June 2014 Challenge!!



  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    I know the feeling! I'm down 4lbs. Since Monday and i have a birthday party on Saturday so guaranteed I'll be back up by Monday. Every weekend I seem to get thrown off.

    Let's try to break the trend this weekend! Good luck to you.
  • clare_smiles
    clare_smiles Posts: 98 Member
    Almost finished my 2 weeks of induction. I was 175 starting and am now 166. My goal weight is 150 and then go from there. I would love to lose 10 pounds in June.

    Fantastic Loss!
  • Want2BeBetter
    Want2BeBetter Posts: 44 Member
    I want to get under a 100kg, but barring that I want to get under 102kg because that will mean I'm finally halfway to my goal weight.
  • clare_smiles
    clare_smiles Posts: 98 Member
    How did everyone's week go? I lost 7 lbs! (though I know some of that is water weight...) was 200, now 193!!! YAY.
    Onto week two ! :) Hope everyone is doing well!
  • Fightin2GetFit
    Fightin2GetFit Posts: 69 Member
    I've been in induction for 6 months now. I plan to stay on it until I lose an additional 62 lbs. (I've lost 35 lbs. so far). It can be boring but I try to just find substitutes for things I really enjoy. My biggest life saver has been Mama Lupe's Low Carb Tortillas (3 net carbs). You can buy them on netrition.com. I fry them to make chips and serve with cheese dip. Or I make peanut butter and jelly wraps (use sugar-free jelly). You can make tacos, philly cheesesteaks, etc. Best of luck!! :)
  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    I'm just back from my holidays carrying an extra 6 pounds :grumble: . May went so well for me, but holidays with my kids involve a strict ban on all diets :wink: . I'm hoping the 6lbs comes off easily, so I'm targetting 163lbs again this month, which will mean a very optimistic loss of 9lbs.

    First things first, I need to get back into ketosis ASAP!
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    First things first, I need to get back into ketosis ASAP!

    Good luck with that! It seems to take me a few days to get back into it...
  • amberecochran
    amberecochran Posts: 124 Member
    Starting today. I know I'm late but oh well.

    SW: 214
    GW: 199
  • LadyALB
    LadyALB Posts: 6 Member
    I'm just beginning my 4th week on induction. The first 3 weeks I didn't loose an ounce. I had done Atkins several years ago and it worked extremely well but I have been told that the 2nd time around it isn't so easy although being in mild to moderate ketosis the entire time. I was encouraged to hold strong and persist, which I have. last week I knew I was beginning to break thru since I began having that "Atkins flu" headache. Sure enough, I finally began to loose and am loosing about 1 pound a day since last Thursday. I know this rate won't continue but I'm just excited that my body has finally converted to burning fat for energy instead of glucose. YEAH! I hope to loose 6 to 10 pounds during this challenge. So always persist thru plateau's.
  • VaporHero2
    VaporHero2 Posts: 24
    42 days into induction with 31lbs lost. I've hit 288 several times this month lol. But I finally surpassed it. Down to 286. It's so hard when family wants to go out. They just wanna keep tempting you lol.
  • ckidsfun
    ckidsfun Posts: 4 Member
    Good Morning. I am finishing the second week of induction. I started at 226 and am now down to 218.2. It was so nice to drop below 220 for the first time in 2 years. I am hoping that I can get get down to 210 by the end of the month. Good Luck to everyone!
  • LuluNH
    LuluNH Posts: 75 Member
    Just checking in...bouncing between 169 and 172 and re-reading Atkins..I'm trying to keep my carbs under 50 per day and I don't feel deprived which often seems to derail me as I get closer and closer to maintenance. I have my butt back on the elliptical as walking outdoors was consistent but not as much of a "workout". My fat cells "cry" like crazy on the elliptical....(lot's of sweat!!) Best wishes for an on-plan day!!
  • djthom2
    djthom2 Posts: 63 Member
    Well I managed to get down to 169.4 by Saturday morning. Unfortunately we celebrated my birthday both sat. and sun. When I stepped on the scale Sunday morning I was back up to 174.8, I didn't even check Monday morning to see how much more I gained. Since I felt like crap I decided to fast on Monday to help get me back into ketosis faster. Back down to 172.4 this morning, but still feeling crappy. Dreading the retirement party and fathers day parties I have to go to this weekend. I'm beginning to feel like I'll never get out of the 170s.
  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    First things first, I need to get back into ketosis ASAP!

    So far so good! 2 days back on the diet and exercise = 2 of the holiday pounds gone. If only weight loss was this easy all the time!
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    Had a night out with college friends last night and managed to come in with a 1/2 lb loss this morning - yay! Planning ahead really helps, even if you deviate a little. :-)
  • wwmoab
    wwmoab Posts: 48 Member
    Lost 10 lbs during the first 8 days and not a pound since then. Trying not to get discouraged. Hopefully 5 more lbs at some point this month!
  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    Lost 10 lbs during the first 8 days and not a pound since then. Trying not to get discouraged. Hopefully 5 more lbs at some point this month!

    How long have you been on Atkins? Lots of people report a good loss in the first week then nothing for a week or two, but the weight will start to come off again if you stick with it :smile:
  • VaporDeb
    VaporDeb Posts: 12 Member
    I started Induction on 6/10/14. I've lost 4 lbs so far. I've always had great success doing induction in the past so I'm hoping to have the same results this time. I've never been this heavy in my entire life. No one in my personal life knows my weight (including my amazing hubby/best friend) because I'm so embarrassed by the number. If you view my profile you will learn the story behind my weight gain.

    My goal this month is to not plateau/stall for more than a couple of days between now and the end of the month. I'm hoping to lose 4 more lbs by the end of the month.

    My long term goal is based on the results that I had last time I did induction: 90 days/30 lbs. I want to lose 35 total so hopefully within 105 days I can get to my final goal.

    I always make sure that I drink at least 100 oz of water per day in induction so that my weight does not reflect water weight loss.

    Best wishes and lots of willpower/strength to all of you!!!

    SW=199.4 CW=195.4 GW=165ish
  • melodymedlin
    melodymedlin Posts: 254 Member
    :wink: just checking in. I've lost 3 of the 5 I wanted to loose before vacation. I'm hoping next week its another 2lb loss to put me that much closer to a happy healthier me. Although I've struggled I've managed to push through. I have a long way to go and some days its all I can do to put one foot in front of the other. Love to all and Good luck~
  • RainbowPearl
    RainbowPearl Posts: 42 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Just found this group. I've been low carbing for 1 1/2 years now. I hover around 30 - 35 net carbs a day. I am 4' 11" so I don't weight much any more, only 4 lbs. from my goal weight. My problem is that I still have a muffin top, spare tire, love handles, call it what you will, it's still there. I have been doing exercises and lifting weights every day. I alternate between the two everyday. I guess I'll just have to be patient and keep up the exercising. Didn't come on fast, it certainly won't go fast even though I really would like that :happy:
    Just wanted to say and tell you a little about myself. Glad to meet you all.