Let's get this Group Going



  • pattyebricker
    pattyebricker Posts: 149 Member
    Hi everyone. Hope you all are having a quiet peaceful Sunday morning. I'm sitting here drinking coffee and trying to decide what to do today. My toy Schnauzer would love it if I would just sit and hold her all day long, lol. I'm thinking of a short trip to the beach for a walk in the sand. Wouldn't be able to stay to long ,it's too hot. It would be a good time to pick up some fresh seafood .

    Mary: I know exactly what you mean by being bored at the tractor show. My step son was is in the trucking business and my husband and I would meet him at every trucking show in the US of A. At first it was kind of fun, but after awhile it was the same thing over and over (of course, not to them). I just looked around every corner for a food vendor and as you can guess at a trucking show there were plenty haha. Enjoy the visit with your grandsons.

    Everyone be thankful for your health.
  • RVingCarrol
    Hi everyone! My name is Carrol and I'm new to My Fitness Pal and this group. I am 64 years old, retired and a Full-time RVer. I need to lose 100+ pounds to get healthy, avoid Type 2 diabetes, make things easier on my joints (knees & hips), and just plain feel better about myself. I would like to get advice, support and encouragement from others. I could sure it! No more excuses, I love food and just plain over eat!! There, I said it! I never had to exercise before and really don't like to. I've had a desk job since getting out of high school and really never had a weight problem until I was over 50. I have found I like to walk (knees permitting), ride a bike, water aerobics, and strength training. I just need to get off my butt and do it, consistently. Please feel free to friend me, I'd really like to share this journey with you. :smile: :happy: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :wink: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • pattyebricker
    pattyebricker Posts: 149 Member
    Hi Carrol, glad to see you posting on this site. I can't really give advice, because I'm in the same boat as you, but sure can give encouragement. I don't like to exercise either. Joined Curves and went 3 days a week for a month, then just stopped one day and haven't been back. I am out of town now, but plan to start back next Monday. I really did feel better when I was going. I have 80lbs to lose. Hoping the best for all of us.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Hi Carol,my name is Mary.I'm 67 years old and I love MFP.My exercise of choice is walking.My sister and i walk for an hour each day unless the weather is bad.I have a exercise walking tape and get in a 4 mile walk.I was afraid of diabetes also.My Dr.said i was borderline and that got me motivated.My last job was a sit down job but I took time to walk in the mornings before work .Things kind of slacked off the last year I worked and retirement was bad because i had all this time on my hands and food was my friend.I have lost around 28 lbs since joining MFP.Before that I had lost 22 lbs so a total of 50 lbs since Jan.As long as I exercise,drink 1/2 my body weight in water(that was really hard) and log in everyday i feel i've got this.i still have another 50 lbs to lose.I feel so much better.We get out of this journey what we put into it.
    Pattyebricker-walking is good for you and alot less expensive.Find you a walking buddy ,a good pair of walking shoes and you're all set..Once I started I felt guilty if I had to miss a day.As long as I don't have to get on the floor to exercise I'm good.Because I know I wouldn't be able to get back up. lol.
    The only person stopping me to succeed is me.
  • pattyebricker
    pattyebricker Posts: 149 Member
    Mary, I enjoy walking too, but there is no safe place around me to walk without driving to get to a safe place (if you can find a safe place) My insurance pays for Curves so it cost me nothing to go except my time, which leaves me with no excuse, lol. I have read on a lot of these forums, that in addition to walking you need some sort of weight exercise (that's why Curves is especially good). Any thoughts on that? They say even doing weights with cans of vegetables, etc will help. Just a note I still hate exercise, but enjoyed the ladies at Curves. Congratulations on you weight loss, you are really doing good

    Carroll, hope you are enjoying your Rving, I had 2 cousins do that, and it was a great adventure for them. They really enjoyed it. I got your friend request. We can do this, just look at Mary. I need to change my attitude about exercise and not think of it as a chore. I don't want to spend my retirement years over weight and not being able to get around or feeling guilt if I slip up a bit. There just has to be a happy place somewhere. Do the RV places have exercise rooms for bike riding or do you carry your bike? Do they have swimming pools or are you swimming in lakes, etc? I want to go with you, haha. Enjoy the journey.
