Introduce yourself

jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
Hi, I'm Jodi and will be the moderator for this group. I'm just starting Jillian Michael's Body is my 3rd workout. I've been on MFP for over a year and hit my goal weight last summer so am in maintenance mode. To keep myself going I like to constantly set new goals - toning up and getting stronger is an ongoing goal. Jillian Michael's seemed like the right person to whip me into better shape. I'm honestly a bit nervous about this program. Although it is starting out easy I never get up to the hardest levels of the other Jillian DVDs I own. So I thought it would be good to join a group of others going through the same program to keep motivated. Since there were none active any more I started this one.

My stats: I'm 53, have a husband, 2 kids in college and a couple of big dogs. I live in northern Illinois were spring has yet to come. :flowerforyou:

So welcome to the group. Please let us know a little about your health journey with MFP, why JMBR and a little about yourself:smile:



  • izu87
    izu87 Posts: 267 Member
    Hello, hello! I'm Izu and I've been working on the BR program for 7 weeks now, unfortunately got injured and sick and had to repeat two weeks otherwise I would have been almost at the end of it. Definitely loving it and I intend on repeating it afterwards along with other workouts as additional burn. :) I'm fighting with my last kilos to lose, but they are turning out to be extremely hard to shred after a couple of years of dieting rest. But Jillian is definitely the type of trainer that can get me motivated - love all of her videos, loved her on the Biggest loser show (she was the reason why I saw all seasons of it on youtube x'D). I own all of her DVDs, but the BR is my favorite so far - it's just so diverse and interesting. <3 And it is also the first one that got me completely hooked on working out on a daily basis, so... yeah - it's awesome!

    My stats: I'm freshly 27, no husband, no kids, no dogs. :P I live in a small country in South Eastern Europe called Bulgaria and I think spring is just about to begin - the sun just came out of the clouds for the first time in weeks! Other than that... I've been seriously logging for almost 2 months now, but I'm having an incredibly hard time losing any weight - binging, stress eating, not logging correctly.... Just not eating all that properly... Two-three years ago I managed to lose over 25kgs (about 50ish lbs), but then life kidnapped me had to concentrate on graduating university, my master degree, finding a job and so on, and so on, and I interrupted my weight loss journey. I do wish to finally get rid of the final kilos and get into maintenance mode, though I honestly really don't know if I will ever reach that goal -__-
  • singallagher
    singallagher Posts: 42 Member
    Hi there
    Im Sin and I live in Ireland - where it rains 90% of the time. :sad:
    Im 39 today - happy birthday to me!
    My hubby actually bought me BR as my gift this year. I have recently finished the 30 DS and was pleased with my results. I intended to proceed with the RI30 but got swayed to buy this instead as we have a holiday planned for the end of July which should almost take me to the completion of BR.
    I have 4 children, the youngest is 4 and I find I finally have a little time for myself in the day (only took 15 years as the oldest is 19 :tongue:)
    I also work from home and 3 of my kids finish school at different times so I'm coming and going most afternoons and seem to make lunch 4 times every day!
    So I find that if I don't get my workout done in the mornings I struggle to get it done at all.
    However I have surprised myself with my commitment so far and actually feel bad if I miss one.
    I completed week one last week and have begun week 2 this week. I actually found the workouts easy so far (definitely due to the 30DS) but Im dreading whats to come. I started to have issues with my knees during 30DS so am concerned about the lunges in the next workouts.
    I started out at 146lbs and am 140.8 as of this morning. Im 5'6" and honestly don't care what the scales say as long as I get rid of the jelly belly. It is the part of my body I hate most and know I need to up the cardio to sort that.
    Sooooo tomorrow, instead of the Cardio 1 disk I think I will do the Banish Fat Boost Metabolism workout.
    I've never done it and am nervous :bigsmile:
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Happy b-day Sin! :drinker:
    I love the Banish the Fat DVD - let us know what you think!
  • dwhitney207
    dwhitney207 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi, I'm Dana and I'm in week 4 of BR. I live in Virginia with my husband, Labradoodle, 5-year-old daughter and 2-year-old son.

    I'm trying to lose those last 5-10 vanity pounds and get back in shape after having my son and going back to work full time (I miss staying home with my kids!). I am LOVING using weights again and circuit training has always been my favorite so I love that this program gives such a fun, varied workout that will carry me through June.

    Since I started, however, I've GAINED weight, but my clothes fit the same (maybe slightly better?) so I'm assuming it's water retention from muscles recovering (I've read so much about this on MFP over the past few weeks). I feel so much stronger and see more definition already so I'm trying to not think about the scale for the time being. I ran into this same problem several years ago when I followed a group circuit training program at a gym for several months. My body composition drastically improved even though the scale wasn't showing much change.

