Help, I need somebody!

KKSBlessed Posts: 10 Member
Hi, My name is Kelsey and I need some help. lol.

I started Keto about three weeks ago. I dropped 4 lbs the first 4 days and I've stayed at the same weight ever since. I'm not sure if I'm eating too few or too many calories. I've used calculators and my macros are on point.

I lift heavy 4-6 days a week. I've been lifting for about 5 years and have a decent amount of muscle on me.

I'm 5'1, 240 lbs. My goal weight right now is about 190. I like being bigger... just, not this big. I'm not expecting a 5 lb loss a week but, 1 - 2 would be nice.

I also drink about a gallon of H20 a day. Supps: Mag. Citrate, Probiotics, Multi.

EDIT: I tried to get a lot of fat in today and hit carbs really low.


  • Deborah105
    Deborah105 Posts: 183 Member
    First - omg you are so cute!

    Now, keto. That fickle fickle beast.

    I shouldn't even answer because I've had a heck of a time with Ms. Keto.

    It sounds like you've used this calculator? If you haven't, use this to calculate your macro percentages. I've been keeping mine at 85 fat, 5 carbs, and 10 protein, but I'm much older and we older women have a harder time losing and i read to up my fat to 85 percent. I've S L O W L Y dropped 13 pounds, but I have to say I'm losing steam with all of this.

    But, back to you. Figure your percentages, put them into your MFP settings. Don't eat back your exercise calories (if you have been). There are lots of knowledgable people here and if you want even more readings check out There are bunches of people there that knows lots as well.

    Let me know how it goes!
  • KKSBlessed
    KKSBlessed Posts: 10 Member
    That's the exact site I used! Although, I shaved off 200 calories from what they said. I never put my workouts in specifically so I don't eat those cals back. I feel and look better overall. I just would like a response from the scale! Lol. Thank for the advice and the add!!! :)
  • cdn_beaver
    cdn_beaver Posts: 130 Member
    Definitely take measurements! Body shape will change even if the scale doesn't. PISS (post induction stalling syndrome) happens to most people so you may be experiencing it. Are you hungry or are you just eating to make your macros? Definitely just listen to what your body is wanting. I imagine you're pretty hungry on the days you lift though. You're an inspiration as I want to get into lifting.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    You have more protein than fat on almost half of the days. Getting the right protein balance ( not too much or too little ) is the key. I personally don't count calories, I eat till I am full and eat when hungry.
  • KKSBlessed
    KKSBlessed Posts: 10 Member
    I do feel smaller and people have commented on my looking smaller. I'll pay more attention to measurements.

    On the more protein than fat. I'm confused... If eating according to percentages than isn't always going to be like that. Because fat is 9 cal per gram and protein is 4 cal per gram. Meaning you eat more protien grams but it's smaller amount of calories over all. My fat is at 75% of my total kcal and protein is at 20% of my total kcal. But, the cal per gram difference causes th gram of protien to be higher.

    I'm aware that protein can interfere with ketosis that's why I started the Bullet Proof Tea because I was finging it hard to get more fat in without getting more protien. I'm afraid If I don't count I'll drastically over eat. Some nights I wake up in the middle of the night starving...
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    Protein is more like a fixed range. Your body needs certain amount (grams) of protein and more if you lift. I have a lower limit and upper limit of protein depending on my training program. If I need extra cals, I go to fats.
  • KKSBlessed
    KKSBlessed Posts: 10 Member
    Okay, I'll pay more attention to my protien intake. I like meat.
  • sirvivor007
    sirvivor007 Posts: 45 Member
    If you are keeping net carbs below 20g and hitting protein goal of 1g per LEAN muscle then you are doing everything right, To many carbs out of ketosis. To much protein out of ketosis. However my weigh loss on Keto is always stair stepped and never linear. Every 2 weeks I get a "whoosh" and the scale drops. The rest of the time I am up and down 1-2 pounds daily.

    Let me also add to measure yourself. For me personally those weeks where the scale didn't move were the weeks when I had the biggest changes. Drop a notch on the belt or clothes got looser. It has happened so often I look forward to the scale stall and wonder where I am going to see it this time. KCKO