Lean Phase Ladies - Starting week of 5/26



  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    You may not feel like you are getting as much on the legs because you concentrate on the upper body movements more.

    Also, since the weights you are using for upper body can't be as heavy as when you focused on lower body in Push you are somewhat downgrading the tonnage. (I hope that make sense).

    I would say if you still have the strength and stamina after to throw in some heavier lower body focused exercises. I have been doing some Goblet Squats sometimes and extra calf raises.

    Day after the day of 2 and I could barely strap my bra!

    *any information above is my opinion and I'm not a doctor nor do I play one on tv :)
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    ...having trouble with doing up and undoing my bra... omg.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Hi Girls,
    completed the Lean 3 today, it went pretty good. I was really sore in the middle of the week but feeling much better. I know my arms and back were really hurting.

    Dee - I did not know you have done this program so many times before, thank you for sharing that with me. That is good to know as I think I want to stick with this and do some repeat once I am done too. I used to be a huge gym person and NEVER thought I would find a DVD workout that would fuel me but this one does. I actually feel like she is pushing me harder with the adjustable dumbbells than I ever did in the gym.

    Kris - I think on L/1 I am feeling the hamstrings quite a bit on the legs but I do know what you mean about more lower body. I think Pips is right that we are so focused on the heavy upper weights we are not feeling the lower 1/2 as much. I thought in Burn I really felt a good lower body work out too. Throw in some extra squats to make up for it; I may try that too.

    Pips - I hope your muscles feel better soon but I love that you are pushing yourself so to the max. I love the positive and motivating group we have:drinker: I always enjoy coming out to see what is going on.

  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Hi Girls,
    completed the Lean 3 today, it went pretty good. I was really sore in the middle of the week but feeling much better. I know my arms and back were really hurting.

    Dee - I did not know you have done this program so many times before, thank you for sharing that with me. That is good to know as I think I want to stick with this and do some repeat once I am done too. I used to be a huge gym person and NEVER thought I would find a DVD workout that would fuel me but this one does. I actually feel like she is pushing me harder with the adjustable dumbbells than I ever did in the gym.

    Kris - I think on L/1 I am feeling the hamstrings quite a bit on the legs but I do know what you mean about more lower body. I think Pips is right that we are so focused on the heavy upper weights we are not feeling the lower 1/2 as much. I thought in Burn I really felt a good lower body work out too. Throw in some extra squats to make up for it; I may try that too.

    Pips - I hope your muscles feel better soon but I love that you are pushing yourself so to the max. I love the positive and motivating group we have:drinker: I always enjoy coming out to see what is going on.


    It was Lean 3 for me today also. I love the kneeling crunches, don't know why.

    When I got to the gym today it was so quiet. I thought to myself "this is awesome!" Then I turned the corner to the free weights and BAM 2 guys taking up all the space. One of them is a guy who talks to me though and I made a joke about them being in my space and he said "it's almost all yours!" And then it was :) But he was teasing his friend saying things like "so are you going to lift today or what?" and "When are you going to go heavy?" I was laughing.

    2 more weeks for me.. and then? I'm really wanting that PiYo Chalene DVD...
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    First week of Lean done. I did not get as sore as I expected was dripping with sweat halfway through Lean 3 today. Does not help when my three year old keeps asking me if the weights are heavy :O).
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    First week of Lean done. I did not get as sore as I expected was dripping with sweat halfway through Lean 3 today. Does not help when my three year old keeps asking me if the weights are heavy :O).

    So cute your 3 year old is concerned! Good work on finishing!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Lean 1 Round 3.

    I actually think next week I can go up in weights!

    got my plank tricep kickbacks all on my hands, no knees. woot!
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Lean 1 Round 3.
    I actually think next week I can go up in weights!

    got my plank tricep kickbacks all on my hands, no knees. woot!

    Way to go! I did Lean 1 yesterday for the second time. It went much better than the first time. I had to go down in the weights a bit from the first time because my form but overall I feel better about it.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Lean 1 Round 3.
    I actually think next week I can go up in weights!

    got my plank tricep kickbacks all on my hands, no knees. woot!

    Way to go! I did Lean 1 yesterday for the second time. It went much better than the first time. I had to go down in the weights a bit from the first time because my form but overall I feel better about it.

