JUNE exercise challenge



  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,597 Member
    Star I missed your birthday, I am so sorry but Happy Birthday girl,:flowerforyou: and way to go on thinking things out and eating the right stuff, it is so very hard for us to do. also sorry about the guy, but only you know best but there are always others out there. I know it's still very hard for me to work on me and be with my hubby, don't get me wrong I love him to death but I really wish he shared the same with working out and getting healthy like I do. I did get him to join MFP but he doesn't use it and won't talk to anyone about anything. I know it will help him.

    I love the challenge thing, we need to get this group back into the swing of things. as to what it might be, I have to think a bit. I know we were doing the 30ds. and I'm still working on my c25k, I had to start back to week one. tomorrow i'll be on day 2 of week 1 lol but I'm ok with this. I wanted to be 300 or 299 by the end of June, that isn't going to happen lol so my goal is to be 299 by July 28th. I know if I eat clean and work out, I'll get there.

    ok back to the challenge ideas, I know I'm in a few challenge and we have to do like 200 mins of cardio in a week and 100 mins of straight training. what if we try something a long this line for a week? Doesn't have to be 200 o 100 but something. or we could find a video and try?
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    I would be up for a challenge, I'm on day 19 of the 30 day shred and in week 1 of a pre-C25k because I wasn't in shape enough to go straight to week one, but a minute challenge, or days/week challenge I think would help me on mornings where I feel less than motivated (e.g. today). I'm aiming for 5 days a week min and 20/min/day min. Also, I think it'd be a good to do a water challenge along with an exercise challenge, gotta make sure to stay hydrated especially when stepping up your fitness.
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    Thank you for the birthday wish Skittles!! :)

    Good ideas ladies! It sounds like most of us are doing exercise on our own and maybe we don't want to add MORE exercise...I've done a challenge before where it was "eat clean and exercise for 30 days" or something like that, you know? I may need to do a "No SUGAR" challenge! UGH!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,597 Member
    Thank you for the birthday wish Skittles!! :)

    Good ideas ladies! It sounds like most of us are doing exercise on our own and maybe we don't want to add MORE exercise...I've done a challenge before where it was "eat clean and exercise for 30 days" or something like that, you know? I may need to do a "No SUGAR" challenge! UGH!

    I am doing a eat clean this week, I am making everything my self. and I am not eating any potatoes, which are my downfall. I love fries and mash potatoes so just this week I won't eat any. its a mini goal. but I like something like work out every day for 30 days. or no sugar. and wtg on the 30DS, I should get back into that again
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,597 Member
    some ideas for some challenges. I just joined a group that starts July 5th and its 5 weeks, we could all join that?

    all of these are 30 day challanges
    plank challenge
    abs challenge
    squats challenge
    wall sit challenge

    I found a lot of different things on pinterst
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    So I was really tempted to sleep in and skip the 30 day shred today, but I didn't. I got my butt out of bed and worked it. I skipped Monday so to meet my goal I now have to work out everyday til Saturday to hit my 5 days a week. How are the rest of you all doing this week?
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    Hey Shannonin---
    Good job doing the 30 day shred when sleeping in sounded better! you have good determination!
    Skittles---good challenges you found! squats, planks, abs---all KINDS of torturous things!

    For the past week I have stayed with my self-challenge.
    Getting in cardio PLUS upper body strength training on mon/wed/fri. And swimming on tue/thur/sun.

    I had a 2.5 pound loss, which is really good for me---I am NOT a quick loser at all.

    the best thing is getting hubby to do the upper body with me---it's only 10 minutes a day, but it helps keep me accountable.

    Cheers everyone!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,597 Member
    you two are doing amazing. keep it up because we all know how truly hard this is.

    I am now debating of doing my c25k this morning because it's lightly raining and I don't know if I want to do it in the rain or not lol. I am thinking of just sucking it up and getting my work clothes on and doing it. if anything it might feel nice.

    I am right now doing an abs challenge and I'm on day 10 but I'm up for another challenge if anyone else is? because I want to lose more in my stomach area. that thing is just not going down lol.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    I really am up for anything but the plank challenge, I tried it and it's just to ridiculous of a progression. I made it to 45 sec but they just don't give you enough time to build up, especially if you have 100 extra lbs you are holding up.

