14 days down - 76 to go

newlife6745 Posts: 129 Member
It's been two weeks already. Wow how time passes. How is it going? Share your accomplishments and challenges.

I'm proud that I tracked even when traveling. I mostly stuck with Subway but I felt safer doing that.


  • quietcountrylife
    quietcountrylife Posts: 13 Member
    I've lost a couple pounds, and I think I've built a lot of muscle, because we've been doing a lot of landscape work. We've manually moved about 8 tons of gravel, 30+ railroad ties, and now we're working on about 8 tons of fill dirt and rock. :)
  • wimom35
    wimom35 Posts: 20 Member
    I've lost 6 lbs in the last 2 weeks, but was afraid to weigh myself this morning. The last 4 or 5 days were less than stellar. It included a trip to the buffet. O_o

    I still tracked what I ate, but wasn't really careful about WHAT or how much I ate. It's REALLY alarming to see just how many calories a person can pack in when they're not mindful of what they eat. So, I went over my calories a few times.

    I've been struggling with the urge to graze and haven't gotten as much exercise as I should. There is some drama going on in my extended family recently, and I think the stress is making me want to nosh. :(

    Yesterday, it would have been very easy to throw in the towel and pig out - never logging into MFP again. But, I'm still here, and recommitted to eating healthy again. We've got a stretch of nice weather coming up, so I'll be doing hours and hours of landscaping again. For me, it's one of the more enjoyable ways to burn calories. :)
  • LaurenBG2013
    So far so great!! I have lost about 5 pounds so far. I have been feeling extra motivated with the beautiful weather we have finally been having! I think the biggest motivation was the sized medium shirt I fit into yesterday. I could hardly believe my eyes, down a shirt size! I have days where my eating habits are less than perfect. Like last nights chicken wings and deep fried cheese things. But we all need our little indulgences right :) Still taking my weekly "before" pictures. Even if they scale doesn't make a drastic move, it shows you the little differences. And your clothes don't lie, they will tell you the truth! Keep on going, we can all do this!!!!
  • jolene_CO
    jolene_CO Posts: 48
    I've spent the past week sick. I'm finally feeling better and have gotten in a short run the past 2 days, which felt AMAZING. I'm looking forward to not feeling so poorly and getting back to my routines of push-ups, crunches, running, and walking.

    I've been on vacation all week and have enjoyed the extra sleep and no commitments.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    I am most proud that I have been exercising 5 days a week, which I am finding enjoyable. I feel like my diet could use some major adjusting though, and I plan to do that seriously starting next week.

    I adjusted my calories in hopes of losing 1.5 pounds a week, but my body isn't going for that. I have, however, loss 2 pounds since we started. My weight loss has definitely been slow but quite steady. I decided if I wasn't going to lose more weight with eating less calories, I mind as well eat more.
  • hamo1987
    hamo1987 Posts: 65 Member
    Been a good two weeks fell a couple times, gonna call getting back up a nsv..... lol
    Lost one pound, im sure the reason I lost so little is because of the falls, and then water retention from jumping back on strength training.
    Soooooo two weeks down, many to go, gonna make it, and thats what counts
    Glad all of you are here for the journey
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    I've lost a couple pounds, and I think I've built a lot of muscle, because we've been doing a lot of landscape work. We've manually moved about 8 tons of gravel, 30+ railroad ties, and now we're working on about 8 tons of fill dirt and rock. :)

    Okay, I was exhausted just by reading that.
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    I'm most proud of the fact that I didn't take a day off from exercising and that I've tracked for 11 days in a row. I have actually tracked more than that by logged in too late one night and it started me back over.
  • CoolDad67
    CoolDad67 Posts: 324 Member
    This is the longest (2+ weeks) that I've ever really been committed to loosing the pounds and more importantly inches.

    I'm really happy that I've dropped a few pounds already. Plus, all the extra exercise has really made me feel good.

    Although I'm not really trying to "diet" I have found that using MFP to track my eating has really helped me keep an eye on things. Just having to write it down when I eat too much is motivation to not do it again. :)

    I'm really looking forward to this 90 days to see how it turns out. We can all celebrate our successes and then commit to the next 90.
  • newlife6745
    newlife6745 Posts: 129 Member
    This is the longest (2+ weeks) that I've ever really been committed to loosing the pounds and more importantly inches.

    I'm really happy that I've dropped a few pounds already. Plus, all the extra exercise has really made me feel good.

    Although I'm not really trying to "diet" I have found that using MFP to track my eating has really helped me keep an eye on things. Just having to write it down when I eat too much is motivation to not do it again. :)

    I'm really looking forward to this 90 days to see how it turns out. We can all celebrate our successes and then commit to the next 90.

    Great job CoolDad. Hang in there - before you know it 4 weeks would have gone by. Think about then end result.
  • Northern_Girl12
    Northern_Girl12 Posts: 15 Member
    I am down 5.6 since the 14th. Still on track for the 30 pound goal I set for the 90 days. We will see what summer brings, but I've been doing well so far by allowing myself to have small portions of things that are "bad" and tracking it rather than saying no to everything.

    During the next 2 weeks I'm going to focus more on getting into an exercise routine.
  • IlluminatedMayhem
    I joined the site on 5/12. Since then I've lost 16 lbs. The most I ever lost before giving up was 20 but I'm going much further this time. Hubby has already noticed a difference or at least he says he has.

    The next 2 weeks, I plan to add exercise.
  • sdinst
    sdinst Posts: 4 Member
    I started My Fitness Pal 20 days ago. We have a big yard, so mowing has become my exercise several days a week. Excited about my results and this challenge. I had lost 12 lbs. prior to My Fitness Pal and now another 4 lbs. Will say that My Fitness Pal is much easier than the hit and miss approach I was using.
  • daisy7870
    daisy7870 Posts: 14 Member
    I have been staying on track with my workouts, and I have to say, I am noticing a difference! I am so excited to see where the next two and a half months lead to!