


  • sportzmom23
    sportzmom23 Posts: 103 Member
    I am Dee, been distance running on and off for over 30 years. ran track and XC in high school, a bit in the Navy, then got bus with kids and a marriage, and for got to take time for me. Slowly been building back into running over the course of 5 years, different issues, bone spurs, plantar fasciitis, etc have sidelined me at times.

    I live in central NY, for anyone from not around here, I do not live in the city, yet do not live upstate either, I am actually mid state, just over the PA border
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    Hi guys, I'm glad to find this group! I was a long distance runner - primarily half marathons, with a full here and there. I got really sick a few years ago, spent all my time in and out of hospitals and gaining ridiculous amounts of weight on medications, and now I am finally at the point where I am able to run with some regularity and build my base up again. I am still dealing with some health issues, so things are going to be slow going, but I am SO HAPPY to get to run again!
  • Aquamum9
    Aquamum9 Posts: 51
    Hi everyone. :smile: My name is Libbey and I can't believe how long it took me to find this group! I have run on and off my whole life, but this last year is the first time I've ever discovered a true love for it and am running consistently. I run about 18-20 miles a week currently and am looking to bump that up in the next few months because I have my eye on a half in the fall. I am about to do my first race ever in a couple of weeks, which is a 5k, and I am doing a 10k in the middle of May, which is a race I've wanted to do for, oh, the last ten years now...needless to say, I am too excited to finally be doing it. It's nice to meet you all!
  • eliseandlila
    eliseandlila Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Rachel, a mom to 3. I've been a runner on and off for 18 years (since HS CC). My biggest accomplishment was completing the Chicago Marathon back in 2004, can't believe it's already been that long.. Anyway, my youngest is turning 1 this week, I'm hoping to get him on a better sleeping schedule soon that will allow me to run and work out in the AM again. (now he gets up at 4, and I work at 7 - so I'm not able to fit workouts in). I've been on MFP awhile - I'm really looking for more MFP buddies to keep me accountable and I love to give out encouragement! My race schedule is on my profile too. Next up is a half marathon on June 1st that I plan on running a bit cold. :)
  • apgabriel915
    apgabriel915 Posts: 53 Member
    HI! I'm Alyson. I started running using the Galloway method in February when I joined a group at a local running store. I just ran my first 6 mile run today and I just can't say that I love it. I'm hoping that as it gets easier I start to. My only distance goal is my first official 10k at the end of this month and a half later this year with my hubby. Looking forward to get to know people and learn to love running!
  • girlcalledryan
    girlcalledryan Posts: 241 Member
    Hi all! I am ryan, I have been running over a year now. I have 2 halfs and sweveral shorter races under my belt. Planning a full in the fall. I live in Cleveland, OH, and my community has a great running scene. I am always looking for more friends here if you want to add me.
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    Hello all,

