What's YOur Go-To Low-Cal Snack?

jdhoward_101 Posts: 234 Member
So, what is everyone's favourite, low-cal, go-to snack when the moment strikes? Would love to get some ideas of the options out there!

If i'm feeling a chocolate crave, sucking on a square or two of dark chocolate usually does the trick.

Otherwise, i love low-fat vanilla yogurt with banana or strawberries, dry cream crackers, (a bit of a strange one), or raw carrot with some low-fat hummus.

Anyone else?


  • Malgorzata79
    Malgorzata79 Posts: 87 Member
    Low-cal snack would be 100 calorie kettle popcorn.

    Low-carb snack would be 1 cup of green grapes
  • pinkyslippers
    pinkyslippers Posts: 188 Member
    I like grapes, strawberries and basically any fruit! But am looking for snack ideas so will be stealing everyone else's lol :laugh:
  • kansas_km
    kansas_km Posts: 73 Member
    I recently learned to make kale chips and love them. Also, beef jerky, popcorn, fruit, spoon of peanutbutter, ants on a log.
  • JayMri
    JayMri Posts: 241 Member
    I started making my own granola bars. They average about 110 calories and are great. I can control what is in them and even add in a handful of chocolate chips for a chocolate fix with out adding a lot of calories.
  • SwiitiPi
    SwiitiPi Posts: 27 Member
    Dole makes these 100 cal packets of banana slices covered in dark chocolate. They rock!
  • BeingMrsFreeman
    BeingMrsFreeman Posts: 15 Member
    All of these sound delish!:smile: