Introduce yourself to the group

My name is Jeff and I am a member of Lea Ann Savage's Blender Lady Group on Facebook.

Hi I just bought a Vitamix a little more than 3 weeks ago and love it! I had wanted one for years but it just never happened. After trying out new smoothie recipes and ice creams I decided to take it to the next level and see if I could apply this tool to a weight loss plan. Others on Lee Ann's site mentioned fitnesspal so here we are.

A little about me. I am a tennis pro and entrepreneur. In my former life I have been a business owner, chiropractic professional, and all around good guy!

I grew up on the east coast in Long Island, NY and now live in the San Diego area. I love it here especially the weather. This give me plenty of opportunity to exercise outside. I love riding my trikke. Check it out I also golf, tennis, kayak, fishing, travel, etc.

My diet consists of mainly chicken and fish and vitamix concoctions lol. I don't eat a lot of red meat but willl every once in a while.

I have over 30 years experience teaching tennis as also was certified as a fitness trainer back in 1994.

I look forward to learning and sharing with this group.


  • clowd9
    clowd9 Posts: 10
    I worked in a hospital for 34 years. 17 years nursing, 17 in physical therapy. I retired last year.

    I know the effects first hand of taking my health for granted. I want to have a long and active retirement.

    I've never been athletic, never consistently stuck with an exercise plan. I've blamed shift work, kids and all kinds of things, but I know deep down if I make exercise a priority, it will happen. My lower back started to give me trouble the last couple of years and I haven't been able to walk as far as I used to. Arthritis in my neck and shoulders has kept me from gardening, which I've enjoyed in the past.

    I want to lose 30 lbs, but at the same time, make the kinds of changes that will keep the weight off. I've never dieted, though lately, I find myself drawn to reading about them. I'm glad I found this group now, because I don't want to get on a diet roller coaster. I bought my Vitamix last fall as a retirement present for myself, and at the time was all pumped to make everything from scratch, drop the weight and magically feel bundles of energy. Instead I found I am getting obsessed with researching everything to death on the computer- what to eat, what new gadget to buy, what supplements to take... The list goes on and on.
    I'm so frustrated with myself for not just getting up off my butt and doing something about it!
    I guess I've spent a lifetime procrastinating, thinking there will be a perfect time to start. If not now, when?

    My husband is a retired teacher, he takes medication for BP and cholesterol. We like to travel, spend time at our cabin in Northwestern Ontario, and go for walks. We live on the river, right on the border to the US and like to go canoeing. We share cooking, and I thought I was the healthier cook, but I've learned since joining Lea Ann's FB Vitamix enthusiast group that I cook with a LOT of processed food. Part of my challenge is convincing hubby to buy more real food, because he does a lot of the shopping and LOVES going through flyers to find what's on sale. (He knows for instance that I loved v8 juice- and he keeps bringing it home by the caseload! Old habits die hard. I keep telling him to check with me first, there a lot of things I can make with my Vitamix )
    We have six grown children between us, and 9 grandchildren. My husband likes to keep the house and cabin stocked with pop and juice for them in case they come over. They aren't even a temptation for me, but I'd prefer to give the kids home made Popsicles and smoothies. I feel uber aware now of the junk they are putting into those growing bodies.

    Thanks for starting this group, Jeff. Good health and happiness to everyone embarking on this journey together!
  • I worked in a hospital for 34 years. 17 years nursing, 17 in physical therapy. I retired last year.

    I know the effects first hand of taking my health for granted. I want to have a long and active retirement.

    I've never been athletic, never consistently stuck with an exercise plan. I've blamed shift work, kids and all kinds of things, but I know deep down if I make exercise a priority, it will happen. My lower back started to give me trouble the last couple of years and I haven't been able to walk as far as I used to. Arthritis in my neck and shoulders has kept me from gardening, which I've enjoyed in the past.

    I want to lose 30 lbs, but at the same time, make the kinds of changes that will keep the weight off. I've never dieted, though lately, I find myself drawn to reading about them. I'm glad I found this group now, because I don't want to get on a diet roller coaster. I bought my Vitamix last fall as a retirement present for myself, and at the time was all pumped to make everything from scratch, drop the weight and magically feel bundles of energy. Instead I found I am getting obsessed with researching everything to death on the computer- what to eat, what new gadget to buy, what supplements to take... The list goes on and on.
    I'm so frustrated with myself for not just getting up off my butt and doing something about it!
    I guess I've spent a lifetime procrastinating, thinking there will be a perfect time to start. If not now, when?

    My husband is a retired teacher, he takes medication for BP and cholesterol. We like to travel, spend time at our cabin in Northwestern Ontario, and go for walks. We live on the river, right on the border to the US and like to go canoeing. We share cooking, and I thought I was the healthier cook, but I've learned since joining Lea Ann's FB Vitamix enthusiast group that I cook with a LOT of processed food. Part of my challenge is convincing hubby to buy more real food, because he does a lot of the shopping and LOVES going through flyers to find what's on sale. (He knows for instance that I loved v8 juice- and he keeps bringing it home by the caseload! Old habits die hard. I keep telling him to check with me first, there a lot of things I can make with my Vitamix )
    We have six grown children between us, and 9 grandchildren. My husband likes to keep the house and cabin stocked with pop and juice for them in case they come over. They aren't even a temptation for me, but I'd prefer to give the kids home made Popsicles and smoothies. I feel uber aware now of the junk they are putting into those growing bodies.

    Thanks for starting this group, Jeff. Good health and happiness to everyone embarking on this journey together!

