Mint Team Welcome!

CriticLite Posts: 32 Member
Welcome Mint Team members! I am very happy to be your Team Leader for this challenge :smile: I know that for some of us that summer time is HARD to stay on track with our weight loss, but let's all set some attainable goals and stick together. You've already taken the first steps to be successful; you've made yourselves accountable to the rest of your team!! Let's all help each other out over the next 5 weeks to reach our goals.

I have sent out friend requests to everyone on the team; if I have missed you, please let me know! Feel free to add me as a friend of yours as well :smile:

To tell you a bit about myself, I have joined this challenge as I am trying to lose weight and get back into shape for my wedding in August 2015. I am really excited about this challenge though! The end date of this challenge lands on the 1 year away marker for my wedding!!

Feel free to share a little about yourselves; this way we can get to know each other better and be better able to support each other throughout this challenge!


  • kmm8784
    kmm8784 Posts: 102 Member
    Hello everyone!! I'm Kelly and I joined this challenge to hopefully get under the 200 mark by my 30th birthday, which is the weekend this challenge ends!! With a lot of support and motivation I'm sure I can reach my goal!! I am very excited about starting this challenge and have also signed up for the mini challenge as well..

    Lets go Mint Team!!! We can do this!!
  • AlexisH00
    AlexisH00 Posts: 1
    Awesome Kelly! We will keep each other motivated to meet our goals :)
  • kyoung1908
    kyoung1908 Posts: 413 Member
    Hi everyone! This is my first time being on a different team!! Lol I've been on the silver team for the last 3 challenges so it is refreshing being on a new team. My goal is to be in the 190s. It seems like I can never actually get there and stay there for a while. It would be nice to lose 10 pounds but I know that I'm going to have to really work hard. Good luck to everyone!!
  • CriticLite
    CriticLite Posts: 32 Member
    What does everyone think of having a team mini- challenge each week? For example, week one could be to drink your water, another week could be to get your servings of fruits and veggies. Yay or nay for the weekly challenges within the group?
  • kmm8784
    kmm8784 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm think the mini challenges are great.. In addition to this challenge I'm also doing 3 30 day challenges on the side.. I'm hoping I can stick to it this time... last month I only got 2 weeks in.
  • gigihotetz
    gigihotetz Posts: 36
    hii! I'm super excited to start this challenge. It seems like it will be a lot of fun, and so far our team seems like it will be great for the motivation aspect of the weight loss! mini games definitely sounds like a great idea! can't wait to begin! :)
  • CStellaGo
    CStellaGo Posts: 273 Member
    Hey team! My name is Crysta and I have been on the weight loss journey since December 5th. This is a day that will probably never leave my mind as it was the day I woke up and decided something had to change and that something was me! I have lost 36 pounds so far and I still have a hard time believing it! These challenges have really helped me and I like to do side challenges, so the mini challenges are an awesome idea in my opinion! I went and tried on wedding dresses two weeks ago for my wedding next June. I didn't plan on finding the dress until I was where I wanted to weight but I did! My dress is supposed to be in around the same time this challenge is ending so I am really hopeful that I will be at or very close to my maintenance weight. I feel that in numbers is strength and I feel that as a team we can really push each other to do great things! If any of you have a Jawbone or use let me know so we can be friends there as well and help push each other daily! I am currently doing the C25K program and am on week 7 (another thing I find really hard to believe) I plan on running my first 5K at the end of this month. I am also doing #noexcuses 75 miles in 31 days challenge starting today.
  • kyoung1908
    kyoung1908 Posts: 413 Member
    Welcome everyone and I think mini challenges will be a great idea!! I'm glad that everyone is so motivated!! I started Jillian Michael's 30 day shred yesterday. I planned it so that I could do it Monday through Friday and end on August 8th. The last day of our challenge.
  • LadyRN76
    LadyRN76 Posts: 4,275 Member
    Hello everyone! My goal for joining this challenge is to give me the motivation and support needed to lost "my final 15". I have been on a plateau for awhile and am ready to bust through it and reach my goal! Best of luck to everyone - I know we will all do amazing!
  • CriticLite
    CriticLite Posts: 32 Member
    Hello Mint Team!!! Tomorrow is the big day, Day #1! Is everyone ready?? :happy: If you have not yet logged your starting and goal weights please do so tomorrow or let me know and I will make sure it gets entered into the spreadsheet.

