Just started Dukan and already 11 lbs down!

kea8888 Posts: 11 Member
I'm loving this diet! I'm in the cruise phase now and looking to connect with others on Dukan. I've always used low carb eating (all natural, organic) in the past to maintain my weight but was never able to lose with it. I found Dukan last year and realized the missing piece is fat. I was eating too much fat (nuts, coconut oil, full fat dairy from grassfed animals) which is highly recommended in whole foods circles. I don't have the time/patience to track foods as a busy mom, so low carb is a great option. You can usually find a grilled chicken salad anywhere you go in the US!

I have to admit, I add a tablespoon of organic, frozen blueberries to my daily diet. They have the same carbs as a pickle (1 g)- which he allows- but they are a powerhouse of nutrition and flavor. They're amazing in the oat bran pancake, hot oat bran cereal, yogurt, and cottage cheese. Raspberries and blackberries are also very low carb, but I haven't used them yet. I also add a tablespoon of salsa to my eggs or chicken as needed. Again, it also only has 1 g carbs. If he's allowing 12 g of carbs in a cup of skim milk, he should be allowing a few berries and salsa!!! I think Dukan should have a list of these wonderful little additions in his plan when they make such a difference.

Has anyone else found some additions to Dukan that are not on his official "plan" but fit in well with the attack and cruise phase of the diet?


  • kea8888
    kea8888 Posts: 11 Member
    I haven't been pleased with any of the mayo recipes provided in Dukan's book. They make eating tuna, chicken and egg salad a miserable experience. I've found that his recipes all have one yolk (some raw and some cooked). Each yolk contains 5 grams of fat. Well, one tablespoon of prepared mayo has 11 or 12 grams of fat and no carbs. If you use 1/2 tablespoon mixed with about 1-1/2 tablespoons of fat free greek yogurt, it tastes almost the same as my favorite mayo, and it's much easier to prepare too! I only use this once per day and it makes all my favorite salads taste a ton better. I also add a dill pickle to each of these recipes, along with a little pickle juice to extend the mayo.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Hey Fellow Dukanite!

    I lost 46 pounds with the Dukan Diet in 2012 and have kept the weight off! I still eat cruise style most days with a few modifications of my own.

    I followed the diet to the letter of the book till I got to consolidation. I never added bread or potatoes or pasta back to my meals, occasionally I have rice in sushi. The on line coach had me add an apple in place of bread, it worked.

    So for salads I found that lemon or lime juice mixed with just about any fresh herb or spice was a darn good salad dressing without mayo. I did find a fat free greek yogurt with cucumbers and garlic and lemon juice to be a really good tuna or chicken salad add in.

    I also use protein powder or protein bars now. I do find I have to search high and low to make sure they don't have a lot of added sugar.

    Best wishes with your quest and with the Dukan diet.
  • berryfineone
    berryfineone Posts: 5 Member
    Try using Smart Balance Light Mayonnaise Dressing
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I will try that Smart Balance for my husband - he loves his mayo !