Goal and Motivation

jpdanh Posts: 37 Member
This kind of topic gets posted often on /r/fitness and /r/xxfitness, but I thought we could have our own group one here. What's your goal and what motivates you to reach it?

- Get down to 120ish
- Look like a smaller, Asian version of Massiel Arias (instagram.com/mankofit)
- Do cool poses from acro yoga

- Looking at MankoFit's instagram and watching this: http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhjt4SaQb01p5KjhR1
- Watching my lift numbers (slowly, ever so slowly) improve
- Looking in the mirror and noticing changes
- Motivational quotes/videos


- PPL (Push/Pull/Legs Routine) Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
- Track lifts using FitNotes (just started, prior to that was just a spreadsheet)
- HIIT/Conditioning Monday
- Martial Arts Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
- Messing around with acro yoga poses
- Tracking calories


  • kellyt113
    kellyt113 Posts: 3
    I'm really bad with staying motivated so I'm really looking forward to having you guys there if I fall short!
  • changsofa
    changsofa Posts: 37
    This is awesome! I'd add a methods section as well. Also, unfortunately mobile version of MFP doesn't have forum options. But I'll try keeping up with the forum by logging into MFP on my laptop more often.

    Goal: 120ish.
    - I want to look smaller as well (wow the massiel arias pics are amazing!). A few more concrete stuff:
    - Do aerial backflip (requires lots of core strength, which I don't have relative to my limb strength..)
    - Jump about 4-4.5 ft with ease
    - Run for 30-45 mins straight ( I have difficulty pacing myself. So i'll work on that!)

    - /r/motivation
    - /r/loseit
    - my dad who lost 40 lbs in half a year
    - getting dat squat *kitten* :)

    - Stronglift 5x5, TuThSa or Sun
    - Cardio: run indoors or outdoors MWFr
    - Tracking calories on MFP

    - lazy self :( constant logging takes positive feedback! I'm a sucker for acknoledgements and so I figured having a trope of gals with similar goals can help me through my journey.
    - icecream & booze, not mutually exclusive...
    - late night munchies. I guess i just have to sleep earlier to curve that hunger surge xD
    - consistency getting to the gym/excercising :/
  • changsofa
    changsofa Posts: 37
    If you'd be ok with it, I find that opening up my diary makes me more accountable 'cause they can see that i ate that marshmallow of 100cals, for instance.
  • jpdanh
    jpdanh Posts: 37 Member
    Not sure how to do that - is it just hitting the completing diary button each day?
  • changsofa
    changsofa Posts: 37
    On mobile, it's in Settings> Diary Settings> Diary Sharing
    Set it either to Public or Friends Only.
    I have it at public. I prefer to have nothing to hide so i don't have any excuses

    Also, what's PPL?
  • jpdanh
    jpdanh Posts: 37 Member
    PPL is my routine - Push Pull Legs.

    I made this for myself when I first started, but I use it as more of a guideline now: http://cl.ly/image/061P0a1Q241H

    This article made me choose it: http://jacktylerperformance.com/2013/10/13/pushpulllegs-split-strength-size-and-athleticism/
  • jpdanh
    jpdanh Posts: 37 Member
    I'm really bad with staying motivated so I'm really looking forward to having you guys there if I fall short!

    This helps me stay motivated: http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhjt4SaQb01p5KjhR1
  • starofdawn
    starofdawn Posts: 3 Member
    Woo! Very happy to join a group with like-sized people and like-sized GW. I admire those who lose 50+ lbs but I'll never have that flair.

    - Get down to 120ish. Even better if 115, but I think I love spaghetti too much.
    - Look good in a bikini.
    - Not have to shop and worry "if it'll look right on my pudgy body".
    - Not throw out clothes that I bought literally 12 months ago, seriously now, the minute I turned 25 years old my body said "time to gain 10lbs"

    I'm realizing these are all very vain goals... one of the side effects of growing up in LA, I guess.
  • alannadela
    alannadela Posts: 5 Member
    This group is such a cute idea!

    As far as goals- I would, of course, like to lose some fat, but I also like lifting and lifting higher numbers and seeing more muscle is always super encouraging! I like getting stronger and seeing my muscles!

    I get lots of inspiration and motivation from the people I follow on instagram. They're pretty fabulous. Also /r/hardbodies. I'm also motivated to not succumb to the lifestyle-related disorders that plague members of my family.

    Currently I lift three days a week. I follow a set up like strong curves- I used the program but now I don't follow the exercises exactly, I just use the basic template. Getting back on track with MFP this week!
  • jpdanh
    jpdanh Posts: 37 Member

    I get lots of inspiration and motivation from the people I follow on instagram. They're pretty fabulous. Also /r/hardbodies. I'm also motivated to not succumb to the lifestyle-related disorders that plague members of my family.

    Me too! Love the photos on instagram, but /r/hardbodies is my go to for inspiration. They have so much dedication to reach their goals. I really admire that.
  • jpdanh
    jpdanh Posts: 37 Member

    I'm realizing these are all very vain goals... one of the side effects of growing up in LA, I guess.

    Ha - no worries. Nothing wrong with that. :P
  • changsofa
    changsofa Posts: 37
    "Vain is bad" - said no one with awesome body ever :p
    I'm working for dat *kitten* in a bikini suit too so I can stop buying top and bottoms of different sizes lol
  • Goals:
    Get to 115-120, lose fat. Eventually gain muscle/body recomp.
    Stay on track with cals and macros. 40 c/30 p/30 f. 1300-1600 cal depending on the day.

