Martial arts and MFP newbie

furyohfury Posts: 6 Member
Hey everyone, would love to make some new martial arts friends via this site to stay motivated. I have a lot of weight to lose (100lbs) but in love with martial arts since I started taekwondo three months ago. I train for two hours, 4 times a week and the weight is coming off, but some extra motivation would be amazing too! In my gym we also learn bits of ju jitsu, mma and sambo (russian wrestling/martial art). It's weird being so overweight when all my class mates are so fit, but they are so helpful and friendly, and I'm realising that carrying twice my body weight for so many years has made me really strong! New people in class always underestimate me, but not for long :) I love sparring and hoping to drop enough weight to compete in my first competition at the end of the summer, the biggest thing holding me back is my weight, I move so slow compared to everyone else, but determined to do this!!


  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    Congrats on starting your journey man! I have several friends who have lost significant amounts of weight getting into martial arts, especially the grappling arts (just through the amount of sparring).

    Have fun, tap early for a while to save your body in the long run. Let us know how it goes.
  • furyohfury
    furyohfury Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the advice! I wrecked my wrist a bit tonight when someone did a wrist lock and threw me down, using my own body weight against me, the trouble is my weight is too much! I get such a buzz off training though, I wish they had classes everynight
  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    Is it Japanese Ju Jitsu? Very weird to hear of a white belt being thrown with a wrist lock outside of Aikido or Hapkido, and even then doing a throw from there takes a lot of compliance to do safely. Those can go very wrong very fast and need people on both side who know what they are doing, especially if you are doing resistant sparring.
  • default
    default Posts: 124 Member
    Thrown by a wrist lock? I sense over compliant training.....
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    We all had to start somewhere. Kudos to you beginning the "journey."

  • dgleonard
    dgleonard Posts: 3
    Good for you, keep on going!
  • furyohfury
    furyohfury Posts: 6 Member
    re: the throw, it was during the self defense training we do for 15-20 mins everyday. I really hate anything that involves falling or being thrown so I tense up a lot, which I think led to the injury most of all. I told my coach I'm not happy with it until I lose some weight and he's eased back a bit on it thank god! But sambo is a russian form of martial art with a lot of throws from the start, my trainer there happily has let me start off from the ground though. sorry for not replying sooner!
  • Karbear27
    Karbear27 Posts: 3
    I've seen many folks come into martial arts overweight. Many have lost weight, but those who do not learn how to use their weight to their advantage and their endurance catches up. Good luck to you!

    BTW, I love your avatar picture.
  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    You'd better learn to be fine with falling in Sambo! Sambo pretty cool stuff, have taken some and used it in my Judo and BJJ games.