October wedding!



  • catinkpin
    catinkpin Posts: 30 Member
    So I fell off the fitness wagon... I have collect my dress in approx 5 weeks (I've set it up with my bridesmaids) and really want to try and make an effort before then - I think I've put on about 5kg since I first went and tried it on and got measured. Anybody up for a July fitness challenge? My plan is to try and do some form of exercise every day and eat clean for at least 6 days a week for the next 5 weeks
  • Carross1018
    October 18th too!
    I'm a little discouraged since I couldn't seem to get any motivation until now...
    Unfortunately I have a ton to lose... So I am going to just try my best.
    I'm marrying the man of my dreams so I really can't be that discouraged right? ;)
  • robingoblin
    robingoblin Posts: 46 Member
    Hey everyone! October 12 wedding. I definitely want to do a July fitness challenge. I feel off the wagon a bit earlier, but I'm slowly getting back into the groove of working out... and more than I ever had before! In the winter, I would do one REALLY intense workout once, maybe twice a week. Now I'm getting much better at doing 3-4 (hopefully will get up to 5) moderate workouts that work on different parts of the body.

    Here's a system that's really been helping me. I'm a visual person, so I really enjoy having these sticker rewards on my calendar when I work out. (Pardon the silly disney stickers - they're all I had!)

  • blushingbride2bee
    blushingbride2bee Posts: 39 Member
    I am getting married at the end of September, 24th, almost Oct lol? I am definitely feeling the pressure to reach goals before the wedding. 10 weeks and I want to lose 14 -15 more lbs! Eeek

    I am following a ketogenic diet and plan to start upping my workouts to 5-6 days a week, and more cardio!
  • kvenable8
    kvenable8 Posts: 15 Member
    Tomorrow it will be exactly 90 days until the big one!
    Shall we set a challenge between us and check in fortnightly?
    We can all get access to each other's food/exercise diaries and help to push each other these last 3 months!

    Of course if you're not getting hitched on the 18th, I'd love for you to join in as well!!

    I can start a new discussing topic if you think that would be better?

    Thoughts?! :)