Confused on Stage 1



  • Raasy
    Raasy Posts: 972 Member
    This is really informative as I am a newbie to this program and now can see how the proper circuit should be done.. :wink:
  • jchrisman717
    jchrisman717 Posts: 780 Member
    Great info - this explains the process so well. I've just finished B1 and the information in this group is great!
  • HOLY MOLEY Thank you for explaining this! I did ALL the reps (as opposed to JUST 15) for Workout A day 1 and I am dead today. I can barely lift my legs! Apparently I'm illiterate.

    This sounds so much easier now, haha.
  • sleepyjen
    sleepyjen Posts: 679 Member
    Evidently I didn't explain this so well to my own mother, who did both A&B in one day. :noway:
  • whizzlers
    whizzlers Posts: 101 Member
    Thank you!
  • StephanieGreer69
    StephanieGreer69 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone. I am new to this group and just finished reading the book. I am still slightly confused and hope someone can help me out.

    According to another poster you do this workout on Monday, but in the chart is says workouts 1, 2 so do I do this twice in one day? Or is workout 2 done on Friday?

    This is the order you do the sets in for Workout A. (on Monday)

    Squat One set of 15 and rest for 60 seconds
    Squat Second set of 15 and rest for 60 seconds
    Pushup One set of 15 and rest for 60 seconds
    Seated Row One set of 15 and rest for 60 seconds
    Pushup Second set of 15 and rest for 60 seconds
    Seated Row Second set of 15 and rest for 60 seconds
    Step Up One set of 15 and rest for 60 seconds
    Prone Jackknife One set of 8 and rest for 60 seconds
    Step Up Second set of 15 and rest for 60 seconds
    Prone Jackknife Second set of 8 and you're done!
  • mebepiglet123
    mebepiglet123 Posts: 327 Member
  • mayaysf
    mayaysf Posts: 70 Member
    Hello everyone. I am new to this group and just finished reading the book. I am still slightly confused and hope someone can help me out.

    According to another poster you do this workout on Monday, but in the chart is says workouts 1, 2 so do I do this twice in one day? Or is workout 2 done on Friday?

    This is the order you do the sets in for Workout A. (on Monday)

    Squat One set of 15 and rest for 60 seconds
    Squat Second set of 15 and rest for 60 seconds
    Pushup One set of 15 and rest for 60 seconds
    Seated Row One set of 15 and rest for 60 seconds
    Pushup Second set of 15 and rest for 60 seconds
    Seated Row Second set of 15 and rest for 60 seconds
    Step Up One set of 15 and rest for 60 seconds
    Prone Jackknife One set of 8 and rest for 60 seconds
    Step Up Second set of 15 and rest for 60 seconds
    Prone Jackknife Second set of 8 and you're done!

    I was also super confused, I thought I was reading a different book to everybody else. until I found the workout sheets. life changing. I printed exactly the # of pages I needed, 8 for A and 8 got B and all set. I barely open the book now.

    @Stephanie, to answer your question, you only do A1 on Monday, then B1 on Wednesday, then A2 on Friday... following week will be then B2 on Monday, and A3 Wednesday (starts the 12reps x 2 sets) and B3 on Friday.
  • LizN63
    LizN63 Posts: 129 Member
    But, you're also supposed to do one very light rep as a warm up, is that right? Do you do that once before each set or just once before you start that particular exercise for the FIRST time?? Is anyone actually doing that?
  • loconnor466
    loconnor466 Posts: 215 Member
    So glad I found this group and thread! I have been doing it wrong now for 3 weeks! I don't do 2 sets of squats together, I have been going through each exercise in a row as one set and then repeat as a second set.

    What is the reasoning of doing 2 sets of squats then alternating the others?
  • Yanks1996
    Yanks1996 Posts: 28 Member
    As I understand it, squats (and deadlifts) are the main compound lifts and require the most energy to complete. Each workout starts with one of these so that you aren't tired when doing them. The other exercises alternate so that you have more than enough rest time between sets.
  • Kikimonkey1
    Kikimonkey1 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there, so I'm new here to MFP and obviously this group, too! Starting NRoL4W tomorrow. Printed my Werkit sheets and found this awesome thread! This explains things perfectly and will save me oodles of time! I am going to pre-print all of my sheets for the entire Stage 1 A1-8 and B1-8 workouts and modify them to include the number of reps, rest time and notes regarding straight sets and alternating sets. This will save me tons of time and dummy-proof things for me when I'm lifting in the wee hours of the morn! THANK YOU!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I'm starting this on Friday and was also a little confused after reading the book. Glad to have found this laid out more clearly!
  • m00nflwr
    m00nflwr Posts: 103 Member
    Very helpful and clarifying thread!

    I'm starting stage 1 this week.
  • Semarshman
    Semarshman Posts: 19
    I am glad I found this group! I just finished week 1 of these workouts. I have done A and B twice each. On to week 2!!! I am also running on alternate days, which, so far is going well. I am really hoping to see some great results. I used to lift when I was younger and I loved it! I don't know why I ever stopped!
  • pepperpat64
    pepperpat64 Posts: 423 Member
  • I JUST bought NROL4W! I am looking forward to getting started -- a bit overwhelmed and intimidated but this thread already gives GREAT info! I'm going to be supplementing the workouts with a day of yoga and I might also do one day of cardio since I do enjoy to jog.

    This thread is great though, and I know it'll help me on my lifting journey :)
  • Hi everyone,

    I'm starting Workout 1B of stage 1 today. My first session of workout 1A was good! A lot quicker than I had anticipated and the seated rows were killer as were the pushups. I feel it in my shoulders and arms!

    A quick question regarding the step-ups and the lunges for work-out 1B. Is a complete set considered 15 reps on Left leg, then immediately into 15 reps on right leg? Followed by the 60 second rest and then the second portion of the superset?

    Or would it be:

    15 lunges left leg
    60 seconds
    8 Swiss Ball Crunch
    60 Seconds
    15 lunges right leg
    60 seconds
    8 Swiss Ball Crunch

    Any help is very much appreciated!

    Thanks! :)
  • shannonrgamboa
    shannonrgamboa Posts: 3 Member

    I am starting 1A tomorrow! Woohoo! I would do the lunges left and than right leg than the Swiss ball crunch. The other way would confuse me too much! Lol! I don't know if that's correct, but just how I'd do it!
  • pepperpat64
    pepperpat64 Posts: 423 Member
    I started this program this past Tuesday. I found I had to read the workout sections of the book several times to "get" it. It's great to have more experienced NROL4W followers in this group who don't mind helping us newbies. Your explanations have helped a lot. Thank you!