Weight Loss Surgery - Daily Conversation 2014



  • Hi everyone,

    I just joined this group today but I have been on mfp for awhile now. I am just finishing week 1 of my liquid diet on Optifast Shakes to prepare for RnY surgery in 2 weeks. I am very nervous and boy does MFP not like me logging only Optifast shakes. It keeps telling me I have too few calories per day (no kidding LOL)

    How is everyone here using this site to help them in their journey? Do you all faithfully log or do you skip days and foods sometimes? Is this a useful site for logging food with RNYers? I know most people measure their food for a long time after RNY but I wonder if anyone does calorie counting as well? How many calories per day does an average 1 month, 2 month, 3 month person consume?

    Have a great week everyone!

  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    I've weighed and logged all my food since surgery, almost two years now. I would be eating a lot more every day if I didn't, so I need it to keep me on track.

    What does your program say about how much you should be eating? Programs are really different from one another. I find that successful people follow their program closely, while many that struggle go off plan.
  • Kmags66
    Kmags66 Posts: 21
    Hello All,

    I had bypass surgery appox 2 1/2 yrs ago. I lost 115lbs and kept off for 2 yrs. I stopped logging 6 mths ago and have since put back on 15lbs. So I am back to logging. Feel free to add me as a friend, I have been through this and happy to answer any questions to the best of my knowledge and experience.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Hi everyone. I am 11 years post op RNY. I have had nothing but complications from surgery. I've had a total of 13 surgeries, all as a result of RNY. I maybe unhealthier now than at my heaviest weight, but I am alive and I can't say for sure I would be the way I was headed! Feel free to ask me about any of my complications. I still suffer with them to this day. I reached my goal weight and then was put on heavy duty steroids and gained half of the weight back. I have been able to lose some of the regain, but not all. I am trying to get the last 40 pounds off. I am a full time nursing student. My classes start back up next week and then I plan on graduating in May 2015. I have a commute every day to school of three hours, so this limits my exercise time to the weekends.

    My problem is that I hate to eat. I would rather drink all day long. When I do eat, I eat three or four ounces and I am done. It doesn't matter what the food is. I am going to go back to protein shakes. Even though I am a vet, I could use ideas for lunch. Last semester I took tuna salad kits and a fruit cup every day for lunch, I'm tired of these! I don't have access to a fridge at school, so that makes things a little harder.


    Stephanie, with all the complications you mention, I can understand you not wanting to eat. That being said, you also know that too few calories can harm your weight loss almost as much as too many. I had the same issue temporarily after my sleeve surgery. I couldn't do the too sweet, too thick shakes and wasn't free to eat regular food yet, so I drank a lot of Isopure Zero flavored protein water. But if your surgeon wants you to eat real food rather than shakes, try going back to pureed for awhile. Depending on what it it, you can dilute it with chicken or beef broth to thin it even more. I still really love soups and stews and make my own so I can control how much protein, sodium, and calories I get in each serving.

    Good luck! Hope it gets better for you.

  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I just joined this group today but I have been on mfp for awhile now. I am just finishing week 1 of my liquid diet on Optifast Shakes to prepare for RnY surgery in 2 weeks. I am very nervous and boy does MFP not like me logging only Optifast shakes. It keeps telling me I have too few calories per day (no kidding LOL)

    How is everyone here using this site to help them in their journey? Do you all faithfully log or do you skip days and foods sometimes? Is this a useful site for logging food with RNYers? I know most people measure their food for a long time after RNY but I wonder if anyone does calorie counting as well? How many calories per day does an average 1 month, 2 month, 3 month person consume?

    Have a great week everyone!


    Cathy, I use this site to log all my food. If I didn't do that along with weighing and measuring everything, I would be way over calories every day. I also use this site to network with others walking this journey and share ideas and recipies with them. Of course, there's also the bonus of having friends here who have also had WLS and can support me and I them in ways people who haven't had WLS just can't do. Good site for many reasons.

  • vmudgett
    vmudgett Posts: 40 Member
    Hi. Had a gastric sleeve in 2011 Almost died. Was in the hospital 12 weeks. Still have some stuff left like a nerupathy from a chest tube. However, I lost a hundred poiunds and stopped dead 20 ponds short of my doctor's goal for me and 40 from my personal goal. I moved to California away from the dietician, the doctor and the support group. did not find the support I needed here. I have gained 10 ounds in the last 6 months and I am freaking out. I Swore that weight would never come back. I'm not sure how it has, but I do notice I am hungry more often. I got a little cocky thinking I did not nee MFP but I guess I do. I need support and suggestions to get back on track. I am determined this time to get to my goal. I just need to figure out how.
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    Vmudgett, do you weigh and track all your food every day? Weigh, not measure or eyeball? Track every last morsel? That's the only way you can be sure of how much you are eating. 