    I'm finding phase 1 easier than expected, but I have high hopes for the next 2 phases ;) I'm doing cardio 1 after the strength dvds 2 days per week and doing a longer cardio session on the weekend to burn a little more calories.

    Are you all following the meal plan? I CANNOT survive on 1200 calories so I'm just using MFP to try and eat at a deficit without getting too crazy.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Welcome Dana - I have also put on weight since I've started circuit training 3 weeks ago and find that depressing even though I know the scale is not my only indicator. My clothes are feeling a bit looser and my DS told me I look trimmer so I guess all this circuit training is paying off in NSV. Plus I remind myself that extra muscle means a faster metabolism (at least that is what I tell myself when I see that number on the scale :laugh: )

    I'm also finding the first part of phase 1 easy (still in my first week)...but in anticipation of starting this program I was doing some other JM circuit DVD's (Hard Bodies, Yoga Inferno and Ripped in 30) which seem tougher than workouts 1 & 2. I'm also adding on additional cardio most days to get my calorie burn higher. I'm assuming the way JM keeps talking though that its going to get much tougher in phases 2 and 3. If anyone is already there please let us know

    I'm in maintenance mode so there is no way I'm going back to 1200 calories a day. I'm trying to get between 1350 and 1450 on most days. That seems to be working as this week I've been dropping about .2 lbs a day since I started JMBR. I'm going to be making her pepitas and cumin crusted salmon either tonight or tomorrow - I'm curious how good her recipes are. I'll post and let you all know.
  • singallagher
    singallagher Posts: 42 Member
    My scale is hovering just above 140 for the last two weeks, the blasted thing refuses to go down.
    Its only 0.4 of a lb but it would be a boost to be 130 "something" instead of 140 "something".
    Weigh in on Friday so I hope there will be a drop in the scale and the tape measure.
    Dana, did you find WO 3 & 4 much harder than 1 & 2?
  • dwhitney207
    dwhitney207 Posts: 54 Member
    I hated workout 3 the first time I did it, but that was only because I felt like I was constantly standing up and getting back down on the floor. They were both more difficult, but not in crazy way. I've noticed with all the workouts that they are much easier the second week compared to the first.
  • pisces3
    pisces3 Posts: 27
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Julie. I will be starting JMBR fairly soon, as I just ordered the set today.

    I am a full-time working mom of a 3 year old and 1 year old. Between the kids, I got within 5 pounds of my pre-baby weight (with help from MFP), but since my second was born, I've not been able to do much. Add the pregnancy to that and I've been pretty inactive for nearly 2 years.

    After the kids go to bed we pick up toys, clean up from dinner, make lunches for the next day, etc., I find myself both exhausted and with very little time to do things for me. I'm really hoping that this program will be the jump start for me back to being at a good fitness level.

    I look forward to being on this journey with you all and getting to know you better!

  • dwhitney207
    dwhitney207 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Julie! I had about a 2-year stretch where I exercised very little so I'm in the same boat. I also have to exercise after the kids go to bed (usually 7:30 or 8:00 at the earliest). I tried to get in a schedule during those 2 years, but was never able to commit due to the length of all the workout DVDs I was using. Since starting JMBR, I have made it through the first month and actually look forward to do the workouts. I hope you find the same thing!
  • seekimrun
    seekimrun Posts: 8 Member
    Hey all, it's been nine years since I quit being a vegetarian and doing clean eating, and my weight started escalating. At 5'5, I went from 135 to 145 and then to 155.

    30 Day Shred was great. It got me back down to 145 in just 30 days. I've tried to start it again or do Ripped in 30, but I just end up losing motivation or I'd eat extra and gain weight.

    I'm 148 now, but I hover at 145 usually. I just started JMBR today. JMBR day 1 seems so much more enjoyable than Ripped in 30 so far! I'm more confident I'll finish this one out! The food plan seems a lot more doable than Ripped in 30's too. I'm hoping to get back down to 135 and tone up too. I don't think I've ever been toned in my life so that'll be new.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Hi Julie and Kim - so glad you are joining us. Julie - my kids are only a year apart so I remember how hard it was in those early years to fit in any time for myself and how exhausted I felt. Hopefully, these 30 minute workouts will work well with your schedule.
    Kim (?) - welcome and looking forward to seeing your posts on our workout thread. I also like this program a lot more than repeating her 30 day DVD's again. BTW - I made the salmon crusted with pepitas and cumin from the meal plan and it was delicious.
  • l_clc
    l_clc Posts: 126 Member
    Hi everyone!

