
Please introduce yourself and share with us why you are starting this journey and what your goals are. We would love to get to know you. Let us know things that inspire you, what you like to do, or just things you want to share with us about yourself and your life.


  • cahf
    cahf Posts: 137 Member
    Hi, my name is Clarissa. I'm an almost 42 mother to two boys ages 10 and 13. I was skinny when I started my faculty position a decade ago. I now need to lose 100 lbs! I'm motivated for many reasons: (1) I used to be able to do so much - we climbed mountains on the west coast (Adams, Hood, Ranier), I did a triathlon, a half marathon, etc. Now - living in Maine - we are very much into ice hockey as a family. I've started playing too (so much fun) and I can kind of hold my own but I'd be so much better if I were faster, (2) We are planning on climbing Ranier as a family in 3 years, (3) I just want to be fit and strong and to be able to fit into any kayak, not just mine that doesn't have the bumper things on the sides, (4) I don't want to get on an airplane and suck in my gut to buckle my belt, and (5) I've just generally had it. I exercise a lot, eat my fruits and veges and whole grains, but historically have eaten far too much volume and way too much sugar. The last three weeks I have really worked on changing my lifestyle permanently. I'm hoping that focusing on the lifestyle and not assessing the results will get me through to the long haul. Thanks for starting the group!
  • hayleygard
    hayleygard Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone. I am Hayley I am 28 and have a 6 year old. I chose to get into better shape not only for just myself but for my family. I want to be able to chase him around without being out of breath. any information on healthy goods for any info at all I am all open ears.
  • alyxxs
    alyxxs Posts: 4 Member
    Hello nice to meet you all! My names Aly, I have always been overweight in hindsight but only in the past few years Ive released how badly it is impacting my life. Firstly I constantly feel uncomfortable shopping for clothes or wearing pretty things because I'm overweight and see people judging my choices. Secondly I want to be able to enjoy sports and fitness and get involved with sporting grouls more. And Thirdly I binge eat at night and in the afternoon, I dont need to and I must confess it happend tonight aswell but I cant resist the temptation. I hope you understand and can offer support and I promise the same.
  • mbam89
    mbam89 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi! My name is MaryBeth. I've always been big, but in the last year or so, I've been trying to make being healthy more of a priority. I've finally been able to establish a habit of going to the gym, but I hate dieting! I've been "watching what I eat", but I need to get more serious about it because I'm not losing any weight!
    I've never really been comfortable talking about weight loss so I'm excited to see if I can be any help with this support group. :smile:
  • Panandatkn
    Panandatkn Posts: 17
    Great to meet you all :) Welcome to the group. I will be here to help support you all as much as I can. Also if you would like I am also on Facebook. We have a group there called the healthy lifestyle support group also. We have posted a 30 day challenge you are welcome to join in. We have a great group of supportive people there as well. I will be posting recipies as I find or create them. I am also going to start doing challenges at least every month. The idea is to keep moving forward.. you may fall or slow down along the way but just pick back up and keep going.
  • Panandatkn
    Panandatkn Posts: 17
    I fully understand the frustration of going shopping for clothes and being embarrassed or frustrated that you can't wear what you want. I also have been faced with the horrible snicker and jokes growing up about my weight. Just the other day at the pool a little girl started laughing and yelling "you have a fat tummy" .. mind you she was 2 maybe 3.. I couldn't get angry.. she was right. I was so embarrassed. Times like those are the WORST for me. They make me want to go home and dive into the pantry to eat the feeling away. Instead I came home to this group and realized I am not alone in this fight and that no matter what was said, I know that I am doing everything I can to be healthy and that is all I can do. Hang in there and keep putting one little goal in front of the other.. have the bad day but make tomorrow a good one. :)
  • Panandatkn
    Panandatkn Posts: 17
    Welcome to the group. I will do my best to give you as much good information as I can :) you can also visit our fb page.
    That group is full of great information and wonderful people.
  • Panandatkn
    Panandatkn Posts: 17
    You being here and sharing with us will help. We all have experiences and challenges that we can share. Working together to support each other will help make us stronger and push us toward that goal and keep us there. :) Welcome to the group