Week starting June 1st

I am having a hard time getting back into the groove of logging my calories. I'm eating pretty good, keeping under the limit, but I just hate logging them. Especially after things like baby showers. Who knows what's in a rice casserole anyway??? lol Worked out three times last week!! Yay me!!

How's everyone else?


  • RockVixen
    RockVixen Posts: 63 Member
    I am so tired of the weight loss battle. I wish being thin, healthy, and fit wasn't so freaking hard and unenjoyable. It's like to have the body I want I have to constantly hate the process. And once I get there I swear I'll never gain again but I just love food and hate dieting. I can never seem to make it a lifestyle change. ARG. I'm starting over again today but I'm annoyed.
  • jaidenphyr
    jaidenphyr Posts: 72
    I'm feeling you!! I'm tired of it being such a challenge!! Why does it seem like the weight goes on so easily with just small bad decisions, but big good decisions don't make the weight drop so easily???

    Tired. I'm just tired!!

    I sincerely won't give up on it because I can't keep getting bigger and bigger. I have to believe that the changes I am making are better for me overall, not just weight loss. But ugh!!! Its like running uphill backwards!!
  • RockVixen
    RockVixen Posts: 63 Member
  • jaidenphyr
    jaidenphyr Posts: 72
    I thought we weren't supposed to hit plateaus!! ERRRRRR
  • brandtsgirl
    brandtsgirl Posts: 9 Member
    OK I went on a some what of a vacation and just let me self set, How ever I was pleased when I did step on the scale yesterday that I had not gained :).

    As for a plates, how about not being able to lose any weight for over 6 years no matter what I did.
    I'm hoping to ST with VF next week and see more results.

    I love to also it tastes so good.
    And I'm an emotional eater also which does not help.
  • angelb67
    angelb67 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone, you all seem a bit fed up. I am starting VI tomorrow. It's worth a shot. I have done Rosemary Conley in the past with great success until depression hit again and I gained everything I lost 2 years ago. Anyway I am giving it a go, who knows I might the success that someone posted on their forum (VI that is) 29lbs in the first 12 weeks. If I can get anywhere near that, I'll be 'chuffed' (Northern British expression for being very pleased lol)
  • Josieee15
    Josieee15 Posts: 26 Member
    hey Angel where are you from? I'm from Newcastle upon Tyne and know exactly what 'chuffed' means :laugh: Good luck on your journey - you can do it :wink:
  • angelb67
    angelb67 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi I am from Manchester. Only on day 2 and my body is complaining from the workout and my stomach is wondering what the heck is going on. This had better be worth it lol
  • donebydanna
    donebydanna Posts: 9 Member
    Okay this for you new ladies starting Venus!!!! IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!

    Some history, I am 52 with over 100 "ate my way through the divorce" lbs to lose. I had lost 24 lbs with south beach in the last 4 months but every time I started adding carbs i quit losing. I think I have the metabolism of a slug!

    Started venus 1 month ago today. Without exercising other than just moving more due to more energy, I have lost 10 lbs in my first month on venus. This includes the last two weeks of school which is crazy stressful and most years I gain at least 5 lbs!! This year I ate anything I wanted but logged calories and kept at my maintenance level for the last week of school. I plan to start exercising but will be doing limited workouts at this point due to arthritis and being extremely out of shape and overweight! Can't wait to see what the weight does with exercising added!

    fyi: I try to eat at 1200 calories with at least a 14 hour fast daily. (dinner before 8 pm and first meal is lunch at 10:30 (the joy of being a PK teacher, first lunch on the schedule, we like to call it brunch!) And use all my eat up days! Not eating breakfast has been a great calorie saver, allowing me to have more at lunch and dinner. I was never a breakfast eater, had to force myself to eat because it was "healthy".
  • angelb67
    angelb67 Posts: 13 Member
    well today was my eat up day. I try and do a 16 hour fast as I have been a terrible foody in the past. It is true about the self control in the morning and I too was told that breakfast was the most important meal of the day, I have never had a problem with eating breakfast, brunch, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and supper. I am now down to lunch, pre dinner and evening meal lol.
    I am very restricted on just 1000cals a day, but I am coping well and I know that will rise as I lose much more weight.
    I had mixed feeling about eating up, but it's done and for the first time in a long time, I actually tasted and savoured the flavour of my food. All in all a proper treat