June 2014 Challenge!!



  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    I was doing so well last week, it looked like I was going to have a nice 2lb loss for the week. Then the wheels came off at the weekend :-(. I had a McD's breakfast with the family (which I had planned because I had a swim race later in the day), an icecream for lunch, and rice with my evening meal. And then last night after trying so hard to be good all day, my dad had made the most amazing fruit pie using the fresh berries off his allotment, I couldn't not try that ;-). My lovely 2lb loss has disappeared, but hopefully it will be back later in the week. Right now I am sitting at my desk eating mayonnaise straight out of the jar for lunch, trying desperately to get back in to ketosis :huh:
  • hawaiiandream
    hawaiiandream Posts: 43 Member
    I got a good laugh when I read someone eating mayo right out of the jar.. I love mayo and the thought still gags me, lol! This weekend was very difficult for me. You would think the first week would be the easiest, but I did the unthinkable and drank wine out and had champagne on Sunday. Ugh.. I didn't eat any bad food at the fair even though everyone I was with ate pizza, corn dogs, dipped ice cream and funnel cakes.. I didn't EAT anything with carbs.. The drink got me! Back on track, wont be doing that again!!
  • djthom2
    djthom2 Posts: 63 Member
    Starting weight June: 173.4
    Current weight: 172.2

    I managed to get down to 168 on Friday, but we went away last weekend for our anniversary and now I'm back up again :grumble: There's been something going every weekend. I'm hoping nothing comes up to throw me off this weekend. I'm determined to brake out of the 170 's once and for all!
  • pixelled
    pixelled Posts: 70 Member
    6/13: 145.8
    6/20: 144.0
    6/27: 141.8

    down 2.2 from last week. Mostly primal/paleo wtih a few exceptions.
  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    I'm almost to my June goal. I hate it when the end of the month is just after a weekend. I always allow myself more calories on the weekend. I've lost 7.5 so far. Will there be a July challenge?
  • LuluNH
    LuluNH Posts: 75 Member
    Holding steady for the month of June despite 3 multi-day business meetings with banquet food!! Plateau.....maintaining....take your pick to describe where I am....making the best whole food choices and I have to work at it every day!! I like that have bounced between 172 and 169 and it actually feels like maintaining...this is new territory for me because it is usually the stage in the plan where everything falls apart and I re-gain!! I have made an effort to not just plan for loss but how to maintain the loss this time around...which means eating the same way I have been..low carb- higher fat! Best wishes for an on-plan day!!

    We can definitely start a July challenge!!! I plan to focus on 165 for July!!
  • djthom2
    djthom2 Posts: 63 Member
    June 1st: 173.4
    June 30th: 167

    Down 6lbs. this month, pretty good considering this past weekend was the only one I managed to stay on track. So happy to have made it through a weekend without going back into the 170s. Hopefully I've seen the last of them:smile:
  • VaporDeb
    VaporDeb Posts: 12 Member
    So I didn't make my monthly goal (only had 2 weeks to make it). I lost 2 more of the 4 I was hoping to lose. That is still great considering I've only been gaining for the past year!!!

    Maybe next month's goals will work out better for me :)

    Congrats to everyone and what ever weight they did lose in June!!!!