June 2014 Challenge!!



  • MaxDPeterson
    MaxDPeterson Posts: 12 Member
    What is the challenge?
  • Want2BeBetter
    Want2BeBetter Posts: 44 Member
    Have still only made it to 103.5kg, have actually gone up but it is "that time" so not to worried. Will stick with it and see how I go, have a couple of week before the end of the month.
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    Good job people - keep focused!

    I am down a lb so far, so just hoping not to gain and maybe lose another lb or 2.
  • pixelled
    pixelled Posts: 70 Member
    Wow, already almost halfway through June but just found this thread so jumping in.

    SW: 145.8
    GW: 115 (but obviously not all in June :) )
  • wwmoab
    wwmoab Posts: 48 Member
    Lost 10 lbs during the first 8 days and not a pound since then. Trying not to get discouraged. Hopefully 5 more lbs at some point this month!

    How long have you been on Atkins? Lots of people report a good loss in the first week then nothing for a week or two, but the weight will start to come off again if you stick with it :smile:

    I'm on day 17, and still stuck on 10lbs lost almost all from that first week. I'm going to stick with it---it is amazing the difference ketosis makes in terms of hunger and cravings. I plan to focus on drinking water as much as I did at first, and just got a FitBit. I'm committed to June 30th, and hoping for a 5 lb loss by then.
  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    Lost 10 lbs during the first 8 days and not a pound since then. Trying not to get discouraged. Hopefully 5 more lbs at some point this month!

    How long have you been on Atkins? Lots of people report a good loss in the first week then nothing for a week or two, but the weight will start to come off again if you stick with it :smile:

    I'm on day 17, and still stuck on 10lbs lost almost all from that first week. I'm going to stick with it---it is amazing the difference ketosis makes in terms of hunger and cravings. I plan to focus on drinking water as much as I did at first, and just got a FitBit. I'm committed to June 30th, and hoping for a 5 lb loss by then.

    I feel your pain! I lost nothing in my second week of induction, but my weight did start to move in the right direction in week 3. I'm really pleased to see you're sticking with it. So many people have a great loss the first week then see nothing the second week and give up because they've lost no more. You will start to lose again :-). Any time I have a plateau I use that as a prompt to look at my diet more closely, make sure I am sticking to my carb allowance and not sneaking in the odd extra bit of carbs that isn't getting logged. Little things like a splash of milk in coffee do add up if you have them a few times per day.
  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    I've been back on Atkins for 1 week since my holiday, and I'm pleased to say I've lost all of the 6lbs I put on while I was away :drinker:. Only 3 more pounds until I reach my June goal of 163lbs :laugh:

    I'm really pleased with myself because despite being on a low carb plan all week, I managed to do my longest swim of the year so far on Saturday - I was in the lake for 2hrs 20mins :smile:. I've always used conventional fuels for long swims (high-sugar energy drinks and carb loading) but this weekend I just had a couple of bits of cheese on the way to the bus in the morning, and didn't get the usual energy crash at 2 hours :heart:.
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    I've always used conventional fuels for long swims (high-sugar energy drinks and carb loading) but this weekend I just had a couple of bits of cheese on the way to the bus in the morning, and didn't get the usual energy crash at 2 hours :heart:.

    So excited to hear this as I am interested in getting back into endurance cycling. I haven't tried since I have been doing Atkins. Looking forward to long rides without the nasty gel packets!

    Happy Monday, everyone!
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    june has been a really good month for me, 2 weeks into a new induction run and have the weight almost back to my low point a couple of months ago, I really need to stop roller coasting right now, even though I am down a good 65 pounds from where I was 1.5 years ago, its time for me to go to a new place, even if I sit at that new place for a long while, for me that new place is under 300, I am right at 320 at the moment, I sold all my 5X clothing a while back, and most of my big 4X clothing, so I want to get it down under 300 and make that my new Ceiling I doubt I will make it to 300 in June, but I am hoping to get under 300 sometime in July and maybe get to 290 or something and then keep it there for a while, so there you have it ,
    So the plan is to not slip up at all this summer, no carb up meals, no weekends off, even on trips or vacations its going to be HARDCORE!! I can do it at resturaunts and buffets, I know how, its the WILL,, its the WAR OF THE MIND, that we all have to win,,
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    So the plan is to not slip up at all this summer, no carb up meals, no weekends off, even on trips or vacations its going to be HARDCORE!! I can do it at resturaunts and buffets, I know how, its the WILL,, its the WAR OF THE MIND, that we all have to win,,

