I fell off the paleo wagon

ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
I'm sooooo annoyed at myself. I fell off the paleo wagon, I've no idea why! I know it makes me feel great and I lose weight but never the less I fell off- It started slowly, and before I knew it I was eating sandwiches.
The upshot of this is that I'm up 2 stones from this time last year, my tummy is swolen and I feel like crap :(
So started whole 30 on Sunday and 2 days in I'm already feeling better.
Going back is soooo not worth it!!


  • nickiboop
    nickiboop Posts: 38 Member
    Me too ! I have beenslowly sliding off the wagon and up 9lb from my lowest weight.

    I have tracked religiously for the last week to see where I was going horribly wrong and have been eating between 100 and 150 carbs per day!

    gettting back on the wagon as of today which is kinda helped by the fact I ate bread last night and feel horribly bloated today (need to remember this ! )

    sending you a friend request so we can help each other!

    Im also in the UK - a Leeds girl (origionally from Hull)
  • treatgirl
    treatgirl Posts: 36 Member
    Me too, in total as of today 3 stone back on (over about 18 months)

    BUT am re-committing and just started with a personal trainer, so PUTTING DOWN THE SOURDOUGH NOW!

    Good luck all! Plus feel free to add me
  • kikih64
    kikih64 Posts: 349 Member
    You all got this!! You know how good it feels, so there's your incentive. I slide occasionally, but never for long just because it doesn't feel good. I have to stop cheating with wheat!! It's hard to eat a lobster roll without the roll though - that was my slide this past weekend! To steal a familiar quote "Wheat doesn't taste as good as paleo feels!" :wink:
  • SteamClutch
    SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
    Welcome back all of you, feel free to add me as a friend, I will help any way I can.
  • I too fell off.......... HARD. And bounced about as far away from the Primal/Paleo wagon as you can get. <le sigh> But I'm back on today and am currently detoxing in a big way. I feel like a drug addict, I swear. My boss just brought us donut holes. Only 2 for the 2 of us in my department, but we both told him to TAKE THEM AWAY. And of course he didn't, he told us to "start your diet tomorrow instead." <frustrated sigh> Men!

    My coworker is gingerly carrying the donut holes to the garbage outside the department so we don't have to smell them! Today is day 1 of the rest of my life, right?
  • AmyMS86
    AmyMS86 Posts: 30 Member
    It happens to everyone. At least you recognized and learned from it! :) I fell off for like 2 months. Luckily I didn't gain too much, but I felt like crap. At least the weight I gained seemed to be mostly water weight and came off relatively quickly when I started back again.
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I have been more off than on since my Mom passed away in August. Right now, I am 5 days away from a month long vacation where I will not have much control of my food. However, i have already decided come July 5, I am doing a Whole 30 and getting off this rollercoaster.
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    My backside is bruised from falling off, jumping back on, and then falling off again. :blushing:

    Congrats for getting back on!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    There's one thing to do that just makes EVERYTHING so much easier, even when you fall off the wagon: never eat wheat. That's my only one hard rule and when I gain weight now, it's only a few pounds and it so much easier/faster to get back on track. Keeping sugar in check is the other factor that makes things easier, but wheat is the major one. I never eat it. Never will again.

    I never understand when people talk about eating pizza crust or the bread and then feeling sick. It's pizza toppings and sandwich fillings that are delicious and it's SO easy just to strip of the bread and put it where it belongs; in the trash.
  • Thank you for reminding me of the Whole30. I had always intended to research that and never took the time. Checking it out now.... :-)
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    Me too! Unfortunately it usually takes a day or two to feel the effects of "cheating" but then I"m so sick! Went to get hibachi on wednesday -all that butter and rice made me SO ill, but not until this (friday) morning. At least I know not to do it again!
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    me too, i fell off last christmas after 14 months of no problems on paleo, just getting back into gear this week….never again …felt so much better eating paleo
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    It's always tough as the summer hits, you get together with friends, drink some beer and eat bad food.

    I'm back on and tracking. For me food-wise, it shouldn't be too difficult, but it's the beer i have trouble with.
  • nickiboop
    nickiboop Posts: 38 Member
    Mostly I can stick to Paleo OK, no rice, grains etc

    my downfalls are wine and chocolate

    I think I drank a bottle and a half at a BBQ yesterday!
  • BrakemanSlova
    BrakemanSlova Posts: 54 Member
    I just got back on the wagon about a month ago. But now, due to intestinal irritation probably, I can't even eat aged cheese! Anyway I've gone from 171 to 160 in about 5 weeks! And I'm definitely back in the fat burning metabolism instead of carb burning, which was the worst thing about falling off the wagon.
  • BrakemanSlova
    BrakemanSlova Posts: 54 Member
    Yeah, and I had to quit drinking cuz it makes me want to eat bad stuff.
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    same thing happened to me. i never actually did a full whole 30. maybe this is what i need to jump start again.
  • It's amazing, I fell off on the weekend (in a big way, alcohol, chocolate, pizza even) and I'm crashing today hard.
    Pretty fascinating that your body can go from being OK one day and then after 3 days of horribleness just flip.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    Mostly I can stick to Paleo OK, no rice, grains etc

    my downfalls are wine and chocolate

    I think I drank a bottle and a half at a BBQ yesterday!

