Tuesday check ins! FOOD!

FitCoachShawn Posts: 230 Member
Tuesday check ins! What is every ones food plan for the day? Did any one pre-pack a meal? Any one try not drinking soda or sugary drink today that normally do? Eat a subway instead of mcdonalds? Post and just write what ever is on your mind! :)


  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    Morning everyone!

    Food "plan":
    Breakfast - egg whites or fruit. Fruit seems to keep me full longer than protein.
    Lunch - work provided. Hoping its subs but could be pizza. I will stick to water and try to avoid pop.
    Dinner - homemade pad Thai... But may depend on Lunch's calories.

    Exercise: really want to do c25k but I always seem to find an excuse for not doing it after work or in the evening. Sunsets at 8:50 so should be plenty of time!
  • Diva1205
    Diva1205 Posts: 32 Member
    Happy Tuesday! I packed my breakfast and lunch today, Bananna and Apple Junice for Breakfast, Fruit for both my snacks today, and for lunch I'm having a homemade tortilla pizza without sauce, and veggies... I'm on this!

    I have also cut out all but one soda a day for this week..which will kill me :) I'm hoping to continue this for as long as I can. I'm also planning on a 3 mile hike this afternoon! Good Luck peeps!
  • lorim621
    lorim621 Posts: 16 Member
    Needed this post today!!! I am doing great with working out... just need help with sticking to a good diet!! I packed Grilled chicken and veggies for lunch with an apple. I never do sugary drinks...just need to up the water!!!!
  • Moonfyredragon
    Moonfyredragon Posts: 5 Member
    I packed my lunch today since its getting to expensive to eat here... I was actually over yesterday because I had 1 Subway cookie.... I might try to get a salad to go with my pot roast.
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    I didn't have any diet pop yesterday and couldn't sleep since I had a headache all night so I sent my hubby out to buy me some. I have a daycare so I cannot have a headache these kids would be crazy if I was just laying around
  • jesskawelmacher
    jesskawelmacher Posts: 24 Member
    Good Morning Everybody!!!

    My food plan for the day:

    Breakfast: Pink Breakfast Smoothie (Strawberries, banana, peanut butter, rolled oats and almond milk) and Green Tea
    Snack #1: Ready Snax container with grapes, carrots, pretzels and cheese
    Lunch: Salad with Spinach and Tuna (no dressing)
    Snack #2 (if my schedule allows it): 2 Caramel Rice Cakes
    Dinner: Grilled chicken breast with a serving of rice pilaf.

    I am finding that if I plan my meals at the beginning of the day or week, I do a lot better with my diet. So far, I haven't had any soda this week, trying to stick to water and green tea, especially now that the summer heat has hit here.

    As far as exercise goes today, I am going to do an hour of yoga followed by some core strength training, since it's my "off day" from the gym,YAY for at home workouts! :)
  • LockStockNSam
    LockStockNSam Posts: 30 Member
    Morning, all!! Hope it's at least a little sunny wherever you are! I'm in Winnipeg, and we've had some gloomy rain...now it's warm and bright and chipper again. So nice to see!

    I'm vegan, so I have to pay a lot of attention to my protein sources, taking an iron supplement, and making sure my foods are b12 fortified! I've also got to eat twice as much for iron and b12, because plant sources only get absorbed at a rate of about 50-60% compared to animal.

    Breakfast: peanut butter on rye toast with a banana and a cup of almond milk

    Lunch: peanut butter sandwich on rye (haha, I'm not very creative in the mornings when I have to make lunch then jump on my bike!)

    Snack: Sunrype fruit bar, hummus, tostitos mini bites corn chips

    Dinner: Not sure yet! Maybe salad with romaine, mushrooms, red and green pepper and red onion? I might also finish off my guacamole from last night (1 whole avocado, red pepper flakes and fresh red onion). I'm going to boxing tonight too, then riding home after (5 miles), so I might treat myself to some giant vegan smokies on whole grain tortillas with Daiya vegan cheese to refuel.

    Night time snack: smoothie made with whole frozen fruit, banana, frozen blueberries, and water

    I don't really plan my meals, but I have so many delicious, healthy things in my fridge that throwing something together always yields yumminess. I got into the habit of eating out lately at work though, and I'm trying to get back to making my own lunches. Unfortunately, there's a divine gourmet vegan burger joint down the street from work, so I ate there almost every second day last week, haha...It's funny how you can convince yourself that it's healthy when it's vegan! I don't go over my macros or calorie goals, and everything there is baked, BUT STILL. Stop eating veggie burgers every day, Sam!!

    As for exercise--I rode my bike to my work today, which is 10 miles round trip. After work, I head over to the boxing club down the street and do an insane 60 minute group boxing class which has a different focus every week. I think it's old school boxing + weights this week. Check out their website here: http://www.panamboxing.com/

    Yay, Tuesdays! Good job, everyone :)
  • kashaas
    kashaas Posts: 130 Member
    I got my run in and day 3 of the ab challenge I'm doing. Breakfast was chobani I flips key lime... Lunch was veggie burger with avocado and strawberries... packing my dinner for work in a few minutes... looks like evol meal and a salad, a peach and some skinny pop popcorn for a snack. Got my water bottle ready too! Tomorrow will be harder for me since I gotta go back early. Will do my yoga tonight and pack food for tomorrow before bed.

    Does anyone else have a hard time meeting their calorie intake while exercising??
  • H0llyG0lightly
    H0llyG0lightly Posts: 214 Member
    I'm trying to get enough protein today. Had a turkey breast wrap for lunch, added two eggs to a veggie-heavy dinner, and plan on having 1.5 oz of almonds soon.
  • FitCoachShawn
    FitCoachShawn Posts: 230 Member
    @Diva! I like that your cutting out the soda gradually so you dont have such a struggle. You have to wean yourself I find when it comes to sugary drinks. I struggle with Sunkist! Slowly drink less and less as time goes on. Before you know it you wont want it or like the taste of it. :)
  • FitCoachShawn
    FitCoachShawn Posts: 230 Member
    WTG! Boxing classes sound like a lot of fun and a great burn!
    I liked the sounds of your salad with onions and mushrooms!
  • mhill40
    mhill40 Posts: 16 Member
    Breakfast Honey nut cheerios
    Lunch Corner Bakery Trio Toasted kale sald,DC chicken salad, pasta salad
    Snack Chewy chocolate chip granola bar
    Dinner Steamed shrimp and veggies/ half a slice of pizza ( I couldn't resist):happy:
    Worked out the a.m. cardio for 20 mins then some strength training and plank for my core.