


  • jeremymetcalf10

    It's nice to meet y'all! :)

    nice to see the word "y'all" has spread to california!! :)

    when i lived in sf they said that word always outed me as to where I *really* came from.

    Let's see if if can do this right this time, so my response makes sense!

    I use y'all all the time, and I'm a native Californian. I think it's a very functional solution to the 2nd person plural. It's a much nicer term than 'youse', which I also use on occasion.
    I'm in central FL, and I get looks saying y'all.
  • PurpleZeal
    PurpleZeal Posts: 15 Member
    The goal is a plant-based diet. Some days I stick to that, other days I have some dairy. Nobody else who lives here (husband, son, granddaughter) is supportive. It gets me down sometimes. When I'm cooking dinner, I usually cook some meat on the side for them. But when one of them cooks, they don't give me the same courtesy. So I think I'll follow their example! It's only fair.

    Hah hah! I think you are right! You should follow their example :)
  • KaseyStar12
    KaseyStar12 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi. I did a 30 day vegan challenge in August, 2013 and have stuck with it!! It is wonderful. I find I really enjoy cooking and always love new receipes!!
  • sayray16
    sayray16 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello! I just wanted to invite everyone to my "5K A Day" group. Be an inspiration to others as they help motivate you! :flowerforyou:
  • blugetsfit
    blugetsfit Posts: 6 Member

    I'm Blu and I have been vegan for just over a year now. I went vegan straight from being an omni after making many excuses, but I realised in the end that my conscience just couldn't hold it up anymore.

    I'm new back to MFP - its been a long time since I was here last, but I remember how important it was having friends and support so if anyone would like to add me, please do :-)
  • raij2891
    raij2891 Posts: 6 Member
    Vegan for 2 years. Feel better than ever.
  • Khankimba
    Khankimba Posts: 7 Member
    I went vegetarian in Nov. 2013. I love wildlife and I have been very upset by the killing of wolves by ranchers. I decided that I would never again support those ranchers by buying meat. Then I started learning about the treatment of animals in factory farms and slaughterhouses. I was horrified! I believe all animals have feelings and the right to live in peace. I finally decided I could no longer in good conscious consume dairy and eggs, so I went vegan in March. I wish I would have made this choice many years ago.
    Since going vegan, I am healthier than ever. I am losing weight and I feel great!
    I want to reach my goal weight to inspire others to eat a kinder diet.
  • ceemaw
    ceemaw Posts: 306 Member
    hi! i'm christene. i've been veg*n since 1990 (more vegetarian than vegan these days, but i do have plenty of vegan days). i spent much of my childhood in the midwest and was always asking where my meaty foods came from, then refusing to eat them (which did not go over well). until i was a teenager, i didn't realize it was a viable option to simply never eat meat. i've always been an animal lover; the health benefits of not consuming animal products is secondary to me (but as i get older, i appreciate them more). my husband (who does almost all the cooking) is an omnivore who eats vegetarian at home. our two youngsters are also vegetarians and consume more greek yogurt than anyone i ever met when i lived in greece. seriously.

    since discovering the reports tool on this site, i realize that i never come anywhere close to meeting my protein macros. i prefer real food to supplements but have been going through an experimental phase with protein powders and protein bars (most of which taste awful to me). i'd love to get some inspiration from this group about delicious, EASY (because i'm a lazy, lazy cook) ways to get plenty of protein. i'm familiar with the many vegan sources of protein and have no good excuse for not getting enough in my diet - hence, the desire for inspiration. :)
  • ComoHappyGirl
    ComoHappyGirl Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there...I am 100% vegan for health, ethical, and environmental reasons. I have been either vegetarian or vegan over most of my life with the occasional break here and there. This time around in my veganism I started on December 29th, 2014 and it feels a lot different...I feel more mature about it if that makes sense :)

    Anyhoo...I am 6'0 and 216.4 lbs as of yesterday. I east mostly whole foods and very little vegan junk food. I walk 4 miles a day and I feel super healthy! I just wish this weight would come off!
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Greetings, Aedreana here, brand-new to MFP. I am a radical vegan-- I oppose the murder of animals for any reason. I love creatures that most people consider to be vermin. I rescue insects that are imperiled and get them safely out of harm's way. I despise and detest so-called "animal rights" organizations that euthanize animals. I am not interested in debating opposing points of view. Please feel free to contact me if you are like-minded. Thank you.
  • LifeNewandImproved
    LifeNewandImproved Posts: 125 Member
    Hi everyone -
    I am attempting to slowly transition to a vegan high protein diet. I am still slowly eating up foods around the house that have animal protein (Just throwing them out would be disrespectful, the damage is done so I should respect the sacrifice, I feel) but in the meantime I am trying to learn about good protein sources and combine legumes with grains with soy each day for instance so I can hopefully get all the amino acids I need to get. It's going to take a while to eat through my Whey Protein Powder but that will probably be the last item to go. I just bought a Vegan Protein Powder so I'm all set there.

