cmfontaine31 Posts: 128 Member
I have started this twice now and am into Week 1:

Day 1 was tough! I had done the Physical Fitness Test twice so I decided to do a different Video: Kelli's Calorie Torching, Muscle Building and Fat Burning Workout. WOW! What a workout! Legs were so sore the next day and followed by an 8 hour front desk shift in heels it made for a long and painful Tuesday.


  • Debbi2309
    Debbi2309 Posts: 58 Member
    I have purchased this one as there was an offer on it other day, am currently just finishing my 1st week of round 2 and once I am done with that i shall be starting this round. Sounds like a great workout will give this a go :)
  • cmfontaine31
    cmfontaine31 Posts: 128 Member
    Day3: 56 Minute Sweatfest Butt and Thigh Cardio Workout

    Sweatfest is right! I did this one before and it was a killer! I had to modify some of the exercises about 3/4 way in but I finished it and it has a nice long cool down. I actually enjoyed the Side Burpees...they are less jarring on my body vs. regular Burpees. If you are looking for a jump and lunge filled workout, this is it!
  • cmfontaine31
    cmfontaine31 Posts: 128 Member
    I have purchased this one as there was an offer on it other day, am currently just finishing my 1st week of round 2 and once I am done with that i shall be starting this round. Sounds like a great workout will give this a go :)

    Round 2 is my next one when I finish Round 4 in 8 weeks! How do you like it compared to Round 1?
  • Debbi2309
    Debbi2309 Posts: 58 Member
    will defo try that this weekend, burpees kill me after a while still i prefer them to mt climbers, think i will most certainly be modifying,

    I have really enjoyed is so far got they are kicking my butt they offer beginner alternatives but i have tried the harder ones and am left covered in sweat the HIIT man workout for strong legs was a really killer for me my legs were proper shaking afterwards, if you would like a copy will happily send you it,
  • cmfontaine31
    cmfontaine31 Posts: 128 Member

    Bodyweight Cardio Intervals: Sweat Like You Mean It and Kelli's Abs and Upper Body Strength Training Workout

    Two great workouts on this 3rd day! The first one was nice and quick. 4 groups of 3 exercises. The first group is slow/easy enough to be considered the warm-up. Definitely had me sweating and huffing and puffing! I was glad that the second video was a combo of arms and abs...Nice and slow letting me catch my breath. I am still feeling the legs from yesterday's workout!

  • Debbi2309
    Debbi2309 Posts: 58 Member
    I think i have done those ones before, got me sweating I had quite an easy day cardio wise, today had intense abs and cardio and pilates abs and legs, got a bit of a sweat on it was very challenging as my core is very weak and is certainly what i need to improve on, my favourite 2 words now are workout complete feel such relief when i see that come up or hear it lol.
  • cmfontaine31
    cmfontaine31 Posts: 128 Member
    I think i have done those ones before, got me sweating I had quite an easy day cardio wise, today had intense abs and cardio and pilates abs and legs, got a bit of a sweat on it was very challenging as my core is very weak and is certainly what i need to improve on, my favourite 2 words now are workout complete feel such relief when i see that come up or hear it lol.

    My two favorite words as well! Today's videos are two more leg intensive workouts. I really feel it the next day. I think I will be choosing the lower impact option they offer for today though. I am STILL feeling Wednesday's workout!
  • cmfontaine31
    cmfontaine31 Posts: 128 Member

    A Pilates Butt Workout and a (deceptively titled) No-Squat Leg Workout

    Right up my alley for a fairly busy Friday...Both videos were low-impact. The 2nd was actually the low impact alternative to the level 4/5 intensity leg workout offered. Legs are still feeling Wednesday's workout, so I gladly opted for the alternative. Happy I did because my legs are throbbing right now!

    Praying for an arms or abs workout tomorrow!

  • Debbi2309
    Debbi2309 Posts: 58 Member
    I spent today walking up to park and going round woods a little relieved i dont have major leg work, i have Bodyweight Cardio + Total Body Toning - Double Ladder Workout 16 mins so not to bad hoping i can get through that, then i have Upper Back, Arms, and Chest Workout – 23 Min Tabata Upper Body Workout and some stretching feels doable looking at it, doing it is a different story, just got to get the kids sorted and ready for bed then i can get it done,

    well done on getting through it and i hope you get a rest on the legs tomorrow
  • cmfontaine31
    cmfontaine31 Posts: 128 Member

    Bodyweight Cardio Workout

    I usually nap on Saturdays in between jobs, but not today! I got thru this 35+ minute video feeling pretty good. It's Level 3 Intensity and it definitely gets you sweating quickly. Again with an AB AB format: my favorite! This workout hits legs, core and arms and can definitely be done a few times during the week as it isn't too taxing on any one body area...

    I will enjoy my day of rest tomorrow!