  • Bod4GodAnnice
    Bod4GodAnnice Posts: 12 Member
    Hey Patty. I am 66 years old and need to lose about 60 lbs. I have been getting on and off myfitnesspal for about 5 years. I am going to stay this time. Recently, my daughter gave me a nutribullet and I have been juicing once a day for about two months, which gives me a boost. But fresh veggies are so expensive, and so is medication. So I am weighing out the options. Since, I am retired and don't see a lot of people, I need the support. I really enjoy walking, so I take the steps (i live on 8th floor) and across the street is a nice pond. So I do get some exercise.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Hello everyone ,
    My grandsons have gone home after a 4 day visit and i have a lot of straightening to do.They are 5 & 6 and kept me busy.I already miss them.
    Patty- I think it's great that your insurance pays for Curves,wish mine did.I've read where you need to change your exercise routine up a day or 2 a week. Something I need to work on.I live in the country and it's quite a distance ,30 miles or so,to an exercise place.I do have a video that has some strength training in it along with the walking.Since I've had my grandsons I've been using that.It's a 4 mile walking tape.I also read where people are using cans to use as weights,good idea.
    Carroll-I think RV'n would be fun.My husband doesn't like traveling but it's something I would love to do.I guess i'm going to have to check out senior citizens bus tours.He doesn't like to drive in unfamiliar territory.
    I've been retired for about 2 years and it was hard on me.I was so use to having a routine and being around people.It took me awhile to get adjusted.And it was in the winter which I don't like anyway.My friends were food ,tv and reading.Not a good combo.Then when my husband retired things got better.I see we all like to walk.My Dr.thinks that's the best exercise to do.
    I hope everyone is having a good day.:flowerforyou:
  • pattyebricker
    pattyebricker Posts: 149 Member
    Hey everyone. I've been out of town for the past few days and got in a lot of walking while shopping (not sure it counts as exercise, but beats sitting in the chair, lol).
    Merrygrannie: so glad you got to spend some time with you grandsons, I'm sure they did keep you busy at that age. I only go to Curves 3 days a week as recommended and I do have a treadmill to walk on alternate days, but it is so boring, even if I watch my iPad or listen to music. I just don't seem to make myself do it. Nothing beats walking in the great outdoors in the fresh air, (always something new to see) I'm so jealous.
    Bod4GodAnnice: welcome, I have a good blender and do juicing once in awhile. I don't have any recipes, just mixed up different stuff, sometimes good, sometimes not so much. I think it is really healthy, especially if you have trouble eating enough veggies and fruits. Glad to have you on board and we can all encourage each other. I think we have different needs from our younger sisters (the lbs don't come off as easily, but they will come off, lol). Glad you have a good place to walk. 8 floors, that's tough!!
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Hello everybody.I hope everyone is doing well.I went to a potluck meal today and i'll have to admit I didn't do as well as I should have.However I MADE myself exercise and that helped .
    Patty-i agree about the treadmill,it is boring.I think walking is fun but I don't like walking by myself,especially on these country roads.I always have a neighbors dog follow me and than he doesn't want to go home.Which makes my dog unhappy.
    I hope everyone will be on track this week.I got down to my 180's and definitely don't want to backslide.Let's all work hard on setting goals and reaching them.We can do this!!
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Good morning everyone,
    I hope everyone is doing good.It's been very hot here,drinking lots of water.Push mowed late last evening when it was a tad bit cooler.At least it's done until next week.Took an hour,great exercise.
    Everyone staying on track?There's not much action on here.Maybe everyone is too busy exercising.There are days i still have to push myself to exercise.
    Take care of yourselves,drink plenty of water and try to stay cool.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Just wanted to stop by to say hi and hope everyone is doing good.Getting ready to exercise and as much as it pains me i will get it done.My foot has been bothering me so I gave it a 2 day rest.I broke my ankle a few yrs. ago and sometimes the pain flares up.
    Not much going on.I hope everyone has good day and is staying on track.No one can do it for us but with support and encouragement we got this.This is a new day,let's make the best of it.
  • Lee2047
    Lee2047 Posts: 34 Member
    Hello Everyone! I am 66 years old (soon to be 67) and need to lose over 100lbs. I have some joint and back problems, as well as some other health issues, and have been much too sedentary for far too long. Along with eating healthier, I am committed to moving as much as I can each day to increase my flexibility and mobility. Right now, I'm only walking a short distance for a few minutes every day, and doing stretching and range of motion exercises as I am able. It is slow going, but I am determined to be as active as I can for as long as I can.