    Also you should totally go run in the sprinkles! I actually like overcasty/sprinkley weather it keeps me cooler....it's like a shower while you are running :-) Though I do live in Washington so I could just like what I know...haha

    I'm planning on doing mine after the DR's because it's a fasting appt, so didn't think it'd be too wise to go before...
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,597 Member
    well I didn't do it, it was raining a bit to hard for my liking, so I just went on the treadmill for a bit. but I am in a few challenges (groups) that one starts on the 22nd called Slimmer Through Summer ( you are put in teams and each week you do a weight in and the team with the most weight gone wins that week. this one starts June 22nd and the next one is kind of the same its a 5 week one called 2014 Summer Slam Weight Loss Challenge little info

    The team spread sheet will be posted on 7/2/2014 and the challenge will start on 7/5/2014. Until then, use the ‘Sign-Up’ spread sheet to add your name, starting weight and weight you wish to be when the challenge ends. Since this is a 5 week challenge and a healthy weight loss is 2 pounds per week, a sensible goal would be to lose 10 pounds. Kudos to you if you want slam down more….

    How are teams created?

    Teams will be created using the sign-up sheet. Once all names are in, a log-in spread sheet will be created with the color coded teams, team leads and space to fill in your weight each week.
    When will the team spread sheet be posted?
    The spread sheet with the teams will be posted on 7/2/2014 and the challenge will begin on 7/5/2014.
  • jltheis7
    jltheis7 Posts: 496 Member
    I like the Summer Slam challenge; they used to do similar challenges at the Curves I workout at. I lost more consistently when I was accountable to a group-met my need to help others while also helping myself I guess. Thanks for posting !
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    So I met my goal for this week! 5 out of 7 days with at least 20 min of exercise. How is everyone else doing?
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,597 Member
    I'm really trying to get my food back under control. So I'm just taking it one day at a time. today I had oatmeal and now I made grilled chicken and grilled onions and peppers and for dinner I'm having the same thing because I made a ton lol
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Alright, I have been off on a bender and only been to the gym once this month, and eating whatever I want. As a result, I have gained another five pounds!! I am now closer to 400lbs than ever before. Trying to get myself back on track.....
  • carrieann8
    carrieann8 Posts: 124 Member
    Hi! I'm new here, but I'm in! I know its late in the month, but I really started Friday. I've done a stupid cardio video on YouTube the last four days and today I did a ton of yard work - about an hour. I was sweating buckets when I came in! Felt great. My new goal is to exercise at least 4 days per week by turning my backyard into a beautiful oasis for the fall!!
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    That sounds like a fun way to get in exercise, you will actually have a beautiful backyard to show for it in the end! I'm trying to work myself up to go right after work to do my Couch 2 5k. I'm lacking in motivation today so I have to make up for it in determination. If I tell all of you I'm going though that goes a long way because I don't want to later have to say I didn't do it. : -)
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    I'm with you Skittles and Unknown!! I need to get my food under control. I have slowly slipped back into some bad habits recently...eating late, eating potato chips, stuff I hadn't done in almost a YEAR!

    I need to regroup and refocus!!!

    Anybody up for an "Eat Clean" challenge??

    BTW, I was holding steady at 315-320 for the longest (over a month) and today I stepped on the scale and was 325!!!!! NO GOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDD!!!!!!
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    BTW, changed my profile pic back to WHEN I MEANT BUSINESS!!!! HAHAHAHAH!!! No time for this CUTESY stuff!!!

  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,597 Member
    I'm with you Skittles and Unknown!! I need to get my food under control. I have slowly slipped back into some bad habits recently...eating late, eating potato chips, stuff I hadn't done in almost a YEAR!

    I need to regroup and refocus!!!

    Anybody up for an "Eat Clean" challenge??

    BTW, I was holding steady at 315-320 for the longest (over a month) and today I stepped on the scale and was 325!!!!! NO GOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDD!!!!!!

    I'm in it with the eating clean, I been stuck at 320-316 and I can't break it. I want to see 300 lol

    welcome Carrie

    Unknown you can do it. We all can. We were working so good and now we all seem to be sleeping back into old ways. So July we should eat clean and I think i'm going back to the 30ds. I need to up my game some how and break this crap. I have worked to hard to give up on my self, and none of you are giving up. we are doing this
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Star - dont feel bad, I am at 390!! That is the most I have ever been!!

    Today I was going to go to the Y and they actually closed down because they had no power for over two hours!! I was (sadly) watching the soccer game when I saw the post on facebook! My team is out in the bloody group stage again!! For the second time in a row! The only upside is that the coach has already resigned so perhaps we will have a chance in 2018!!

    I did not make it back on my wagon today....but am hoping tomorrow.....

    Can someone explain to me what is considered 'clean eating'