    If you are gaining weight, you are eating more calories than you are burning. The only way you will lose is to cut back. And the only way to consistently cut back is to know exactly how much you are eating. 

    This is what MFP does, but it takes a little work and a little time. But you can do it.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hi. Had a gastric sleeve in 2011 Almost died. Was in the hospital 12 weeks. Still have some stuff left like a nerupathy from a chest tube. However, I lost a hundred poiunds and stopped dead 20 ponds short of my doctor's goal for me and 40 from my personal goal. I moved to California away from the dietician, the doctor and the support group. did not find the support I needed here. I have gained 10 ounds in the last 6 months and I am freaking out. I Swore that weight would never come back. I'm not sure how it has, but I do notice I am hungry more often. I got a little cocky thinking I did not nee MFP but I guess I do. I need support and suggestions to get back on track. I am determined this time to get to my goal. I just need to figure out how.
    Regain is normal but it can be stopped with effort and perseverance. Stopping regain as soon as possible.

    check out below link for help with regain, they have a telephonic support group 3 times a month:

    I usually sit in on the Thursday meetings and find them very helpful. They also have very good back on track programs.

    See below schedule from website:

    Just call 712-432-9998712-432-9998

    Enter BSCI Participant Code # 602024
    (toll charges may apply)

    Join members of the BSCI staff and DreamTeam for our exceptional brand of support via telephone! Our telephonic support groups provide a secure, welcoming setting for patients who have had or are considering having weight-loss surgery or who just want to lose weight. Groups last about one hour, but you may come and go as you please. All weight-loss surgery patients, supporters, and investigators are welcome to participate, learn, share, or just listen in. Each time our telesupport groups are different, we discuss the latest in bariatric surgery, supplements, and the topics that are important to you. No need to register - just call in. Our TeleSupport Groups are held three times each month:

    1st Monday (Evening)
    8:00 PM (EST), 7:00 PM (CST),
    6:00 PM (MST), 5:00 PM (PST)

    January 6th
    February 3rd
    March 3rd
    April 7th
    May 5th
    June 2nd
    July 7th
    August 4th
    No Sept. Group
    October 6th
    November 3rd
    December 1st

    2nd Tuesday (Evening)
    7:30 PM (EST), 6:30 PM (CST)
    5:30 PM (MST), 4:30 PM (PST)

    January 14th
    February 11th
    March 11th
    April 8th
    May 13th
    June 10th
    July 8th
    August 12th
    September 9th
    October 14th
    November 11th
    December 9th

    3rd Thursday (Afternoon)
    2:00 PM (EST), 1:00 PM (CST),
    12:00 PM (MST), 11:00 AM (PST)

    January 16th
    February 20th
    March 20th
    April 17th
    May 15th
    June 19th
    July 17th
    August 21st
    September 18th
    October 16th
    November 20th
    December 17th

    5th Wednesday (Early evening)
    6:00 PM (Eastern) 5:00 PM (Central)
    4:00 PM Mountain) 3:00 PM (Pacific)

    April 30th
    July 30th
    October 29th
    December 31st

    Support Group Facilitators include:

    Janean Hall,
    Director of Patient Education, BSCI
    Bariatric Life Coach

    Colleen Cook
    President, BSCI, Speaker, Author

    Anisa Grantham, LPC
    Licensee, BSCI

    Lisa Burk Foster, Bariatric Life Coach
    BSCI Licensee

    Click below for additional
    Telephonic Support Groups
    provided by BSCI Licensees:

    Sandi Henderson & Wendy Campbell
    WLS Success Matter
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    Really nice of you to post that information! :flowerforyou:
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    Hi everyone. Sleeved 2/14/14. Down 60 pounds even. I have got to step up my game. I need to up the exercise, water and every other thing I SHOULD be doing. Loss has totally stalled but that is my own fault in not exercising regularly, eating too much junk and not hitting my protein target. I had a good day yesterday and have a plan to do the same today. Have a great day all. :glasses:
  • mandybobs65
    mandybobs65 Posts: 40 Member
    edited June 2017