    As for the mini weekly challenges, I have a few ideas but would gladly welcome your input/more ideas. Here are a few of my ideas:

    Week #1 - WATER!!! Drink at least 8 x 8oz glasses per day and let us know your progress!
    Week #2 - EXERCISE!! Get at least 30 minutes of exercise at least 5 times this week.
    Week #3 - RELAX - Take 30 minutes each day to do something for free your mind, be it reading a book, watching a movie, etc. just something you intentionally do for YOURSELF!

    Again, these are just my suggestions, please feel free to give input. It's your challenge!!

    Ok Mint team......... LET'S DO THIS!! :smile:
  • CriticLite
    CriticLite Posts: 32 Member
    P.S. Is everyone ok if we continue using this thread throughout the challenge, or do you think we should start a new thread? Any thoughts?
  • LadyRN76
    LadyRN76 Posts: 4,275 Member
    This thread is great.
  • mljh1970
    mljh1970 Posts: 61 Member
    Hello mint team!

    Can't wait to start this challenge today. I've been in a bit of a rut since returning from a 3 week vacation. Unfortunately gained back some weight again. I'd like to make a breakthrough and start seeing the scale go down again. Summer is a hard time of year for me so I'm hoping this challenge will keep me on track. Good luck everyone! Let's get this done!
  • CriticLite
    CriticLite Posts: 32 Member
    Here we go!! For this week, our mini challege will be to get in our minimum amounts of water and let the group konw (if you wish) how you are doing!

    I see that everyone has logged their weekly and goal weights; that is awesome! This challenge is only 5 weeks long, let's be that team that still has all of its members at the end of the challenge, even if you gained that week, make sure to log in the spreadsheet ( or let me know and I can log for you! :o) ) so we don't lose you off the team ;o) Good luck everyone!
  • CriticLite
    CriticLite Posts: 32 Member
    So how did everybody's first day go? I didn't quite get all of my water in, but I hope to today! I have somehow managed to do something to my knee and I can barely walk on it, go figure! I want to be active and get out and enjoy the nice weather and I can't :( Does anyone have any suggestions on cardio exercise that doesn't involve both feet?! Lol :sad:
  • slenderizeme
    slenderizeme Posts: 154 Member
    Hi Mint team members. This is my first team being in a weight loss competition. This summer I have already lost about 8 pounds but have recently hit a plateau. I was doing 1200 calories a day but that was really difficult to continue so I unfortunately let my calories go up. During this challenge I plan on eating healthier food and not eating out as often. Maybe a mini challenge for this group could be a week of no fast food?
  • LadyRN76
    LadyRN76 Posts: 4,275 Member
    So how did everybody's first day go? I didn't quite get all of my water in, but I hope to today! I have somehow managed to do something to my knee and I can barely walk on it, go figure! I want to be active and get out and enjoy the nice weather and I can't :( Does anyone have any suggestions on cardio exercise that doesn't involve both feet?! Lol :sad:

    Swim if you have access - great cardio - easy on your entire body. You can lay on your back and do bicycle kicks, if your knee will tolerate it since there is no weight bearing; kettle bell workouts kick your butt and your feet never have to move. Just some suggestions.
  • CriticLite
    CriticLite Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Mint team members. This is my first team being in a weight loss competition. This summer I have already lost about 8 pounds but have recently hit a plateau. I was doing 1200 calories a day but that was really difficult to continue so I unfortunately let my calories go up. During this challenge I plan on eating healthier food and not eating out as often. Maybe a mini challenge for this group could be a week of no fast food?

    I think that is a great idea for a weekly challenge!! We will be sure to do this one over the next 4 weeks of the challenge. As for your calorie intake going up, I have found that if you eat more whole foods and less processed foods, you will stay fuller for longer. I personally haven't don't very well these past few days, but will get back on track tomorrow!
  • CriticLite
    CriticLite Posts: 32 Member
    Swimming is a great idea. I always forget about it. I work only a few blocks away from a YWCA and could very easily hit the pool after work. Thanks for the suggestion! I don't have any kettleballs myself but they would likely have some at the gym, or I could also buy some for at home. Do you have any suggestions on what I should get to start with or exercises to do with them?
  • kyoung1908
    kyoung1908 Posts: 413 Member
    I'm staying at a hotel Monday-Friday. Any suggestions on breakfast, lunch and dinner??