Low Calories

Holly_k88 Posts: 59 Member
Hi *waves*

I think I'm doing well, I've lost about 10lbs in the last 5 weeks :D

But I've noticed that 80% of the time I never eat more than 1000 calories, I know it's normal being fuller from fat - but is it ok to be eating so little?


  • gmstarr1
    gmstarr1 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi! I was always told that the minimum that you can eat and have the energy you need is 1200 calories for a woman. So I always made sure I got at least close to 1200 calories (and by close I mean about 20 calories either over or under)....at least on most days. Some days I couldn't make the 1200 just because I was busy and had to skip a meal. But for the large majority of the time, I at least ate 1200.

    Eventually it started becoming easier for me to eat the 1200 calories. I think a lot of my problem for the first couple of months was adjusting to a new style of eating. I kept trying to keep my calories down during the day because that was what I was used to doing, but once I went low carb, I really didn't need to do that. I stopped having to save room for the coca cola and the cookies and the chips and the bread once I stopped eating them. :)
  • raquala1
    raquala1 Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm new to this group thought il join as I'm starting to relapse and haven't lost more than 1lbs in the past year :( I don't no what I'm doing wrong but I have started again this month and haven't had more than 800-1000 calories a day, however I eat toast in the mornings, sometimes I miss lunch and have chicken/beef (some sort of protein) with veg for dinner.
  • leighn62
    leighn62 Posts: 142 Member
    I fell off the wagon around Christmas and gained 10 lbs. I know exactly what I was doing wrong; eating my yummy low carb things and eating sugar, crackers, etc in addition. Disaster in the calorie department. I started back in earnest last Sunday and have stayed within my calorie and carb goals so far. Toast in the morning is a catalyst for being hungry very soon. You said you don't know what you are doing wrong, but toast for breakfast is your first clue. Do what you already know to do. Protien and fat in the morning, high fat snacks (1/2 an avocado or peanut butter; not primal or any sort of nut butter). It's much easier to stay within your calorie goals when you are satiated but at 800-1000 calories, you must be starving and you just don't have to be.
  • hnm921
    hnm921 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi, I just started this week. Low Carbs is the only thing I've had success with. I'm having the same problem. I feel like I eat so much, but I'm still coming up with only eating about 900 calories a day! Doesn't seem right.
  • lisajsund
    lisajsund Posts: 366 Member
    Please go to the following website for a good estimate of your BMR.
    Your BMR is the minimum of calories you should be eating daily.

  • Holly_k88
    Holly_k88 Posts: 59 Member
    Ive done my BMR its around 1500 but I would never be able to eat that much every day, I do sometimes go that high but like I said its not very often maybe one day out of 7. Yesterday I was 1050