    Strong Lifts 5x5, T/Th/Sat
    Spx Pilates (megaformer classes) 1x/week
    Orange Theory Fitness classes 1x/week (60 min HIIT, rowing and free weight circuit class- just did my first today. It's intense!!)
    Usual walks with dog

    Overall be more mindful of eating due to boredom... something I'm bad at. Since I think I'm going to join Orange Theory, I may cancel my pilates membership (it's a bit of a drive unfortunately) and focus on getting into heavy lifting.

    Also HI to everyone! Excited we got a little group going :)
  • min531
    min531 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey! I am 5'4 and was about 140 - 142 after having my kids. I want to change that and change my lifestyle.

    Get down to 120 - 125 (currently between 132 - 135)
    Start eating healthier
    Tone up and get stronger

    My husband and kids to be honest. Before I had kids I weighed about 110 and was super out of shape. I have a heart condition and it has made it really hard for me because I couldn't do cardio growing up so I get tired extremely fast and I want to change that. I hate being out with my kids and husband and feel sick and tired after like 20 minutes.

    Doesn't exist because I am lazy lol. I'm working on it though! Going to start going to the gym and work my way up with HIIT and start lifting more. I love lifting and it really boosts my confidence, I just got lazy and quit going.

    Thanks for letting me join and I am glad this group was made. I really need people to push me, especially if I want to look the best I can before my trip in a month :-D
  • jetemelie
    jetemelie Posts: 2 Member
    Hello ladies! Got here from Reddit. I lost 25 lbs in a year of dedicated hard work and diet planning, my strength was finally going up and then I started grad school, which is a huge diet and exercise killer. I've been plateauing at 118 since i started school in Fall, but I did manage to maintain all my weight loss through the year!! Want to work on strength, building muscle, and replacing at least 5- 10 lbs of fat with muscle!

    Height: 5' 2"
    SW: 145
    CW: 118
    GW: 115

    -Lose last 5ish lbs of fat
    -Feel solid, raise muscle mass!
    -Work on my strength and endurance

    -My partner's epic bodybuilding workouts and transformations
    - r/getmotivated
    -Past laziness
    -Working out keeps my anxiety at bay!


    -Running 5-15 miles a week
    -Track calories more effectively on MFP
    -Insanity when it's crap out
    -Renew gym memberships to improve my strength
  • jetemelie
    jetemelie Posts: 2 Member
    Omg yes, squat *kitten*!!! :) ME TOO!
  • maryneill
    maryneill Posts: 2 Member
    I agree thats its a bit intimidating seeing posts of people that have lost 50+ lbs when all I want to lose is 10-15! I've gained a bit of weight after losing it last year (but it was lost in a very unhealthy way), and I want to lose it again, but the healthy way this time. I am very good about exercising at least 4-6 times per week, but its the diet that always gets me....

    CW= 130

    Diet Goals:
    Track calories (~1400 per day with 1 cheat day a week)
    Kick my sugar/carb habit
    Eat an overall healthier/cleaner diet with less "fast food"

    Cardio (at least 30 mins) 5-6 days per week
    Bodypump 2-3 times per week
    Ab workouts 5-6 days per week

    I'll be weighing in only once a month because I have a history with scales haha
  • katrien1
    katrien1 Posts: 29 Member
    - Get back down to 115lbs
    - Squat my bodyweight (only 15lbs away!)
    - Do 5 pull-ups in a row
    - Stick to a consistent diet

    - Look and feel good in a bikini :)
    - Feeling stronger
    - Being less lazy!!

    - Lifting 3 times a week (twice with trainer)
    - Yoga 1-2 times a week
    - Cardio 2-3 times a week
    - Eating 1600 calories a day(not too strict about this, have been eating 1750 a day but just got back from a cruise where I ate ALL the bacon, so decided to cut some calories)
    - Mindful eating, without depriving myself of froyo or Reese's pieces once in a while :P
  • whoafitspo
    whoafitspo Posts: 17 Member
    yay! I'm currently 5'3" and 140lbs

    - 120 - 130lbs
    - squat and dead more than my bodyweight
    - DAT *kitten* with a tiny waist
    - get my GI issues under control (I feel like this is hindering me in terms of seeing results and definitely takes a toll on my confidence)

    - reddit!
    - tumblr! tumblr has a great fitness community.
    - other social media: instagram, youtube
    - high waisted shorts! and clothes in general really

    - 1300 - 1600 calories a day (been doing this since June 1-- before that was school and finals and lol); haven't had cheats/refeeds yet, still on the fence on whether to incorporate them
    - lifting heavy, ideally 4x/week
    - keeping up with motivating social media!

    I'm studying abroad in London in the fall and I'm afraid everything's going to go to hell. I know my nutrition/training won't be as on point as the summer but hopefully I'll still keep up with these communities!
  • Charli_H
    Charli_H Posts: 6
    Hey ladies!

    I'm a short gal who is nearing my goal weight of 125-122ish lbs. The last couple pounds has just been like the clingy dude at a bar who can't read body language.

    -My ultimate goal bf% is around 19%. I really want dem abs.
    (I'm not really sure what it is now, maybe 25? Maybe one of you lovely ladies could help me out with that? :D)

    -Friends and family

    -Going to the gym 3+ times a week, with a lifting rotation of Arms/Back, Chest/Abs Legs/Butt following that up with a bit of cardio as I'm training for a 10k coming up in a month.

    -Calorie deficit for 1250-1400.

    -Watching them macros.