    I was vegetarian once before but I started to lose my hair because I just didn't care about calories, veggies, or macros and I was likely super low on protein. I basically lived on pasta and cheese. Vegan sounded too "hard" back then and then social pressure made me back off. Well I'm back now with all the foods that I avoided before and it is really pretty doable. Seitan for instance is an amazing source of protein and I will make my first batch tomorrow from scratch. I'm hoping that since I'm educating myself and slowly making good changes that this will be one that sticks. Also I'm planning to tell my family that "I am trying to eat more plant based foods" rather than "I'm cutting out all animal products" as I just want to be able to make this transition and change without judgment.

    Basically doing this because I don't believe there's a farm out there that can raise meat in a cruelty free way (Despite their marketing), and most definitely if there is, most milk/eggs don't come from those places.
  • racicot85
    racicot85 Posts: 8
    Hello! I have been eating vegan for about a month now. I originally changed what I was eating just to lose weight, but after all I have learned over the past month, I can't see going back to my previous diet for ethical reasons. The weight has fallen off really easily, and I stay full all of the time. I also stay away from processed foods completely now, so I think that helps as well. I feel so much better now and have way more energy. I definitely have a lot to learn still, and I'm always looking for recipes ideas, so this group looks like a great place for me!
  • baldmitch
    baldmitch Posts: 90 Member
    Whole foods plant based - Vegan in diet, but I still wear leather shoes and belts and there's wool in my suits. Also, no refined/processed/bleached foods like oil, white flour, white rice, corn syrup.

    So, I'm diabetic, cardio patient with one heart attack, 5 stents. I'm trying to lose weight, become healthier, and reverse some of this damage I have done to this body in my 45 years. At the time of this writing, I'm ending my second week with no meat, no dairy, no eggs, and no honey. But when ya can have Engine 2 hummus or their wild rice and black bean tacos with fresh pico de gallo, who the heck would want carcass?
  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    I've been a whole foods vegan who gave up refined sugar for the last 13 days. I'm losing weight like I never thought possible, although MFP has me on 1200 calories a day and I'm supposed to lose 2 pounds per week. I'm down 4 pounds a week. I'm 50 years old, 5'7, and I started out weight 246 about 3 months ago. When I started the vegan diet 13 days ago I weighed 242. I'm female BTW.
    I went vegan for my health. I got a bad report from the doctor regarding blood test results and I'm looking to get my cholesterol and tryglycerides way down.

    I have been a food addicted personality and the change was hard at first. But it is easier and easier. I love not eating processed sugar. I really don't want any cookies or cake or anything like that anymore. I love blended frozen fruits instead of ice cream, and I'm looking forward to some raw vegan baking.

    It is a wonderful journey and I'm loving it. I'm glad there is a group here of happy vegans. I'm one too.
  • aascobee
    aascobee Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I'm Ally, I live in Austin Texas and I am also looking for friends and support. I am looking to lose 30-40 pounds and have been unsuccessful thus far on my own. I am new to veganism (2 months) but I am feeling better everyday. I finally decided to make the jump to vegan for health and moral reasons. I look forward to learning more. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you are looking for support too.
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Greetings! I don't send out individual friend requests; I accept friend requests sent my way..Please check out my profile, and if you'd like to be friends, add me! I oppose the murder of nonhuman creatures for any reason; I am an ethical vegan who HATES PETA!
  • mrsmontejano218
    mrsmontejano218 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello everyone I'm Christina and I'm 27y/o. I'm not yet vegetarian. I have been researching about becoming vegetarian before I convert all the way just because I know there are some nutrients that are a little harder to find in a plant based diet. I really want to get to vegan diet because of the health benefits plus my daughter has read something about the animals that we eat and she was not very happy about it and to be honest I was disgusted by it and we would like to have animals to love not eat :-) please if you can give me some pointers also I'm trying to transition my entire family over so if you have some recipes that will kind of trick my husband into feeling and tasting that he is eating meat would really help just because he is not against the transition but he misses the beefy flavor or meat flavors and some textures as well :-) thank you all so much :-)
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    Hello! Vegetarian for the most part from 2011-2013. Had some health issues (unrelated to diet or what I was or wasn't eating), went back to omnivorous eating.

    Got down to what I find a comfy weight (still halfway to go though) and decided last month it was time to go back to vegan eating permanently.

    When people ask me my reasons I'm just like, I dunno, sustainable eating, moral obligations, health and longevity? Or in the case of my family, I just say, to be annoying....they say you need a good reason but really, I don't need to justify what I eat to other peole so I can be as vague as I want to. My personal choice, my personal reasons.

    ...hopefully this doesnt come off as flippant....its late....why am I writing at this hour?

    Either way, I do promise I'm nice, add me if you want!
  • jenniferdyhan
    Hi. I have been vegan for about 7 years. Haven't looked back since then! Although I am generally healthy, exercise regularly, and eat super healthy, I have let the stress of my job and life get to me the last couple of years by snacking a lot and skipping workouts. Looking to get back into prime shape so I don't have to buy new work clothes (my job requires that I dress fairly nice, which I definitely do not do otherwise).
  • Juls212
    Juls212 Posts: 12
    Vegan here! Was a kinda vegetarian till i watched Earthlings and went full vegan forever! I hesitate to tell people about being vegan because I'm an easy 50 pounds overweight and feel like I'm being judged for not looking "healthier" . Feel free to add me, I know of no other vegans and would love not to be so alone in my compassion. :)