    I have to say I think L3 is the hardest!
    Today I have L2 on the schedule.
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    I agree I think L3 in the hardest too

    I switched up my lifting mornings this week to Tues, Thurs & Sat due to late night baseball games on Tuesday and Thursday nights and making those other mornings really hard to get up so early and feel energized....
    I did L1 yesterday and it went good, I am not sore today so I think I broke through the worst part last week. YEAHHH!
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    I missed my workout yesterday since we spent three hours in Best Buy trying to upgrade our phones. It threw my whole day off. Got Lean 2 done today and I think I am just going to to Lean 3 tomorrow just to get my schedule back on track. Really hoping to see some changes this month. I know I am getting stronger but I am not seeing anything else :O(
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Glad to see everyone still moving along.

    We got new phones/service at Best Buy earlier this year, so I know how long that can take - ugh!

    I did 2 in a row also after Memorial Day. Good news is I'll be completed next week!

    No weight, only size changes. But it would be nice if the scale would move.

    PiYo comes out 6/23 - I'm so getting it!
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    I am going to wait to see how everyone likes PIYO first. I try to only buy one program a year and CLX was it for this year. Plus there is a new Jillian coming out to so I want to see what that is all about.

    After Lean I think I am going to do Body Revolution and CLX together. One week of BR, followed by a week of CLX and do that for 12 weeks.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    I'm excited since Chalene is the instructor and I like stretching. It will definitely help me toward my forward fold/bend goal heading into 2015.

    Today is L3/C3 - one of my favorite moves coming up ! Kneeling crunches with Overhead press. But -dread- all those push ups!
  • LessthanKris
    LessthanKris Posts: 607 Member
    Ugh I still hate push ups. Did she not say we would love them? Not sure that will ever happen. I will doing Lean 3 too.

    My favorite thing about Lean....I do not have to change the weights as much. It is nice not having to pause after every move to adjust the weights.
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Ugh I still hate push ups. Did she not say we would love them? Not sure that will ever happen. I will doing Lean 3 too.

    My favorite thing about Lean....I do not have to change the weights as much. It is nice not having to pause after every move to adjust the weights.

    I don't love them, but I'm getting better at them. Same with running. I don't love it, but since I'm being consistent I'm getting better at it!

    I agree with you about not needing to change the weights so much, but since I'm doing it at the gym I have multiples to use - didn't think about how much easier that is.
  • LDeegirl
    LDeegirl Posts: 77 Member
    Hi Girls wanted to check in and get all caught up on the post and let you all Know I am still here. Just been crazy busy with lots going on at home. This week I am also in the Lean Phase with you all. Lean Phase is not my favorite. I agree about not getting the leg workout too. I di turbofire 45ez today and Loved it! So Glad everyone is doing well! Keep up the great work. :smile:
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Hi Girls wanted to check in and get all caught up on the post and let you all Know I am still here. Just been crazy busy with lots going on at home. This week I am also in the Lean Phase with you all. Lean Phase is not my favorite. I agree about not getting the leg workout too. I di turbofire 45ez today and Loved it! So Glad everyone is doing well! Keep up the great work. :smile:

    Welcome to the Phase that challenges your balance :)

    This week is my final week!

    I had a super active weekend and I hope I'm able to give Lean 1 a good effort today. I think I might have a pec strain from working out with my neighbor yesterday ... or maybe it's DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) from all the Flys in Lean3.

    I have to say I'm excited to see that slowly my weight loss is increasing - My FitBit update says I am to 59% of my goal. Last week I was at 54%.

    I'm glad to have you all here and excited to help cheer you all on, too!
  • LDeegirl
    LDeegirl Posts: 77 Member
    Yeah to the final week. Have you decided what is next? Has anyone tried or heard anything about the 21 day fix?? I was looking at that maybe next. You are so right with the balance in lean I thougt I was going to fall over. Great Job on the weight Loss!
  • Pipsg1rl
    Pipsg1rl Posts: 1,414 Member
    Yeah to the final week. Have you decided what is next? Has anyone tried or heard anything about the 21 day fix?? I was looking at that maybe next. You are so right with the balance in lean I thougt I was going to fall over. Great Job on the weight Loss!

    I want to go ahead and do the PiYo that is released next week.

    I'm not sure if I know anyone on 21DF, but my sister and a girlfriend are doing T25. I know my sister loves it, my friend has just started but she likes it because she can do it in the morning before work.

    Thanks for the encouragement :)