    That is great that you joined the group and are taking action. Remember just making a decision of any kind gets you closer to your goal. If you take action and get moving you can always change your original intent. Nothing is ever perfect so just start and keep moving. Also be kind to yourself if you slip up every now and then. Like many have said they may have gained a few pounds during the week but then got a hold of it right away and nipped it in the bud.

    Weigh yourself everyday and keep your progress on myfitnesspal.

    Stay strong and keep going.

    You made the first step by joining this group.

    Pat yourself in the back by taking action!!!
  • laurainparis
    laurainparis Posts: 64 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Laura, I live in Florida but grew up on Long Island like Sandi. :) I bought the Vitamix a few months ago to help me make healthy foods for myself and my family, including my two daughters, ages 11 and 8. As for my weight, since I have a desk job and only exercise sporadically, I rely on my MFP food journal to keep me accountable. I would love to lose ten pounds for summer to help me look good in a bathing suit, since here in FL we go to the beach a lot! Thanks for starting this group!
  • 1happydogg
    1happydogg Posts: 15
    Hi my name is Rachelle and let me begin by saying I think I've tried every diet known to man only to lose the weight and gain it right back. On March 1st of last year I decided enough is enough and began a healthy "diet" journey. Bought a Vitamix and, based on the recommendation of my Internal Medicine doctor, I started following "The 17 Day Diet". I've lost over 65 pounds. It took me about 10 months to lose the vast majority and now trying to lose the last 3-5 pounds which I call my "play with pounds" so I can fluctuate a bit and not lose my mind. I absolutely hate that the book has the word "diet" in the title because it's a way of life and is basically healthy, high quality food eating with some common sense information on when to eat certain things like complex carbs and why drinking alcohol can sabotage your weight loss. I began using my fitness pal early on in my journey and enjoy the site. So happy to have some of the Vitamix group here!

    I feel amazing with tons of energy and have embraced exercising into my lifestyle. I joined a gym about 6 months ago and signed on with a trainer who helps keep me accountable and changes my routine when I get stuck in a rut. I love walking, hiking, cycling, golf, gardening, swimming. Inside fun includes cooking, reading and entertaining. I'm married to a great guy who incredibly weighs the same as the day we got married over 23 years ago. Just not fair!
  • wildberrytoo
    wildberrytoo Posts: 8 Member
    I'm Wendy and am currently living in Ohio but will be moving to Florida in exactly 85 days! I started my wellness journey a little over 5 years ago. I was overweight and not happy at all with the way I looked or felt.

    I joined a bible study at church called "First Place 4 Health" (biblical approach to weight loss and overall health management, which puts Christ first and improves every area of a person’s life) and that was the initial tool that jump started my weight loss. I have been slowly evolving these 5 years as I have been learning more and more about everything from nutrition to exercise and everything in between. Give or take a few pounds I am at a 50lb weight loss. This past January I FINALLY kicked the cig habit (unfortunately gained 5lbs from it, but that's a small price to pay!)

    At this point in my life I am eating clean, NO processed foods! (most of the time) if I don't know what it is and can't pronounce it; I won't eat it. I am getting into natural healing through foods. I am making my own beauty products (moisturizers, lotions, soaps, make-up) because I don't want all those chemicals being absorbed through my skin. I am driving my family absolutely crazy with my quest for health but I have never felt better. I think that might be why it was so easy to quit smoking. I go to the gym religiously, 3x week I do MMA and 2x week I lift with a trainer.

    My bible study uses MFP to track but I must admit I stopped using MFP a few months ago.....that is until Jeff started up this group! I'm hoping it will get me back into tracking as I believe that is a VERY important step in losing weight. I allow any friends on here to view my food diary, feel free to comment on my choices...sometimes I need to hear I'm doing it wrong! Good health to us all!
  • azbutterfly1324
    azbutterfly1324 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm Yvonne and I live in Mesa, AZ, a suburb of Phx. I bought a 5200 from Costco about 5 years ago and it's changed my life! I even travel with it. So much so that my awesome hubby bought me the S30 for Mothers Day this year. I love, love, love my vitamix and use it several times a day. I seriously don't think I could live with out it now!

    Prior to Vitamix, my veggie intake daily was slim to none. Now, I have a green smoothie every morning for breakfast. I've gradually increased the veggies and decreased the fruit to where its about 75% veggies and 25% fruit. Perfect way to start my day and if I miss even one day, I crave it. I eat clean as much as possible, but still cave to the occasional pizza or cookie.

    I don't have a lot of variety in what I make, mostly smoothies, salsas, flour, soups. Hoping to get some new ideas/recipes from the group!
  • Hello, I am Danielle. I bought my vitamin for Christmas to help me clean my diet up and increase healthy foods. I have a 3.5 year old son and I need to show him how to live a healthy life. I just started a diet bet to keep myself accountable and also enjoy some fun.
  • jomclucas10
    jomclucas10 Posts: 21 Member
    My name is Jo and I have had my vitamix since last year. I am a school teacher and just never take time for myself. This summer I want to continue making healthy changes and lose some of this extra 100 pounds I carry around. I love the vitamix group and I am hoping that by following a plant based eating plan I will be able to accomplish my goals. So far I mostly use my vitamix for smoothies but I have begun trying soups. Saw the post about the my fitness pal group and decided I should give this a shot because a group can really help with motivation!
  • jomclucas10
    jomclucas10 Posts: 21 Member
    Rachelle, congrats on your success so far!