Feedback Need - Week #1 WOD Thoughts / Experiences

dcrear28 Posts: 12 Member
So we're officially one week into the program and I feel like we're off to a great start. I've individually reach out to a few people to see had they chosen to partake in my WODs or done some other form of activity for the week. I was pleasantly surprised to hear that several people chose the WOD option. A few points I want to highlight regarding the WODs

1. The first week is the hardest. It doesn't really matter if you've been working out or not, if you've not being doing exercises like this on a regular basis your body is going to need some time to adjust. If you did any of the WODs you are or were at some point this week very sore. Its crucial that you don't misinterpret this soreness. This is a good thing, it is the culmination of breaking your body done to rebuild it better.

2. Week 2 begins the rebuild process of your body. It is essential that you not let week 1 go to waste and get back on the WOD saddle. Don't use any soreness as an excuse. I promise that by the end of week 2 you will not feel the same as at the end of week 1 as long as you remain consistent and push through things. It only gets easier from here on our if you remain consistent week in week out.

3. Focus this week on improved form as your body fatigues through the workout. If you feel things are getting a bit easier do one of the following. Increase the intensity, add sets, or reduce rest intervals.

I'm dying to hear from those who participated in the WODs and would like to get some interaction on this topic. Please give me 5 minutes of your time to participate on this discussion board. Let me know what you think, what you'd like to see changed, if you enjoyed it. I'd like to get everyone interacting with each other and comparing stories on this topic.



  • I had already been in the process of a lifestyle change that included a weight loss and exercise regimen, however this fitness challenge increases both the frequency and variety of my workouts. I'll be honest, because I also have a gym membership sometimes I may workout at the gym and do the WOD or alternate between the two. Weigh in is tomorrow... I'll try to remember post my progress each week!
  • keebeez
    keebeez Posts: 2
    Week 1 definitely had me sore, but with a few extra stretches here and there during the week, this weekend has been much better. I'm also on a lifestyle kick, trying to be much more active than I have been since being out of college. Doing 3-4 WODs has so far spiced up my workouts. I'm guilty of doing the same routine at the gym, and thus never saw the results I've wanted. Working full-time, being a doggy mom, among many other things going on, WODs have proved to be more convenient for me. I know what I'll be doing as soon as I go to the gym and/or get home. I just print for the week and get to it!

    Keep it up everyone :smile:
  • dcrear28
    dcrear28 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks for the feedback. I too have been guilty of going to my bread and butter workout routines at times and finding myself in a rut where I didn't see the gains I'd like. The beauty of the WOD system is it keeps things fresh, but also provides muscle confusion never letting on body part get too used to any one routine before it's changed up. I'm interested to hear back from others. Suggestions and improvements are always welcome.
  • mbush06
    mbush06 Posts: 4
    This week I started the WOD week 2. I must say the video attachments are so convenient. I really like that the workout goes through transitions. I like knowing I'm able to move on to the next move once I start to feel the burn. It makes me feel like I'm progressing through my workout without getting bored. And even better is the fact that it can be quick. Its rare but I actually got the forehead sweat in this one. Boom! Also going to keep hope alive that each day I work on jumping ill feel more like a gazelle and less like an elephant. My poor knees!
  • mbush06
    mbush06 Posts: 4
    Donnell, how are you logging your WOD in the dairy? I just chose a general circuit training? Is that close to accurate?