Monday (6/9) Check In!

13Strong Posts: 502 Member
Happy Monday!

Why is Monday the best day of the week? It's the first day for most and thus the starting line - no one is any further behind anyone else! If last week was a good week- great job and keep it going. If it was a bad week - hit the reset button and try again! Everyone gets the same chance on Monday - unless you work the weekend, then those of us who are oh so lucky get an awesome head start! :) Either way - Happy Monday.

So on that note:
What ONE thing do you want to do well this week?

And how's it going in general? What's good? And what's bad? What changes are you making?


  • mhill40
    mhill40 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello! I'm doing pretty well with my eating. I try my best not to overdue things if I splurge. I would like to make sure I increase my cardio and water this week!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    What ONE thing do you want to do well this week?
    +++ I'm with Mhill40 on increasing water. In my case, I know I am not drinking enough from time to time which kills the next day for me.

    And how's it going in general? What's good? And what's bad? What changes are you making?
    +++ Going rather sluggest for me. I'm trying to make healthier food choices and be more conscious about getting exercise. I am still caving in to sweets and not moving as much as I should be. My changes are just trying to do a bit more each day and be mindful of it. It's a lot easier to be accountable if I'm paying attention to my own habits. I also am trying to do things right away vs procrastinate. Once I give in to not doing something, it's harder to get the motivation again.

    Hope everyone is having a good Monday!
  • LockStockNSam
    LockStockNSam Posts: 30 Member
    Happy Monday! Some of us are starting over, and some of us are trying to keep the motivation up. And also trying to deal with the weekend being over, boo!

    ++One Thing I Want to Do Well This Week++
    I want to really power through my spin and boxing classes...My cardio is good, but I'm still really weak at simple things like push ups, ugh. I always have to resort to using my knees. I also want to integrate running a bit more. I ran yesterday and felt great, but a thunderstorm was imminent and I had to go in after 6k.

    ++How are things going??++
    I feel like I'm putting a lot of work and hours in, but my results are minimal. I could just be being hard on myself. I don't use the scale, just my measurements, and my waist has gone from 27" to 25.5", so that's awesome! But other areas seem much the same. Maybe I'll get a body composition measurement done? Or maybe I'll just relax and let it happen because I need to stop worrying! I should do some yoga and just relax instead of killing myself working out, then beating myself up for not 'being better.'
  • FitCoachShawn
    FitCoachShawn Posts: 230 Member
    Im starting a new phase of getting in shape and eating healthier and working out more.
    I could be doing much better then I have been so its time to be more accountable to myself and reach my goals!
    I love seeing every one posting in here! Lets do this!
  • Diva1205
    Diva1205 Posts: 32 Member
    Happy Monday (a little late)-

    ++How are things going??++
    Well my week last week was awesome...did a lot of walking, went to the gym...stayed within my calories,....but I GAINED 5 pounds...WHAT! so needless to say yesterday I was feeling down.. so this week, I'm going to still keep going.

    ++One Thing I Want to Do Well This Week++
    I plan on hitting the gym, an maybe doing some more aerobics, instead of just walking or hiking for 5 days. Drink more water...and pray! LOL

    Hope everyone had a fabulous Monday!
  • 13Strong
    13Strong Posts: 502 Member
    ++How are things going??++
    Well my week last week was awesome...did a lot of walking, went to the gym...stayed within my calories,....but I GAINED 5 pounds...WHAT! so needless to say yesterday I was feeling down.. so this week, I'm going to still keep going.

    Being a numbers person - 3,500 calories = 1lb, so I kind of doubt you gained 5lbs of fat or muscle. Although, I've been reading the body breaks down different calories in different ways - some nutrients help our system other make it sluggish (not saying this is the case for you).

    For me, the scale goes +/- 3lbs in a week. So you aren't alone! And I know it's not that I'm gaining or losing pounds of fat or muscle, but water due fluctuations in my water consumption and retention. I tend to ignore it though I do try to cut down on sodium and increase water.

    I must admit, gaining lbs that is not muscle is always disappointing AND so is losing lbs that don't have to do with fat... But we'll keep going. Sooner or later it has to balance out, right? :)