  • cmfontaine31
    cmfontaine31 Posts: 128 Member
    I spent today walking up to park and going round woods a little relieved i dont have major leg work, i have Bodyweight Cardio + Total Body Toning - Double Ladder Workout 16 mins so not to bad hoping i can get through that, then i have Upper Back, Arms, and Chest Workout – 23 Min Tabata Upper Body Workout and some stretching feels doable looking at it, doing it is a different story, just got to get the kids sorted and ready for bed then i can get it done,

    well done on getting through it and i hope you get a rest on the legs tomorrow

    Sounds good! I actually enjoy two-video days. Sometimes a 30+ minute workout seems to never end.
  • Debbi2309
    Debbi2309 Posts: 58 Member
    I take back what I said bout that double ladder workout 16 mins was plenty, never done a ladder workout before, sweating like crazy was level 4, still got strength that i will relax tonight it is 9:40pm, was gonna get my workouts done in morning but instead went out for a walk, was gonna put it off as my walk took it out of me but glad i decided to do it least i will be in half an hour when "workout complete" AB AB are my fav too goes a lot quicker imo, and i agree 2 short vids are better than one long one, tomorrow should be a rest a day but if im able will get the workouts done as I have a busy work week with only getting a morning off instead of a day off so will stuggle getting some workouts in so wll have rest days then
  • cmfontaine31
    cmfontaine31 Posts: 128 Member
    Day 7:
    REST Day, YAY!

    I actually cleaned my apartment for 3+ hours...

    Beginner Low Impact Cardio; Berseker HIIT; 30+ Minute Workout for a Rounded Butt

    The 1st video was a short ten minute warm-up. Definitely enough to get your blood flowing. Easy!

    2nd video: NOT easy! Note to self: when Berserker is in the title, opt for the lower impact video offered. If you like to do jumping jacks, this is the video for you! Not sure why I didn't opt for the Yoga/Cardio Blend offered; guess I was looking to punish myself. This is a level 5 so expect to be dripping with sweat and gasping for air by the end of it.

    Video 3: I did this one the 1st week of the 8 Week Busy Program so I already know what to expect of my legs tomorrow and the rest of the week: JELLO. Overall a great workout. It has a warm up and a cool down included and it's mostly a bodyweight exercise.

  • cmfontaine31
    cmfontaine31 Posts: 128 Member

    35+ Minute Superset Arms and Cardio Workout

    This was a good video. Full body workout focusing on the arms which is what I needed after yesterday's leg workout. There is just enough cardio to get your heart pumping. Minus the Burpees, this was a great day!

  • Debbi2309
    Debbi2309 Posts: 58 Member
    I have done berserker it was hard, I have been slacking from the workouts rest day on tuesday, did a 5k yesterday instead so not a complete slack off lol, tonight tho feet are still sore and had my mum round and its now quarter to 9 so decided to punish myself tomorrow with the workouts cuz i am just unbelievably tired, am ready for tomorrow tho should be all rested and kids will be at their dads so once i get home i can get on it, you been doin well on the workouts tomorrow i have can you HIIT like a girl? 22 min cardio, followed by a 33 min functional strength training and then a lower back stretching routine.
  • cmfontaine31
    cmfontaine31 Posts: 128 Member
    I have done berserker it was hard, I have been slacking from the workouts rest day on tuesday, did a 5k yesterday instead so not a complete slack off lol, tonight tho feet are still sore and had my mum round and its now quarter to 9 so decided to punish myself tomorrow with the workouts cuz i am just unbelievably tired, am ready for tomorrow tho should be all rested and kids will be at their dads so once i get home i can get on it, you been doin well on the workouts tomorrow i have can you HIIT like a girl? 22 min cardio, followed by a 33 min functional strength training and then a lower back stretching routine.

    Loving the videos in Round 4. But I had a rough week last week and somehow ended up taking a Rest WEEK instead of the two Rest Days! Oh well. Back on track today! Good for you running a 5k!
  • cmfontaine31
    cmfontaine31 Posts: 128 Member
    Alright. Enough of this bull$h!+. I have got to get back on track. Redoing my schedule and starting again tomorrow. Gonna pick up at Day 8 tomorrow.
  • onetooblown
    onetooblown Posts: 115 Member
    just purchased this round yesterday and today was Kelli's sweatfest workout, holy crap. halfway through a started wondering if i should have gone with the low impact version but I stuck it out and I'm glad I did!
  • onetooblown
    onetooblown Posts: 115 Member
    upper body strength today :) I was really excited to use my new adjustable dumb bells (even if i didn't put "a lot" of weight on them). my shoulders are already feelin' it :) butt is still sore from yesterday so it was nice to have the deep glute stretch in the cool down.
  • cmfontaine31
    cmfontaine31 Posts: 128 Member
    upper body strength today :) I was really excited to use my new adjustable dumb bells (even if i didn't put "a lot" of weight on them). my shoulders are already feelin' it :) butt is still sore from yesterday so it was nice to have the deep glute stretch in the cool down.

    Good for you!! I wonder that myself sometimes about the low impact version. Way to stick with it!