    I am Mary here in San Diego, I started running in 2009 and ran a Full Marathon with no training. Never do that! Since then I have ran several HM and smaller events and tried the full again bit had to stop after 17.5 miles (injuries). Last year was sidelined from running with a back injury for six months. I have run a few halfs since the back injury and some 10 and 5ks. I am now training to run a full in September...
  • lindsaymarie28
    Hi I'm Lindsay! So happy to have found this board. I have been running most of my life but started doing half marathons in 2007. I love the half marathon distance but I have also run two fulls and am hoping to run another this year :) I am getting back into full training mode after going through three months of physical therapy for plantar fasciitis.. :)
  • pramsden
    pramsden Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I am Patty - started running about 3 years ago to keep off the extra weight once and for all ! My love is the long run - had the honor of running Boston Marathon this year - simply amazing! I live in Massachusetts and belong to a great running club .
  • jessspurr
    jessspurr Posts: 258 Member
    Hi there fellow runners! I'm Jessie and am fairly new to running. I started down my weight loss path a little over a year ago. In doing so, I thought I'd give running a try. Before I "started running" I had run a few 5Ks but generally really struggled with it and hated it. Somehow something clicked in me that "whoa. This is awesome. Running makes me feel alive" and it was all over from then! I started training for a half marathon(July 27th) back in December/January and after quick endurance gains I started thinking about running a full marathon. (I'm still going to run the half though first). I have one in mind for September 20th in Fairbanks, AK. The Equinox. My mom ran it way back in the day and she and I have been training together so it's important to me that I run the Equinox. Sure, I'm thinking I will be in good enough shape by this September to do it but if I don't feel like I've trained enough it won't kill me to put it off for a year. What is NOT an option is starting it but not finishing. I run about 20 miles per week currently with my longest run ever being 11 miles a couple weeks ago.
  • lightfaststrongfierce
    Hey there, I'm Lin! I've been running for about 2+ years now (currently 18). I had a shin stress fracture though, and haven't been training regularly since January and haven't been running at ALL since March. Recently got the go-ahead from the doctor to run 10 minutes twice a week for the next 6 weeks - terribly little, but better than nothing, I guess. The lack of activity and binge eating has led to my weight ballooning and I'm really excited to get back on track. :)
  • Meergan
    Meergan Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Megan (23)
    I ran my first competitive race when i was 7 and was in a running club up to the age of 15 .. Until i regrettably gave it up! My mums a personal trainer so i have always ran occasionally since but have never had the same passion

    Just finishing university and i'm back running with a vengeance! i've been running for 2 months and have worked up to 6.5 mile runs and try to run between 3-5 times a week. I aim to be running 10 miles in a month and have dreams of doing my first half marathon in 1.40 or less.
    I'm really not struggling with the distance and never come back tired, i'm just struggling to push myself faster! i can easily run 7 minute miles on a treadmill, but haven't got a sub 8 minute mile on the road yet.

    If anyone has any tips on speeding yourself up, or playlists that have helped i am all open ears . Or recommendations for over ear headphones/ ladies running gear! best running shoes i'd love to hear

    Megan :)
  • schmenge55
    schmenge55 Posts: 745 Member
    Hi Megan- can't help on the playlist as I run naked (as in no music, not the other way). Right now you are doing the best thing to get faster and that is adding miles. Lots of easy miles does build speed. Are you familiar with fartleks? Maybe throw some in once or the twice a week?
    Hi everyone, I'm Megan (23)
    I ran my first competitive race when i was 7 and was in a running club up to the age of 15 .. Until i regrettably gave it up! My mums a personal trainer so i have always ran occasionally since but have never had the same passion

    Just finishing university and i'm back running with a vengeance! i've been running for 2 months and have worked up to 6.5 mile runs and try to run between 3-5 times a week. I aim to be running 10 miles in a month and have dreams of doing my first half marathon in 1.40 or less.
    I'm really not struggling with the distance and never come back tired, i'm just struggling to push myself faster! i can easily run 7 minute miles on a treadmill, but haven't got a sub 8 minute mile on the road yet.

    If anyone has any tips on speeding yourself up, or playlists that have helped i am all open ears . Or recommendations for over ear headphones/ ladies running gear! best running shoes i'd love to hear

    Megan :)
  • mia79gbr
    mia79gbr Posts: 2 Member

    I've been running about 3.5 years and I run pretty much every distance from 5ks to 50 miler ultra marathons. My last big race was London Marathon and it definitely lived up to the hype - it was brilliant plus I got a new PB!

    I'm on MFP as I used to be 5 stone overweight. I lost the weight but of course I don't want to put it back on again. I've kept it off for the 7 years without any blips or gains but I've been tracking calories the whole time. Previously I used Tap n Track, but I got a FitBit and liked the idea of being able to track my steps and activity in the same place without having to guesstimate it so much so I moved to MFP.

