Men on a Mission thread



  • Ffgjosh
    Ffgjosh Posts: 15
    Sorry I missed it by a day. The Last couple of nights at work got crazy. They have me on a new schedule where I have to cook and bring my dinner to work. And it's bin helping me a lot I get off at 3 am and go right to the gym I'm down to 306.4 my goal is 299 by 4th of July. I also started sprinting more and that's seemed to help. I'll post on wendsday cuz I want to be less then 505 by then
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Sorry I missed it by a day. The Last couple of nights at work got crazy. They have me on a new schedule where I have to cook and bring my dinner to work. And it's bin helping me a lot I get off at 3 am and go right to the gym I'm down to 306.4 my goal is 299 by 4th of July. I also started sprinting more and that's seemed to help. I'll post on wendsday cuz I want to be less then 505 by then

    Great job buddy, especially working those crazy night shift hours. I worked graveyard my first 6 years as a rookie patrol officer and remember all I ate was crap. I am rooting for you! My sprinting days are long behind me. Had to do some minor jogging the other day at firearms training and it kinda sucked. First time since the knee replacement last fall.
  • Ffgjosh
    Ffgjosh Posts: 15
    At 305.2. Ya it's bin nuts but I just keep pushing through it... Your a cop?
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    At 305.2. Ya it's bin nuts but I just keep pushing through it... Your a cop?

    Yep, been a cop for almost 22 years now. Been a detective for almost 15 of those years. Currently in Internal Affairs.
  • Ffgjosh
    Ffgjosh Posts: 15
    Nice that's what I'm going for or a jail guard!

    Btw so I don't forget 303.4
  • BJBroxton
    BJBroxton Posts: 49 Member
    Ok doing this from a mobile phone
    LWW 284.6
    CW 287.0
    I have no clue what I did wrong.... I ate good and exercised still gained 2.4 pounds ( really 3.2 because Saturday I was 283.8) So disappointed in myself.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Howdy Men,

    I hope you are all having a good week and are able to enjoy some Summer weather.

    BJ, you have been doing so flippin awesome. I wouldn't be too disappointed just yet. Maybe you are retaining water or whatever. Give it another week and see if your body gets back in tune with itself.

    Outstanding job to the Josh's. You guys set the bar. Well done.

    I had a 1.2 pound loss. Not a huge amount but at least it's finally a loss in my column.

    Here is this week's chart guys.

  • tim_jennings
    tim_jennings Posts: 172 Member
    Haven't Checked in for a while... trying to sell my house and buy a different once and just so busy... but it seems to be helping in the weight loss dept.

    LWW 337
    CWW 333

    Loss of 4
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Haven't Checked in for a while... trying to sell my house and buy a different once and just so busy... but it seems to be helping in the weight loss dept.

    LWW 337
    CWW 333

    Loss of 4
    Welcome back Tim. Nice start to the week. Good luck on the house selling and hope it goes smoothly.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hey guys,
    Sorry, but I am going to be out of town for work on Thursday and won't be able to post a chart. Go ahead and post your updates anyways though.

    Hope everyone has a great 4th of July.

  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    The last month has not been good for watching what I eat. My daughter came home from college for a week and that entailed a couple family dinners - and then end of school celebrations and a week at a conference, so I gained 5 pounds which is disappointing after finally getting below 200. Anyway back at it.

    CWW: 205.1
    LWW: 199.7
    Gain: 5.4

    Have a great Fourth of July everyone.
  • Ffgjosh
    Ffgjosh Posts: 15
    So I got my tatoo last tousday and could not workout like I normally do for 4 days. So I gained 3 pounds 306.4. But I work all 4th July weekend so no parties means no over eating I guess
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    I think I took the cake this week. Unfortunately I also ate it.

    LW 326.8
    CW 332.6
    Gain of 5.8 :(
    JJHnIOWA Posts: 48
    Holding on for dear life at 246 right now.

    Eating is way up, just been depressed lately. Not sure what is going on with me, but it sucks.

    Job sucks.

    At this point, i am just trying not to go back to drinking.

    I might leave this group and shut down this account, i dunno.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Holding on for dear life at 246 right now.

    Eating is way up, just been depressed lately. Not sure what is going on with me, but it sucks.

    Job sucks.

    At this point, i am just trying not to go back to drinking.

    I might leave this group and shut down this account, i dunno.

    Hey bud,
    We all hit these bumps in the road at some point. Some of us hit them more than others. I can relate to the feeling that things sometimes seem to suck a little extra. There are probably not going to be any magic words from me that will make everything turn around, but know that we are all here for one reason or another. We all have demons or monkeys on our backs or whatever. It doesn't get better over night. One day at a time. If it takes a little extra time, so be it. We are not going to judge you. Don't do anything you will regret in the morning or next week. No matter what you do though, fight the urge to solve your problems at the bottom of a bottle. You will only create new problems. We care about you brother. If you need to take a little break, we'll be here when you get back.
  • BJBroxton
    BJBroxton Posts: 49 Member
    Holding on for dear life at 246 right now.

    Eating is way up, just been depressed lately. Not sure what is going on with me, but it sucks.

    Job sucks.

    At this point, i am just trying not to go back to drinking.

    I might leave this group and shut down this account, i dunno.
    I for one would like you to stay.....I know you already know but it can always get worse. Thank God for what you have and move forward! Praying for ya Bud!
  • tim_jennings
    tim_jennings Posts: 172 Member
    LWW 333
    CWW 328

    Lost of 5

    Apparently the heat has helped me sweat off a few more pounds. That and cleaning out storage, cleaning out the garage, removing excess furniture/clothes/boxes in preparation to sell my house... Either way I will take it.
    JJHnIOWA Posts: 48
    Thanks for the kind words guys, yeah, not sure what is going on right now.

    I guess i have always gone thru peaks and valleys, but in the past i would just drink thru them.

    Just gotta shake it off somehow, and you are right, going back to the bottle would absolutely destroy any progress i have made as a human being in general over the past 5 years.
    JJHnIOWA Posts: 48
    BTW, my eating has been garbage lately, but at least i can seem to keep my weight around the 246 mark.

    better than when i was eating garbage at the 310 mark...
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    BTW, my eating has been garbage lately, but at least i can seem to keep my weight around the 246 mark.

    better than when i was eating garbage at the 310 mark...

    In my book that is a definite plus. I've been eating garbage lately and have packed all my weight back on. Talk about getting discouraged. I have got to somehow figure a way to re-motivate myself.