How much weight have you lost?

tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
I really enjoyed watching the thread 'how much weight have you gained' on the pregnancy boards. I decided to start this one here, I would really like to have a check in for our weight loss after baby.

Here is mine so far:

Total pregnancy gain: 27lbs
First day home - day 6 postpartum: down 3 lbs (still had massive water retention)
Day 7/1 week: down 13lbs (still had massively swollen feet, looking forward to tomorrow's weigh in @ 2 weeks postpartum to see how much more came off.)
As of last weigh in, I had 14 more lbs to go to prepregnancy.

How is everyone else doing?


  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    Gained 49, 3 weeks pp down 25lbs
  • brittyD906
    brittyD906 Posts: 5 Member
    Total preg. gain: 29 lbs
    7 days pp: down 20.5
    Today-13 days pp: down another 3 lbs
    5.5 lbs to goo
    -breastfeeding and eating about 1,700 clas/day
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    I gained right around 25 lbs.

    Lost it all plus another 5 lbs by 3-4 weeks post partum.

    Gained back about 10 at six months post partum.

    Working on it though. In a way it was easy to lose during the early days when I was sleep deprived and forgot to eat.....
  • Nique85
    Nique85 Posts: 105 Member
    I gained 26 pounds. I've lost 21 so far (6 weeks postpartum).
  • allison0820
    allison0820 Posts: 323 Member
    Gained 50lbs with pregnancy
    13weeks pp.. down approximately 25lbs
  • Love4fitnesslove4food2
    Love4fitnesslove4food2 Posts: 711 Member
  • papagal212
    papagal212 Posts: 93
    Not newly Pp, still pregnant, but my son was 14months when I got pregnant, so my stats from him

    Gained 34,
    Lost 16 by 2wk Pp so I had 18 left,
    But then gained 5lbs by 3months PP lol
    Then slowly lost 18lb (5 that I gained and 13 more) by 14 months Pp and never lost the last 4-5lbs cause I got pregnant
  • 88meli88
    88meli88 Posts: 238 Member
    Gained 16 kg during pregnancy and lost 9/10 the few weeks after PP. I just started the work to lose the remaining plus some extra I have left over from first child.
  • feliciaclark7
    feliciaclark7 Posts: 11 Member
    I gained 20 pounds during pregnancy and had lost 23 pounds at 2 weeks pp. I am now 6 weeks pp and the weight is coming off slower. I have lost a total of 31 pounds so far.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I was already overweight before pregnancy and gained 30 during pregnancy. I only lost about 10 after delivery and even though I'm breastfeeding nothing is budging.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I started somewhere between 160 and 165/170 (not sure exactly because I had slacked off and gained from my low of 154) and ended up at 240 at my last dictor's appointment before delivery.

    *runs and hides*

    *pops head back out*

    Yup, you read right. I gained somewhere between 70 and 80 lbs. I didn't think I could do worse than the 65 or so I gained with my first (I lost it all and then some in about 13 months). There were several factors in play, some of which I could help and some I couldn't, but whatever, I can't change it now.

    After delivery (8lb 4oz baby), I lost 20 lbs pretty much right off the bat, putting me at 220. The next 7 or 8 lbs were fairly easy to get rid of, and then I couldn't lose weight or keep it off. After baby #1 I had a terrible time BFing so ended up FFing him at 3 months, plus I ate 1200 calories/day and didn't eat back exercise calories, so it came off quickly and easily. This time I EBF until solids, and I BF until his first birthday.

    I started over on 5/25/14, just after my younger guy's first birthday at 211.2, and my last weigh-in last Saturday was 202.6, so almost 9 lbs in the first month, at 13 months postpartum. I've started Spinning again and hope to fit running back into the picture again. When both my kids are in school again by late August, I should be able to fit in an extra Spnning class or two per week, which will help me be more consistent :)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Sorry that was so long/explanatory.

    TL;DR version:

    Pre-preg low: 154

    Pre-preg weight: 160-165/170 somewhere

    Before delivery at 39+ weeks: 240 (!)

