs, GW 135 lbs

PS I posted this on r/loseit and r/xxketo on reddit, but neither forum had any positive tips for me.


  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    Quick answer from me, but I had plateaued at 160 for over a year. I did a Whole30 and lost 10lbs in one month.

  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    You are nearing your healthy weight so weight loss is going to get VERY slow. Find a sustainable lifestyle and persevere regardless of the scale. Focusing on optimizing your health helps with that. I'm dreaming of breaking into the 150s, but regardless of that, I also LOVE where I am now.

    Whole30 is a fail for me (I developed mental issues of "eat all the things" after my second one) as I do better with ongoing daily consistency. However, some people like it and it may be worth a try.
  • Andromache85
    Andromache85 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks! I did whole 30 a few times.
    Maybe it's time to give it another go...all I would be cutting out is dairy and alcohol, since everything else is pretty clean.
  • Andromache85
    Andromache85 Posts: 11 Member
    I wish 160 wasn't really near my 'healthy' range, but you might be right.
    Trying to lose 23 lbs seems harder than it should be!

    I might try ramping up the exercise and try a P90x sort of regiment, or break out the rowing.
  • Jenny_Rose77
    Jenny_Rose77 Posts: 418 Member
    Well, you look cute in your photo, and that's what counts! Ha!

    I'm 5'9 and always had a goal weight of 135, but never got lower than 142 (and I felt like I was starving myself to be there)--150 was my happy weight. That was before getting pregnant. Now my goal is 150, and I'll re-evaluate when I get there. Anyway, I feel like I can relate to you in that 135 being so close, yet so far away!

    Prior to staring Paleo/Primal, I could not lose the baby weight! But pretty much as soon as I cut out grains (with the other no-nos to follow later), I started losing the excess pounds. I've been having the most success eating basically Whole 30 (but I do continue to eat butter, bacon (with sugar added because I can't find it locally without), and cream. I eat a bunch of fruit and the starchy veggies that we are warned to limit. My only suggestion to you, is maybe try eating more fruits/veggies, etc, and see how your body responds to that.

    Edited to add: I was also just thinking maybe you actually need more calories??? I usually eat 2000 a day, and I don't work out very much at all, although I do walk just about everywhere.
  • Andromache85
    Andromache85 Posts: 11 Member

    I've been getting some flak on the keto reddit about eating 40 g of net carbs, but I'm not sure it's all that bad.
    Since I'm 5'3", I still think 135 is do-able. I'm still eating a 38% calorie reduction which is a lot. Maybe I should eat more avocado.

    Thanks for your comments!
  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    I can not lose weight in keto (and for someone as active as you less than 70g per day could still have you in ketosis). I need to carb cycle. I eat 75-100 grams on my light days and up to 175 grams on any heavy workout days. Your body may need starches too. Things like green plantains, tapioca or even rice (I know, not strict paleo.)

    Another thing is you may need less cardio and more strength training. Switch 2-3 or your week day cycling to strength and HIIT with body weight resistance or weights and see if that helps.
  • Andromache85
    Andromache85 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks very much!
    I'm looking into weight and HITT gyms right now :)
    I'll still bike every day, that's how I get to work, but it's not quite as an effort as it used to be.
  • caloriesrule
    caloriesrule Posts: 11 Member
    You may want to read about the Perfect Health Diet. It incorporates a bit more carbs. From what I've read you are probably eating too little and not enough carbs. Also, all that exercise without adequate recovery(calories and rest) may lead to increased cortisol levels which would make it more difficult to lose weight.

    I personally eat 1800 calories a day and at 140lbs can lose weight. You may want to think about eating a bit more and looking at your sleep. Also, look into Stefani Ruperts (i may not have her name right) blog. She has a lot of opinions regarding women and low carb eating.

    Good luck!!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member

    I've been getting some flak on the keto reddit about eating 40 g of net carbs, but I'm not sure it's all that bad.
    Since I'm 5'3", I still think 135 is do-able. I'm still eating a 38% calorie reduction which is a lot. Maybe I should eat more avocado.

    Thanks for your comments!

    38% with only about 25lb to lose?! That's half your problem right there, I bet. Eat more, girl! You should be aiming for between .5 and 1 lb per week of loss.

    Also -- http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2011/07/21/meet-staci-your-new-powerlifting-super-hero/
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member

    I've been getting some flak on the keto reddit about eating 40 g of net carbs, but I'm not sure it's all that bad.
    Since I'm 5'3", I still think 135 is do-able. I'm still eating a 38% calorie reduction which is a lot. Maybe I should eat more avocado.

    Thanks for your comments!

    38% with only about 25lb to lose?! That's half your problem right there, I bet. Eat more, girl! You should be aiming for between .5 and 1 lb per week of loss.

    Also -- http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2011/07/21/meet-staci-your-new-powerlifting-super-hero/

    Yup. It's not all just calories in and calories out. I'm living proof. Under-eat and one plateaus. When I say plateau I mean MONTHS not weeks. I think I'll probably be in the 160s forever and I'm ok with it because I feel and look pretty awesome. Now that I'm not obsessed by the scale it's much easier to accept the wonderful reality of what I see in the mirror.

    I'm in the mid 160s and my current deficit should give me a pound loss per week. Guess what? I am not losing anywhere near a pound per week; in fact, except for re-losing a bit of gains earlier this month, I appear to be losing nada. At 160 even a half pound average per week is aggressive weight loss. It's not a race; there is no finish line!

    Why not enjoy your 160, keep eating healthy food and let your body decide where it's healthy to end up?
  • sugarnspice0613
    sugarnspice0613 Posts: 109 Member
    The ladies that have answered have given wonderful advice. My first thought was also for you to eat more. How about eating at your TDEE - 20%? Less cardio, more strength training and I get much bigger results in less time (in size, not weight. But if the clothing sizes are getting smaller who cares what the scale says?) When I plateau I will add carbs back in for a few days. I do gain a little bit with that, but I drop it again very quickly + extra pounds.