    I live in the midalnds, UK and I'm lucky that I've got such a variety of different trails and terrains to run in only a short car journey - or run! - away.

    p.s. Megan, - I've found interval training has been great for speeding me up. One of my fave interval sessions is:
    60 secs at (goal) 5k pace with 30 secs recovery, then 60 secs at 1 mile pace with 1 min recovery straight into 1 mile at 10k pace.
  • lockeddoor
    lockeddoor Posts: 103 Member
    Hi, I'm Tracy, and I'm 31 years old and the mother of 4 kids. I'm a former gymnast and I have always loved running, but the junior high cut the track team the second I entered, and my high school was too poor for a track team, so I stopped training and gave up on running. After my 4th kid, I decided to go to my local fitness center, on a whim, and just run, and I fell back into my old habits. Then I injured myself (I really just kind of WENT FOR IT when I started back up, instead of easing back in, which was stupid of me). But I overcame, and have been running for 15 months, and just completed my first half marathon. Personal record, even though I tripped on the trail over the rocks... twice... how embarrassing!

    I track my diet not so much because I care about weight (I could stand to gain a few lbs but I'm a textbook ectomorph and it requires heroic amounts of effort to gain weight, so I have pretty much stopped caring LOL)... I log my food just to keep myself from eating Nutella all day. I try harder to eat healthy when I log my food, and I'm hoping that as I adjust my eating habits, I'll be a better, faster runner. Nothing ruins my speed and distance like inadequate calorie intake, so you'll probably always see my calories in the red ;)

    I run about 25 miles per week right now, and my pace (for my long distance runs) are about 9:15-9:30 (with 13 miles being my longest distance that I do each week), so I'll be working on increasing my total mileage per week, increasing distance, and then hoping I get faster along the way :)
  • cnl91_W
    cnl91_W Posts: 89 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm Corinne, I'm 23 years old and have always been "off and on" when it comes to running. I've never run more than 8 miles at a time in my life, but I have signed up for my first half marathon in October of this year! Right now I'm still working up to regularly running 3 miles a few times each week. I'm starting slow, but have got 20 weeks until the race. By many accounts, that's enough time for me to build up to a respectable half.

    I'm really looking for friends who might be able to help me in training (all the info online is kind of overwhelming) if I have questions / along the way. Or, just add me so I can check out your workouts and see what works for you. I'd really appreciate it!
  • suetorrence
    suetorrence Posts: 163 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I am Sue, 66 years old and I live in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. I began on MFP last July with a goal of losing 80 pounds. Asthma and my age, made me think I shouldn't and couldn't run. I began working with a personal trainer twice a week doing strength training and tracking calories while eating healthy foods. Then last December our local Fleet Feet store offered a class called "No Boundaries" using the C25k method. I signed my husband and me up for the class and the rest is history. We completed the class and ran a 5k in February with new snow falling. Then we immediately signed up for a 101 Half-Marathon class using the same training method (walk/run) as the C25k. In May of this year I completed the Half-Marathon and really enjoyed it. Now I am training for my second half-marathon.

    Thanks to all of you on MFP and the Long Distance Runners group, I look forward to running and want to continue running until I can no longer place one foot in front of the other.:flowerforyou:
  • soonersusie
    soonersusie Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm Susan and I live in Oklahoma City, OK. I've been running for about 2 years now and have completed lots of 5ks, a couple of 10ks, and a half marathon. I just healed from a stress fracture in my foot and was unable to run for 6-weeks. Looking forward to getting back out there and training for another half marathon before the end of the year. Enjoyed reading your stories and look forward to building each other up!
  • cedder1
    cedder1 Posts: 139 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Stacy. I just started running 1 1/2 years ago and will be running my 5th half marathon this fall with hopes of breaking my last time of 1:55:05 minutes. I have found a wonderful local running group and my husband and I have really enjoyed all the commodore! Happy running
  • Novus175
    Novus175 Posts: 80
    Ok, so, I'm a total neophyte in the running world and I feel like a total poser being in this group. :ohwell:

    I completed Couch to 5K and three 5K races in 2010. No running in 2011 or 12. Last year I did a Color Run 5K with several friends. And now I'm back at this running thing with a whole lot of seriousness and dreams of doing a 10K this autumn. My endurance is suckage at the moment but I'm working my way through a 10K training plan.