    Great energy! Just what we need for summer. :smile: :devil: :drinker:
  • hawaiiandream
    hawaiiandream Posts: 43 Member
    I'm going to Hawaii in Nov. so I would like to lose minimum 40 pounds by Nov. 13th. I think I can, I think I can!
  • Nano1360
    Nano1360 Posts: 105 Member
    So, I just finished the 6th day of phase 1. A little late for this month's challenge, but I have already lost 4.5 lbs.
    I plan to to reach 15 lbs. by end of June though!
    Good luck every one!
  • amberecochran
    amberecochran Posts: 124 Member
    Checking in....


    I'm down 8lb since starting this on 6/9. Not bad!
  • timwhoa
    timwhoa Posts: 325 Member
    OH YES<< I am talking about ALL Summer long, no slips, no cheats, have supreme will power!, no cheat meals, no dinners out where you say 'ah heck just one meal, NO< STAY STRONG!,, ALL SUMMER LONG!,, the rewards for making it thru 3 solid months will be so so so very worth it when you get there, just 3 short months people, we are the group here on my fitness pal that has the diet that can do it, just eat low carb where ever you are!, plan ahead if you have to, order that burger without the bun at the resturaunt, get the side salad instead of french fries with the blue cheese dressing, order that steak or chicken, go to the buffet where YOU have the choice, but make the right choice,
    COME ON!!!
  • pixelled
    pixelled Posts: 70 Member
    6/13: 145.8
    6/20: 144.0

    1.8 pound loss last week. Slooow.
  • NattieRose80
    NattieRose80 Posts: 32 Member
    6/3: 190.0, first date of induction
    6/20: 185

    GW: 145

    Hopefully I can get to my goal weight by the holidays. I am very pleased with feeling satisfied and not constantly hungry. I weighed 202 in January however with zumba and calorie counting I went down to 190 and did not budge for a few months. I knew I had to do something. I really feel that Atkins is the something I was looking for. No cravings yet however a friend of mine who lost 40 lbs on Atkins said that she had a tough time with maintenance. She gained all of her weight back. I am really happy with low carb and I am really trying to condition myself that low carb for life is the way for me. wish me luck. I am so glad I found this group.

    June Goal, even though we have one week left is 2 more pounds. Hopefully now that I am more established I can reach for 10lbs more pounds gone in July.

    Best to you all.
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    a friend of mine who lost 40 lbs on Atkins said that she had a tough time with maintenance. She gained all of her weight back.

    I am on the verge of maintenance and very concerned about this. It must be a way of life going forward to make it work! I am off on a week long trip for work starting Sunday, so need to stay strong. Just made some fat bombs to bring with me. Coconut almond butter, with cocoa powder and more coconut oil - yum!
  • wwmoab
    wwmoab Posts: 48 Member
    25th day of induction and down 12 lbs total. Really want 15 total by end of June!
  • wwmoab
    wwmoab Posts: 48 Member
    25th day of induction and down 12 lbs total. Really want 15 total by end of June!

    I was so excited by those 2 additional pounds...and then I had two margaritas last night. I'm finding not having a cocktail to be the hardest part of Atkins! Love the monthly challenge though, and with only a week left of June, I can stick to the strict rules for these last 8 days.
  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    I was on a 3 day trip earlier this week. Gained 4 lbs and now and down 2 of those. But - I am flying out today to Europe for 7 days, so really need to watch things! I will try to log on when I can, but won't be able to weigh again until next Sunday. Wish me luck...

    Work trips are hard as people expect you to have an alcoholic drink and eat what is put in front of you...especially in a foreign country.