    So nice to see such an active JMBR group around here! My name is Cheri, I am from a small Island in Canada and I'm 29 years old. I have been on my fitness pal for almost a year now. I reached my goal but got very sick a little while ago and kind of gave up looking after myself once I felt better. At the time, I was over 60 days into Body Revolution (I was LOVING it!!). I have gained some weight back and I'm now refocusing on getting back to my healthy lifestyle and to shed these pounds again and strengthen up!

    I hope to get to know you all better! I am starting tomorrow....good luck to everyone and congrats to those of you who have already started!!
  • Lynn1315
    Lynn1315 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi all,

    I just joined today. I don't tend to join groups on MFP, but as I start JMBR, I know I need more support. A quick intro. I'm a mom of 2 DD (ages 10 & 6), a wife, I work full time and I'm 36 yrs young. :). I'm only 5' and weigh 175.... I don't have the body type that I will ever get down to 120 or 130, my goal is 150 and then go from there. . I have always struggled with my weight, and then about 4 yrs ago, I got into the best shape of my life (lowest weight was 152) after following Jillian Michaels online program, but it got expensive so I quit.

    I picked up running and got addicted. First I did a 5k, then a 10k, then worked my way up to 3 half marathons and finally a marathon. Unfortunately, during marathon training, I started to gain weight. Once I completed the marathon, I gave up running, it wasn't fun anymore. I started running again, and injured myself... And I just spiraled out of control as I got busier with my DDs activities. My JMBR should be arriving on Friday and I'm looking forward to getting back on track. I'm not sure if I will follow the meal plan, but once I get everything, I will take a look.

    I just had minor surgery, so I can't exercise for a week or so. But I'm using this off time, to research so that I can do it right this time.

    Feel free to add me as a friend, I look forward to working out with all of you. What advice do you have for a newbie?
  • dwhitney207
    dwhitney207 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Lynn! I've had several friends that were former marathoners complain of weight gain during training since they were SO hungry all the time. I can't run long distances due to an injury, but I can totally see how that could happen.

    What I love about this program is how many calories I burn in 30 minutes (I use a heart rate monitor). I have two children and a husband as well, and I work full time. I typically exercise at 7:30 or 8:00 at night and since it's only 30 minutes I don't dread it like other programs.

    I am not following her meal plan (and I did not do the kickstart) but I am tracking my calories and only eating back a portion of what I burn according to my HRM. I don't have time to cook her meals for myself plus other things for my family.

    Just like you are doing, I'd take this time to plan out your schedule and find recipes that you can make easily for you and your family. The first phase really eases you into things so it's not too bad of an adjustment. Good luck!
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Welcome Lynn - I'm also loving this program. I just started phase 2. She really does slowly keep bumping you up so I'm doing more than I thought I could (I've done other JM DVD's but rarely get past the 2nd level). I'm not following her meal plan either, but I'm trying to make some of the dishes just to try them out. My kids are older and home for the summer from college so I have to consider them and my hubby too. I tend to stick to Cooking Light and Skinnytaste since their recipes seem very family friendly.

    I'm also on the short side - just 5'1" and a smidge so I know how every pound just shows!

    Glad you are joining us - this is a great group. Friend me if you are looking for additional support

  • Carrie_P81
    Carrie_P81 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Carrie. Married with 2 kiddos and I live in WI.
    I've done T25 and most of Insanity (it got to be too much for my joints.) T25 got me about 1/2 way to my goal, but I've been at a plateau for about 3 months now. I'm hoping that this will help kickstart my weight loss again. I'm definitely sore today and I'm only 2 days in!
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Welcome Carrie - I'm just south of you in N. Il. Just when it starts getting easier its time to bump up to the next level :sad:

    Cherri, Lynn and Carrie - you can post your workouts here:
  • Sistabenji
    Hi, I'm from London, England i'm now on week 3 of Body Revolution.... Lost 8lbs total so far.... aim is to be toned and 2 dresses smaller before my Caribbean cruise in November
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Welcome! 8 lbs in 3 weeks is fantastic. This program will definitely help you hit your goal :laugh:
  • holliehatesyou
    holliehatesyou Posts: 85 Member
    Oh, I'll do this.

    This is my ..uh, 5th? time starting JMBR. The last time through I got to workouts 9 & 10 and just kind of was burnt out with the frequent workouts (I was also running and playing roller derby) and well, they just got really hard. I couldn't do a few of the exercises and I just kind of eventually stopped doing the workouts.

    I'm not doing it fully scheduled this time through, just using the workouts as an at-home, indoors workout when it's too hot to run. I love lifting, but after some extremely uncomfortable interactions at my gym while trying to use freeweights (5x5 program), I'm stuck until I get my own set of barbells. Using JMBR in the meantime.