    Since I live alone, and am not able to be out much, it is good to be able to connect with others here in my age range who might be facing similar challenges. Although I am new to this site, I've already learned a lot and am even more encouraged and motivated than I was. This place is a Godsend, and I am truly thankful to be here.:flowerforyou:
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Good morning everyone.
    welcome Lee-I am 67yrs old,68 in Oct..and my goal is also to lose 100 lbs.I have now lost 55 of it.33 of this from using MyFitnessPal.I wish I had discovered this a long time ago.I have logged in 100 days now.The only exercise I do is walking,about an hr.a day.Every step counts.There are some days I have to make myself exercise but I know if I don't I'll regret it.
    I look forward to going on this journey with you.Just remember,you are stronger than your bad habits.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Hello everyone.Happy 4th of July.This will probably be my last post on here as no one else is posting.I hope you are getting encouragement on other sites and are on a healthy path.Take care.
  • Faldkats
    Faldkats Posts: 7
    I could have written your post. I'm 67 and about 100 lbs overweight. People don't think I'm that large because I'm tall. I'm tired all the time from dragging this blubber around. I had lost 15 lbs a year ago, but gained it back over the winter and am having trouble getting in the groove again. I also hate exercise. It isn't fun for me. Walking is not fun because I have terrible lower back pain. Believe it or not I have a state of the art fitness center right across the street. Machines, pool, zoomba, water aerobics, etc. I also have free membership because I'm on my daughter's family plan. It takes about 90 seconds to walk over there. I think of it often when sitting in my chair watching the clouds go by. It's just getting out that door. Help!
  • Faldkats
    Faldkats Posts: 7
    Oh, please don't quit this group. I'm going to try to be good about posting. I need this. I live alone in a community where I have few friends and acquaintances. It's a rural town. My social media and things like this are important. Don't give up on this group. I imagine you probably belong to some other groups also.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Faldkats-I didn't want to quit this group but I felt like I was talking to myself.No one on here was posting.I'm envious of you living so close to a exercise place.I would live there especially if it's free.The water exercises would be great for you.It would also give you the opportunity to meet new people.Please go over there and try it.Only you can take that first step.Remember,you're stronger than your worst habit.I read a one lb.loss will take away 4 lbs of pressure off of the knees.
    Let me know how you did at the exercise place.Looking forward to your post.We can do this!!
  • Lee2047
    Lee2047 Posts: 34 Member
    Faldkats, please don't quit!
    I don't post as often as I should either, but sometimes it is just hard for me to sit here long enough to get in my daily food and exercise.
    I am 67 too, am also tall, and am more than 100lbs overweight.
    Having arthritis, degenerative disc disease, degenerative joint disease ( facing a hip replacement) , and some heart issues, exercise is an issue for me as well. Some days just getting up and around the house is quite a struggle. I see people on here doing long, brisk walks, circuit training, and kick boxing and think "Oh my goodness! What is my ole decrepit butt doing here?"
    B U T
    I just keep telling myself that every ounce...and then every pound....lost is that much less stress on my back, joints, and heart.
    Every little bit more that I can move and keep moving keeps me from being bedridden and/ or wheelchair bound.
    Every effort I make gets me closer to health and wellness again.
    Please don't quit the group and please don't give up.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I've been in a slump lately and didn't feel like I could motivate anyone.Lee, you make me realize we all have our struggles,it's how we deal with them that makesa difference.I did get back to exercising.I only walk for my exercise and I know if I had health issues it would take all I had to even do that.As you said, every step you take is one step closer to being healthier.I've been at a stand still for a couple of weeks on my weight. and it's discouraging.I know I need to change something to get off this plateau but not sure what.
    Thanks for the encouraging words.You're right,every step you take is getting you to a healthier place.A journey well worth taking.On that note I need to get off of here and go exercise.
  • Faldkats
    Faldkats Posts: 7
    Lee, I enjoyed your response. I have been going over the Wellness Center a couple of times a week to swim with the grandkids. I'm going over today to use the cross-trainer. I have been faithfully recording my eating and weight and exercise on this site. It is really handy. You mentioned possible hip surgery. I had my left hip done 9 years ago and my right hip done 8 years ago. It was a blessing. However, I need to go for a checkup on my hips. They are starting to get stiff again, especially the left one. May just be because I've gained about 40 lbs. since I had them done. I, too, have low back pain. I'm so disgusted with myself. I have been on Paxil for several years. When I talked to my doctor about my weight she suggested that I wean off the Paxil because it is associated with weight gain. So today is my first day at half dosage. They say it's really hard to wean off. We shall see. Anyway, God bless you in your efforts.