    hah this is me, i am great when it comes to not eating dairy or grains, however wine & sugar I find the hardest...
  • Thorbjornn
    Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member
    I've fallen off the wagon so many times it's a wonder every bone in my body is not broken... that I'm not an amorphous blob of protoplasm (if I keep eating the way I have been, I just might turn into that). :frown: My latest venture was to try going vegetarian, for ethical and religious reasons. I've tried before and failed miserably. Maybe it's because I have metabolic syndrome with insulin resistance, gluten intolerance and hypothyroidism? Carbs are not my friend, and a veg. diet is high carb. For those who say it doesn't have to be, then clearly I am doing it wrong. So I have come to the conclusion that it's evidently my lot in life to be carnivorous.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I've fallen off the wagon so many times it's a wonder every bone in my body is not broken... that I'm not an amorphous blob of protoplasm (if I keep eating the way I have been, I just might turn into that). :frown: My latest venture was to try going vegetarian, for ethical and religious reasons. I've tried before and failed miserably. Maybe it's because I have metabolic syndrome with insulin resistance, gluten intolerance and hypothyroidism? Carbs are not my friend, and a veg. diet is high carb. For those who say it doesn't have to be, then clearly I am doing it wrong. So I have come to the conclusion that it's evidently my lot in life to be carnivorous.

    I am not commenting on religious reasons to be vegan, but if your really dig deeper into the ethical arguments of the vegan lifestyle, it's illogical. The first thing to consider is the nutrient cycle. Plants live off of other organic matter, ie they eat us. Plants also have awareness and behaviour. Recent research has established this beyond a doubt. They have complex behaviour in response to predation and also demonstrated in their life strategies. Scientists don't understand why they are aware and can adapt their behaviour according to that awareness, but they do. So, life is life. Humans are extremely limited in their knowledge of what is going on in the natural world and we are further handicapped by our arrogance of thinking we know it all.

    The next thing to consider are modern agricultural practices where mono-culture crops are a focus and animals are removed (back to the nutrient cycle). This agriculture is destroying topsoil and also depleting fresh water resources at an alarming rate. The switch to petroleum based fertilizers and pesticides (because there are no dead animals and manure to feed the soil organisms) has had huge impacts on the environment and human health (food is no longer as nutrient rich as it used to be).

    I could go on and on, but the ethical argument is just not valid imo. However, I can respect a religious stand-point and there's nothing to argue there. To each their own. The only thing I would point out is that some of our religions are new in comparison to how long our species has existed. I would point out that there is no ancestral human society known (yet) that has survived to the present day on a vegan diet. The only reason I would mention that is because it is my opinion that a vegan diet is terrible for human health (my opinion is based on my own experience and researching the experience of other former vegans-one example: Lierre Keith).

    So my entire point was this: there are two reasons most vegans give for being vegan: Health and Ethics and imo both fall apart under logical scrutiny.
  • Thorbjornn
    Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member
    I am not commenting on religious reasons to be vegan, but if your really dig deeper into the ethical arguments of the vegan lifestyle, it's illogical. ...

    ... So my entire point was this: there are two reasons most vegans give for being vegan: Health and Ethics and imo both fall apart under logical scrutiny.

    Good post, and indeed logical. :smile: I don't disagree with you, because I've come to realize this in thinking about it. The religious reasons are based on those alleged ethical reasons, nothing more. I've always been a proponent of paleo/primal because I believe it's how we evolved... anthropology, archaeology, biology and logic bear it out.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I am not commenting on religious reasons to be vegan, but if your really dig deeper into the ethical arguments of the vegan lifestyle, it's illogical. ...

    ... So my entire point was this: there are two reasons most vegans give for being vegan: Health and Ethics and imo both fall apart under logical scrutiny.

    Good post, and indeed logical. :smile: I don't disagree with you, because I've come to realize this in thinking about it. The religious reasons are based on those alleged ethical reasons, nothing more. I've always been a proponent of paleo/primal because I believe it's how we evolved... anthropology, archaeology, biology and logic bear it out.

    Yeah, I wish I could share my ethical argument in vegan thread topics in the general forums (not in vegan forums, I respect their rights and stay out) such as the ones titled: "I've gone vegan and so should you" or "Going vegan for health/ethical reasons". But I get reported big time and the moderators get right after me. I've asked them what site rules I violated but they never give me that answer. Of course I stopped commenting on vegan topics within my first year here.... lol

    It's not so much that I care if they are vegan (I do care for their children!), but the fallacy of the ethical argument drives me a bit crazy. The idea that we can value certain lives over others and judge what life is sentient or not... GAH! All life is sentient... AND.... we must consume life to live! Just the way it is on planet Earth.

    Now that I've taken the thread completely off topic...... :frown:
  • Thorbjornn
    Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member
    Well, if it digressed, I'm mostly to blame. :tongue: In all seriousness, I don't think it's really straying too far, because removing the ethical component, about which I see your point, and have had it in the back of my mind, we're still left with the fact that it's primarily a moderate to high carb diet, hardly paleo.
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    Hell!!! So a friend took us out for a Sunday lunch and I ate a Yorkshire pudding - result was me driving around Newcastle at 3 in the morning looking for a garage that sold indigestion tablets- again I'm soooo annoyed at myself!!! Silly silly silly!!
    Straight back on though (thank god)