Bad habits after work

I am an elementary school teacher, and sometimes I am very stressed out and hungry after work. I've developed a really bad habit of sometimes going to the drive-through at McDonald's and getting a milkshake and french fries to feed me and calm my stress. I never used to go to McDonald's partially because it's inhealthy and not a good corporation. I was never a huge fastfood person, and after I saw the movie Supersize Me back in 2008, I swore off McDonald's.

How can I stop indulging in this impulse?


  • Roaringgael
    Roaringgael Posts: 339 Member
    KNow how you feel, did it every morning after night shift - to the bakery etc.
    Eat more at lunch or have a snack ready for you in the car - something nutritious but satisfying.
    Fruit or some nuts or both.
    Afternoon hunger is very common, you are actually ready to eat then so have a good snack.
  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    What has worked for me in the past is making sure I have a healthy snack with me. When I dont have the healthy snack, and sometimes when I do have it, I struggle with not turning into McDonalds for their Large Coke and whatever else I think I need. Here are some things that have helped me:
    Take a few deep breadths and not even look in that direction.
    Make sure I have a water and drink it.
    Tell myself, if I wait 20 minutes and check back in with myself to see if the hunger is real, or emotion. If real eat something fruit, nuts, I personally like carrots and cellery, or a protien bar.
    Before you get into your car, if stressed, do some stress relieving exercises. Walk the halls, listen to soothing music, breathing exercises.

    From my own experience, I have tried each of these. It is not easy, but worth it. I have read a book, "50 Ways to Self Soothe" by Susan Albers. The author has many more ideas to try so you can find out what works best for you. Another book by her that has been intrumental for me is "Eating Mindfully"

    I hope this helps you as it has me.
  • homemadehippy
    homemadehippy Posts: 44 Member
    Hi there. I have a pretty high stress job too, and used to do the same thing. I kicked the habit by measuring out 1/4 cup servings of unsalted almonds in snack bags on Sunday night. I take them to work on Monday and keep them in my desk. I actually pack 6 little bags each week, just in case I forget to bring some the following Monday. I leave work at 5:00, so around 3:30 - 4:00 I have a bag of almonds and a piece (or cup) of fruit, even if I am not that hungry yet. Even if I'm not hungry at 4:00, guaranteed I will be at 5:00 as I'm heading out the door stressed-out and weak-willed, so I always eat the snack. This really works for me and its been several months since I've stopped for those fries.
  • hellomanen
    hellomanen Posts: 96 Member
    well I don't know what you can do to stop because I'm having a hard time stopping to do certain things myself
    but what i've found out is that I can change the goods for healthier versions to cope with and enjoy :)
    so here's the thing: MAKE YOUR OWN STUFF AND EAT IT LATER!
    like.... At school do you have a fridge or something/somewhere where you can keep cold brevages and fruit and stuff? I would suggest to bring your personal smoothie and keep it frozen till you leave, some fruits too like apples and tangerines...
    and if you have a microwave you can even get homemade baked potatoes/sweetpotatoes with like romary or olive oil or sea salt (almost any condiment you like) so you can warm it and eat it after work. Maybe you can also eat it at the school on the teachers lounge/room sitting down and enjoying it :)
    instead of being on the car all hurried and stressed
    Hope I could help :)
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member
    I'm with the other ladies who advocate bringing healthy snacks along.

    When I preplan my meals I do a whole lot better.

    My job is also pretty stressful at times. I used to have a much more stressful job (children's mental health crisis response team), and my eating was all over the place until I started packing enough food for the day.

    I had my "secret" guilt of getting a chicken nugget happy meal occasionally when I was having a crap day. But it never helped, even when I had chocolate milk which is a major comfort food for me.

    Eating better and making healthier choices helped me feel better though.

    You can do it!!!

    ETA: Maybe try reminding yourself about healthy habits. The movie that did this for me relatively recently was Forks Over Knives.
  • carlaunderconstruction
    carlaunderconstruction Posts: 187 Member
    I totally understand, I am a kindergarten teacher, and things are especially rough at the end of the year. I agree with healthy snacks, but you might need to something else to relax before you get behind the wheel. Do some deep breathing, take a short walk, something to get your mind off of that milkshake.
  • melodylou
    melodylou Posts: 22 Member
    It is probably summer vacation now, but, in addition to the other suggestions, can you - take a different route home? Or, order apple slices and an unsweet iced tea instead?
  • mtruitt01
    mtruitt01 Posts: 370 Member
    I'm glad to see some teachers in this group! I would drink a cup of good hot coffee after school, either make it in my classroom, pick up one on the way home, or bring a thermos to class. I also had snack-sized bags of almonds, which I would eat slowly, while enjoying my Peets coffee in a pretty mug. Sometimes I would add vanilla almond milk (sprouts sells the small packs, which don't have to be refrigerated until you open. 40 calories in a cup) .Fake sugar if I was feeling really drained, although I weaned myself off of the fake sugar habit. A piece of fruit is great also. The coffee seemed to pep me up and help my mood. If I wanted crunch I'd eat the snack bag of baby carrots I usually took in my lunch. Sometimes sucking on a Jolly Rancher or two helped.
  • alliemay1024
    alliemay1024 Posts: 83 Member
    There are a LOT of great ideas here. I cannot really give you anything different. Just the effort of support. Knowing you are not the only one helps me out. Then I think about what others do to bypass the nasty bad habits. It helps to do that alone sometimes.
  • cadaver0usb0nes
    cadaver0usb0nes Posts: 151 Member
    Would it help to leave your money at home? Or only bring enough for your breakfast/lunch so that by the time you get off you don't have any money left. Leave your debit card at home?