Please Help Me, I'm Falling ...

KreeativeKat Posts: 27 Member
. . . off the wagon. I'm now into week three and I've been slipping back into my old habits. Miserable weather here in England (see my topic - 'does weather affect your mood' ) it's been raining almost solidly for a week and it's so cold I'm back into winter woollies and we've had to light the log burner. All I want to do is comfort eat carbs, lots of them. I'm having a really tough week and I could do with a bit of 'kick up the butt' tlc.


  • Jen11051981
    Jen11051981 Posts: 17
    I live in Washington and I definitely know what your feeling. If I have a day where I slip back, I just start again the next day. Don't be so hard on yourself! You got this!!!
  • CoolDad67
    CoolDad67 Posts: 324 Member
    Bad weather and being stuck inside definitely leads to temptation with "boredom" eating.

    I suggest finding some other activity to take you mind off of the availability of food for comfort.

    - Find a good book to read
    - Do some spring cleaning
    - Visit a friend.
    - Take up a new hobby.

    Most of all, be encouraged knowing that you aren't the only one who has these struggles.
  • newlife6745
    newlife6745 Posts: 129 Member
    Here's what a gentleman at my gym told me today "Your desire to be better has to outweigh your desire to stay the same". As simple as that sounds it made a huge impact on me today.

    Now here's his story - he is 6'9" 437 pounds - lost 107 over the past year. He said that a year ago he "rolled" into the gym (wheelchair) now he can run.

    Don't beat yourself up, don't throw in the towel. Try one step at a time. Make the next meal a healthier meal than the last one.

    You can do this!!!! (( ))
  • wimom35
    wimom35 Posts: 20 Member
    Just saw this post, and wanted to comment. I live in Wisconsin - land of long, frigid winters - and I definitely understand falling off the wagon. When the days get short and dreary, I want to eat like a bear preparing for hibernation and then snuggle up and sleep 'til spring. When the weather's nice, it is SO much easier to be motivated and active!

    When I had originally signed up on this site, I was "going it alone" - never joined any groups or added friends. Didn't take long before I fell into my old habits and stayed there. So, let this be a temporary lapse. A few rough days aren't a good reason to give up - I can vouch for that! :) I hope the weather has improved and you're ready to start again. We're here cheering you on! :)
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    I live in Washington and I definitely know what your feeling. If I have a day where I slip back, I just start again the next day. Don't be so hard on yourself! You got this!!!

    Yup. Oregonian here, and Seasonal Anxiety Disorder is a real thing. I take vitamin D 9 months out of the year to help keep my mood more stable and it helps.
  • Here's what a gentleman at my gym told me today "Your desire to be better has to outweigh your desire to stay the same". As simple as that sounds it made a huge impact on me today.

    Now here's his story - he is 6'9" 437 pounds - lost 107 over the past year. He said that a year ago he "rolled" into the gym (wheelchair) now he can run.

    Don't beat yourself up, don't throw in the towel. Try one step at a time. Make the next meal a healthier meal than the last one.

    You can do this!!!! (( ))
  • I love this....sometimes the simplest and easiest things are the answer!!
  • KreeativeKat
    KreeativeKat Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks to all who supported me last week. All the positive feedback, hints and tips have helped me to focus and get back on track. One bad week is not worth undoing all the hard work of the past month. And the sun is shining again - hooray!