New Vegan!

Over the last while I have been reading more into vegetarianism and veganism, and have decided that I would like to try and live a vegan life as much as possible.

I have just purchased the 801010 book and a vegan cookbook to help along my way, but does anyone have any essential items for the shopping list that make things a bit easier?

I've got thngs like fruit; veg; nuts; tofu; tempeh; coconut oil; non-dairy milk and cheese; egg replacer (for baking) and the likes, but any other things that you can think of?


  • littlekitty3
    littlekitty3 Posts: 265 Member
    I mainly just stick to the produce section because I'm a lousy cook. I also buy beans and lentils in bulk. There's also an app called "Is it vegan?" So if you decide to an occasional splurge on something you can scan it to make sure it doesn't have any sneaky products.
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    Tortillas, sprouted bread.
    Dry rice, dry beans
    Lots of spices
    Hot sauce, salsa
    Chia seed, hemp seed
    Ground flax makes a great cheap egg replacer
    Vegan chocolate (dark chocolate usually is dairy free)

    I'd stay away from soy burgers, soy cheese, and other processed vegan convenience foods as much as possible.
    They're nice in a pinch but just because it isn't made from animals, doesn't mean it is healthy :)
  • JenD1066
    JenD1066 Posts: 298 Member
    You might want to try cacao powder. Add it to some almond milk and frozen bananas for a chocolate shake. Mix it with coconut oil and some agave nectar, and it makes a "magic shell" like chocolate topping for "ice cream" or frozen bananas.
  • ch_sch
    ch_sch Posts: 1
    I'll just try to describe what helps me and may be it'll be any use for u...)

    1. Avocado
    (for sweet and sower purposes.
    Sweet>>> with cacao powder and honey makes a great cream dessert.
    And sower for salads and sushi roles)

    2. Sprouts and greens
    (I buy lots of different sprouts and put them everywhere
    in sushi instead of rice, in smoothies and salads)

    3. Sushi Nori Seaweed Sheets
    (with salad, as a snack or making a raw sushi)

    4. Indian Black salt
    (it smells like a rotten eggs, but only till u mix it with salad
    and then its one of the best spices)

    5. Honey
    (or any other suitable sweeteners like a agave or date nectar
    helps to make many different desserts)
  • MozzaWehsha
    MozzaWehsha Posts: 10 Member
    Rice paper :D I make raw veggie rolls, they are filling and amazing!

    I am a newbie too by the way :))
  • unfurling_red
    unfurling_red Posts: 39 Member
    3 cheers to plant-based eating!

    I like to keep it simple, seasonal, and wallet-friendly:
    Other veggies (and wanna-be's like tomatoes and mushrooms)
    Fruits (frozen is fine, maybe even better if you're into smoothies)
    Beans and tofu (and minimally processed, preferably bean-based veggie burgers; watch for sodium in canned beans)
    Whole grains and potatoes
    Nut milk, nuts, and seeds
    Good-for-you sauces and salad dressings (little to no sugar, oil, or salt added).

    I'm always looking for like-minded folks, so please don't hesitate to add me.