    A couple of weeks postpartum: 220

    After a year of struggle due to BFing: 211.2

    Last weigh-in at a hair before 13 months postpartum: 202.6
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    Total pregnancy gain: 50lbs right on (total 213 lbs)

    First day home - day 4 postpartum: down 9 lbs (still had massive water retention as well)
    1 week postpartum: down 19.5lbs

    As of today I weighed in at 188.0 lbs So I am down a grand total of 25 lbs (half my gain) in 10 days. Feeling pretty good! :happy:
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Week 2 check in ....

    Total pregnancy gain: 27lbs
    First day home - day 6 postpartum: down 3 lbs
    Day 7/1 week: down 13lbs
    2 week: down 21 lbs

    Currently at 6 lbs to go to prepregnancy. All water retention is gone, the rest is up to me. Goal was to get to prepregnancy by 6 week postpartum ... We will see, may not happen. I won't be hurt if it doesn't. I am happy with where I am at so far and I know the rest will take time.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    I gained about 25 pounds, and had lost 30 by one week PP. (But I can't take any kind of credit for that. It just happened.)

    The baby just turned six months old, and I've lost 43 pounds, meaning I am 18 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight. I have 6 pounds to go until my goal weight.
  • heatherz104
    heatherz104 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm still pregnant and have about 9 more weeks to go. I've so far gained about 30 lbs.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Pre pregnancy: 167
    End of pregnancy: 213
    Total gain: 46lbs

    2week pp : 186 - down 27 lbs, 19 to go
  • Love4fitnesslove4food2
    Love4fitnesslove4food2 Posts: 711 Member
    Week 2 check in ....

    Total pregnancy gain: 27lbs
    First day home - day 6 postpartum: down 3 lbs
    Day 7/1 week: down 13lbs
    2 week: down 21 lbs

    Currently at 6 lbs to go to prepregnancy. All water retention is gone, the rest is up to me. Goal was to get to prepregnancy by 6 week postpartum ... We will see, may not happen. I won't be hurt if it doesn't. I am happy with where I am at so far and I know the rest will take time.

    You can't always measure water retention with your eyes--I wouldn't be shocked if you have more waiting to fall off.
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    Doing my two week check in today since tomorrow is a holiday and I probably won't remember to log in here.

    Total pregnancy gain: 50lbs right on (total 213 lbs)

    First day home - day 4 postpartum: down 9 lbs (still had massive water retention as well)
    1 week postpartum: down 19.5lbs
    2 weeks postpartum: down 24lbs
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    PP baby #3: 135
    Day of Delivery: 157.0 (22 lb weight gain)
    Evening I came home from hospital: 148.8 (ugh! I had a 7lb baby and I figured I'd lose more with fluids, blood loss and placenta)
    2 weeks: 142.6
    4 weeks: 142.6 (UGH! my mom came and helped out and just kept cooking! but I guess it's partly my fault because I just kept eating...)
    6 weeks: 139.4

    That leaves me with 4.4 (or so) pounds to go to get to prepregnancy weight. Ideally then I would like to lose 10 more lbs to get to my married weight of 125 lbs. We just celebrated our 11 year anniversary! It's been a while since I was that weight (about 8 years and that was only briefly, I haven't consistently been that weight in probably 10 years).

    I put on a good amount of weight and was 157 for a while. Then got pregnant with #1 got up to 180, was down to 157 within 8 days of birth. When he was 6 months old joined a gym and lost 10 more lbs only to get pregnant again when he was 8.5 months. Pregnancy #2 I started 147 let myself eat everything got up to 193 (gain of 46 lbs). By the time I stepped on the scale I was only down 22 lbs at 2 months postpartum (171). Found MFP then and got down to 135 by 6.5 months postpartum when I got pregnant again. With the last two initial weigh losses I figured I would lose my 22 lb weight gain right away. I have been pretty disappointed with how long it's taking to come off, but I keep reminding myself I am much closer to goal than the last two so that's why it's going to take longer. Just driving me crazy!
  • MandyMason7
    MandyMason7 Posts: 185 Member
    Pre-Pregnancy: 185
    Gave birth: 173
    6 week postpartum checkup: 154.2
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    Pre-Pregnancy: 185
    Gave birth: 173
    6 week postpartum checkup: 154.2

    Wow! You are so impressive! I am jealous, but I know you worked hard to get where you are! You're so close to goal!
  • MandyMason7
    MandyMason7 Posts: 185 Member
    Pre-Pregnancy: 185
    Gave birth: 173
    6 week postpartum checkup: 154.2

    Wow! You are so impressive! I am jealous, but I know you worked hard to get where you are! You're so close to goal!

