Introduce yourself!

Basically say who you are, your starting weight, and your goals for the challenge!

My name's Ruby!
I'm currently at 10st7lbs or 147lbs, looking to get to 119 before end of September!


  • mikolka07
    mikolka07 Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Micole:) im 23 and at 160. I would love to lose 30 pounds!
    cant wait to start this challenge with you all!
  • ittybittykittyy
    ittybittykittyy Posts: 20 Member
    Hi ladies! My name is Kat and I am 24, I currently weigh between 156-158 (fluctuates daily ;/) and I'd like to get to 125-ish! :) Sometimes in September would be nice.. looking forward to the weigh-ins and progress!!
  • jiagetsfit
    jiagetsfit Posts: 273 Member
    Hey! My name is Jisha. I currently weigh 76kg. I'm 5'3 and my goal weight is 55kg. I want to lose the extra kilos by October. Excited to start the challenge :-)
  • knoes1
    knoes1 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey! Looking to loose 7-8Kgs (17-15lb) currently weighing 83Kgs (183lbs). Super keen for T25! Thanks for starting the group. Is this group for ladies only if so. I appologise and will leave the group.
  • jmelton9
    jmelton9 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! My name is Jaime and I am weighing more than I like to admit out loud (ok, 219.6 as of this morning). I had a baby in January and working to get off the rest of that weight plus more. I would like to be under 200 before I head to the beach in mid July. I started T25 this week, but doing a lot of the modifying. I had already decided to "restart" it on Monday. I am looking forward to us all doing this together!
  • Brit1283
    Brit1283 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I am Brittany. I am at 192.8 as of this morning. Super excited to get this going. My goal is to be somewhere between 135-155 (I'm 5'8") I Not positive on the weight but I think that is my rough goal and I will see how I look and feel when I get there. My anniversary is next month and I am looking to be down one size minimum by then. Thanks for starting the group!!
  • CTully21
    CTully21 Posts: 5
    I'm Charla. Currently, I weigh around 148 and would like to get to 130 or so. I'm also hoping to run an 8K in September and will be using T25 to assist me in that goal. T25 expected to arrive on the 16th, just in time to start!
  • Hi everybody!

    Not a ladies only group at all- just a group for anyone who wants that extra support from people doing the same thing!

    Can't wait to get started with everyone. :)
  • kbolton322
    kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
    Hi!!! I'm Kara.. I weighed this morning at 160lbs.... I want to get down to 130lbs at least by the end of the year... if not sooner... I'm hoping to get throguh T25 this time around since I only have soccer for one daughter at this time and its Indoor so no practices all week!!!
  • jcoiv70
    jcoiv70 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, My name is John. Currently I weigh 214 (down from 228 after doing the Alpha Phase back in April). I am looking to lose another 30 lbs. I didn't get into the Beta Phase because I was side tracked with trying to study for my last Architectural Licensing Test (Done). So I am ready to recommit to the program and start again from the beginning. This programs does work and it kicks your butt (Total Body Circuit is a killer). I look forward to this journey with all of you.
  • tamikawoodson
    tamikawoodson Posts: 185 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm Tamika. My weight as of this morning was 204lbs. My ultimate goal weight is to be around 170ish. I really don't have a time frame to lose the weight as I have already lost around 60lbs. I bought T25 a while back and made it through 2 weeks and got distracted by life(family, job, etc.) so I'm ready to start anew. I really want to focus on toning up my arms and strengthing my core but overall just be more lean and build my strength and endurance up.
  • Hello to all! My name is Matilda and I currently weigh more than I should due to life issues. My goal is to lose at least 50 pounds by November.
  • rachelliptic
    rachelliptic Posts: 22 Member
    Could someone give me a short summary of what T25 is, what you do, who it's for, and what sort of results people tend to get? There are so many of these fitness challenges out there, I can't keep track or decide which one(s) to do when. TIA and hope to join you on Monday :happy:
  • T25 is a workout dvd program by Shaun T (Insanity, Hip Hop Abs, etc.). It's 25 mins a day, with 50 mins on a Friday, rest on a Saturday, and a stretch on a Sunday.
    It's good for people short on time, or if Insanity was hard on your joints, it's a little lower impact. :)
    It still kicks butt though! It's ten weeks long (Alpha and Beta) with an optional extra Gamma stage.

    It's great for losing weight and toning up, according to people I know who have done it

    Hope that helps! :)
  • Audi3160
    Audi3160 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi my name is Shaun and I weigh more than I should. I am 45 yrs old and need to get my butt in gear to lose weight. I would like to lose weight and tone. Because I get bored easily and have a hectic schedule I decided to get Shaun T and just do it. Good luck to all.
  • justisroyster
    justisroyster Posts: 40 Member
    Wish I got this message a couple months back. I already finished the program, but still doing it so I don't mind going along with this challenge.
  • justisroyster
    justisroyster Posts: 40 Member
    Oh wait, forgot to introduce myself. I'm Justis, I'm 24 years old. I currently weigh 158lbs. I've finished the program and lost 14lbs, but I am still doing T25 for body sculpting along with other quick workouts that I've already been doing.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    My name is Cody and I did a round of t25 last fall and have spuraticly done some since then. I lost several inches and it's time to do another round. I'm currently at 190lb and have about 40 lbs left to loose.
  • dankas001
    dankas001 Posts: 209 Member
    hi all im kate 42 year old CW 176lbs GW 140lbs looking forward to day 1 tomorrow xx
  • Oliviashar10
    Oliviashar10 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi my name is Liv. I'm 26 years old and currently 230 lbs, my ultimate goal is to get to 140 lbs, yes I have a long way to go but I have mentally prepared myself for this, I'm ready for this challenge!!! Very excited to get this weight off!! Best results to everyone, let's go!!!