Best ways to get more fat without too much protein?

toez79 Posts: 63 Member
I track my food during the week to make sure I'm doing keto right, but I'm coming out almost equal on fat and protein. I haven't lost anything since the initial water drop (I'm only 2 weeks in) but I think I am eating too much protein. What are some of your favorite meals that work best for LCHF? Usually we make meat and vegetables (both with added butter) for dinner and for lunch have a big salad with meat, cheese and homemade ranch dressing (Olive oil mayo and sour cream). We eat avocados a lot and I put coconut oil in my coffee. I am going to try making some fat bombs too. But I'm just not sure how to keep the protein down!
Thanks for your help!!


  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Your tracking is really sparse, so it is hard to judge. Your goal set to 96 g protein , which I do not think is that much. Of course it depends on LBM though.

    You seem to have a pattern to track 3-4 maybe 5 days, and totally off tracking 2-3 or even 4 days around the weekend . I think you probably overeat on those days both calorie and carb wise. Also those atkins chocolate protein bars and shakes have tons of fake sugar in them. Lots of people, including me, gets almost same reaction to those than real sugar.

    Not too metion 2 weeks keto is not much anyway, especially if you were eating high carb diet prior to it.
    My advice: try to be consistent with tracking for at least 21-3 weeks and cut out the fake sugar and see what happens.
  • toez79
    toez79 Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks, I think that's really good advice! I definitely get off track on the weekends as far as my diary goes. This weekend I had some wine, but otherwise I'm eating 99% of the same stuff as the week (thanks to bulk Costco trips ;)). I usually eat a better breakfast on weekends of bacon and eggs because I have more time.
    I did get rid of the last of the bars/shakes and I'm not going to buy those again. And I suppose in general I should probably just be patient with it all and not expect massive weight loss upfront. I mostly want to make sure I'm not wasting my time doing something wrong!

    And yeah, my husband and I probably ate thousands of grams of carbs before switching to keto, so I'm sure my body and metabolism are pretty confused.
  • xesixb
    xesixb Posts: 165 Member
    Coconut oil in the coffee? not sure abt that one. Why don't you just take every morning one tbsp of olive/coconut oil in an empty stomach and one tbsp before going to bed (that makes a total of 240 calories + what you use in your salads)? It will help with your bowel movements if you have any problems in that area.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    90-100 g of protein sounds like a lot. of protein unless you lift or work out. You need to get protein balance right, not eat too little or eat too much. Try to target 1g/Kg of LBM. I know lot of folks who ate ton of protein and got stuck with the weight and start losing after decreasing protein. You eat too much protein, the excess will be converted to fat any ways. I had no problem losing fat and gaining muscle while eating 80-100 g with a strenuous lifting program.
  • SnowFlinga
    SnowFlinga Posts: 124 Member
    I think the advice to track more accurately is right on target. Getting your macros right is definitely a learning process regarding portion control. You can still eat the meat and cheese, but reduce their quantities. If your calories are coming up short, make them up with healthy fats.
  • Deborah105
    Deborah105 Posts: 183 Member
    Yes to everything said to you already and check out fat bombs on this site or on google. They are a fast and easy way to up your fat to balance your macros. Lately one of my favorites is keto jello:

    sugar free jello
    2 oz cream cheese

    Make like regular jello, firm in fridge. When I can afford the calories I pour a bit of HWC on a serving. Makes a great snack when you "think" you need something.
  • toez79
    toez79 Posts: 63 Member
    Yeah it seems like there's some trial and error with this program! I'm definitely enjoying the program more than any other "diet" I've done before, but I want to get to that sweet spot for me where I'm shedding the pounds. So I really appreciate the forums and everyone's advice!!

    Using online calculators, I think my LBM is 122 which is about 55kg. So then I should be shooting for 55 grams of protein, right? That is significantly less than I eat now, so I'm going to address that and see if it gets things moving.

  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    55 seems too low and remember online calculators for fat are not too reliable. Start in the middle of what your are doing. 75-80g of protein sounds like a good start. You can always go up and down if needed. Protein is the biggest challenge on a leto diet, you don't want too much or too little.
  • toez79
    toez79 Posts: 63 Member
    So I think I'm going to adjust my macros to 80/15/5 and set my goals to be 1600 calories, 20 net carbs, 60 g protein and 142 grams of fat. I used the keto calculator website to help with that. Anyone see anything glaringly wrong?
  • toez79
    toez79 Posts: 63 Member
    Oops, posted my last reply before I saw this. That sounds reasonable, I am going to go back and try 80 to start with. Thanks again for your advice, you have a lot of good contributions to this forum and really know your stuff!!!
    55 seems too low and remember online calculators for fat are not too reliable. Start in the middle of what your are doing. 75-80g of protein sounds like a good start. You can always go up and down if needed. Protein is the biggest challenge on a leto diet, you don't want too much or too little.
  • kamaperry
    kamaperry Posts: 885 Member
    I have trouble with this also
  • toez79
    toez79 Posts: 63 Member
    Ok now I'm at 1600 calories, 20 g net carbs, 80 grams protein and 133 grams fat. All right, I'm gonna give it a shot! Thanks again!
  • kamaperry
    kamaperry Posts: 885 Member
    Yes to everything said to you already and check out fat bombs on this site or on google. They are a fast and easy way to up your fat to balance your macros. Lately one of my favorites is keto jello:

    sugar free jello
    2 oz cream cheese

    Make like regular jello, firm in fridge. When I can afford the calories I pour a bit of HWC on a serving. Makes a great snack when you "think" you need something.
    OMG, trying this!
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
    Try Fat bombs you will get more fat without protein they taste great also.
  • toez79
    toez79 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm definitely going to make some fat bombs tonight. I'm only 2 weeks into "Atkins/Induction" so I hadn't had any nut butters yet. If I get a no-sugar-added almond or peanut butter, it should be ok now? I couldn't find chocolate fat bomb recipes without peanut butter and I really wanted to try a chocolatey one. :)
  • shuttlebug1
    shuttlebug1 Posts: 41 Member
    My favorite fat bomb consists of 1/2 tbsp coconut butter, 1/2 tbsp nut butter, a quarter-ounce square of 85% dark chocolate all melted together, then stir in 1 tbsp hwc. Tastes like a rich, not-too-sweet fudge. No sweeteners of any kind except for the little bit of sugar in the chocolate square, but after dropping sugar from my diet, it tastes plenty sweet enough.
  • sirvivor007
    sirvivor007 Posts: 45 Member
    Remember the fat macro is not a requirement. There is nothing magical about eating extra fat if you are not hungry. Carbs are a limit. Protein is a goal. Fat is for fullness. If you stay below your carb limit and meet your protein needs you are doing everything right. The fat macro doesn't have to be consumed fat. If you are eating at a deficit the remaining fat come from fat stores which is what you want. The more fat you carry the more fat you can pull from stores to meet your TDEE.

    31.4 cals per stored pound of fat seems to be the accepted form. So if you carry say 30 lbs of fat you can get 942 calories from your fat stores every day. That's 942 calories you don't have to eat if you are not hungry. However, in the beginning as you switch from sugar burner to fat burner you may want to use some coconut oil or MCT oil for immediate energy and ketones until your body is making enough enzymes to access the fat stores. That process can take a couple of week to a month. When you feel your energy levels go up that a sign your body is accessing your fat stores efficiently. Ketone bodies are super fuel compared to insulin and that why you get the energy up take.