    I'm 19.2 lbs from goal weight but I have a lot of toning I need to do and I can't be too aggressive with my weight loss goals because I'm exclusively breastfeeding and can't risk my milk supply. Baby comes first for the next year but it doesn't mean I'm not going to try my hardest :) I do know on top of having to worry about my milk supply I am also considered a healthy weight for my height right now so it's going to be even harder to get the pounds off.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Pre pregnancy: 167
    End of pregnancy: 213
    Total gain: 46lbs

    2week pp : 186 - down 27 lbs
    3week pp : 184 - down 29 lbs
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Week 3 check in ....

    Total pregnancy gain: 27lbs
    First day home - day 6 postpartum: down 3 lbs
    Day 7/1 week: down 13lbs
    2 week: down 21 lbs
    3 week: down 22 lbs

    5lbs to go. It's coming off much slower now but still coming off so I am happy.
  • Love4fitnesslove4food2
    Love4fitnesslove4food2 Posts: 711 Member
    Well, I'm 36 weeks now and baby girl could really arrive at any time. My OB thinks I will have her early and I do too but I'm not going to hold my breath. In any case, I've given quite a bit of thought to my postpartum plan and I want it to be reasonable, effective, yet not in any way compromise my milk supply.

    So, my plan is to start at 8 weeks out (need to establish my supply) eating a bit less than maintenance (a bit--as in 250 calories less or thereabouts).

    Hopefully, by March 1st (7 full months after delivery) I'll be at my happy weight. This is based on me dropping 20 pounds in the first 4 weeks (just a guess of course), losing 1 pound per week between 4 and 8 weeks, and then losing 1/2 pound per week until I'm at goal.

    This is my "plan" in the sense that if at any point I have a diminishing milk supply then I will certainly put all of this on hold. I have a reasonable goal which is to take 6 months to lose 15 pounds after the initial weight falls off. This is extremely doable and doesn't really worry me. I'm excited to see how my body responds.
  • lonnie26
    lonnie26 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi all ???? I just had my first baby back in October. The last 2-3month's I have started getting serious about losing this weight.

    Pre-pregnancy: 199
    Oct.15th delivery day:275
    I have been starting by getting my eating habits under control. (Or at least trying) I feel super hungry when I exercise so I want to be able to control that by getting my eating controlled. Just last week I started taking my son and our 2bloodhounds for walks. I don't log my walks because I don't want to eat those calories back. I am not currently breast feeding anymore. I have been finding that lowering my carbs had been helping but I basically follow MFP the way it sets you up. My goal is to get back to a healthy weight for me and my son. Any advice and encouragement is appreciated. ???? if I can offer any help to any other momma's feel free to ask????
  • sammanthahulkoff
    sammanthahulkoff Posts: 38 Member
    pre -pregnancy weight: 213
    pregnancy weight gain: 2 pounds! had HG morning sickness the whole time

    and currently at 7 weeks postpartum (due date was 5/20/14)
    weight: 195
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    Pre preggo weigjt 163 pounds
    39+3 days delivery date 211 pounds :(
    6 days pp 200 pounds
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    PP baby #3: 135
    Day of Delivery: 157.0 (22 lb weight gain)
    Evening I came home from hospital: 148.8
    2 weeks: 142.6
    4 weeks: 142.6 (mom cooked)
    6 weeks: 139.4
    8 weeks: 139.4 (4th of July eating caused me to gain 3 lbs, almost lost it now)

    Ugh! Need to stop binging!