Links for routines?

cynthia_h Posts: 21 Member
I'm new to KB and looking for routines. Don't have loads of money to spend on purchasing routines, but got a set of KB with 5, 10 and 15 lbs. I imagine that I'll work my way out of them eventually and need more, I hope. Therefore, I am trying to find good routines for free online, YouTube videos for example.
Anyone got routines they love?


  • brando79az
    brando79az Posts: 224 Member
    Cynthia. I have not searched but I am sure there are older threads with answers to your question. I am following because I do not want to search either.
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    I like some of the ones from
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    This is not a bad site either and it is free
  • spicegeek
    spicegeek Posts: 325 Member
    for longer cardio routines pick 3 or 4 of the following

    clean and jerk
    high pull
    single arm swings
    true snatch

    pick a light weight bell you will be do a LOT of reps

    for single arm exercises - 20 - 25 reps per arm
    for two handed - 40 - 50 reps

    do each exercise on the right then left then move onto the next - once you have worked through all 4 exercises rest for 3 mins repeat if you can manage a 3rd set - do it !! The key here is LIGHT weight - I will do that with an 8kg bell - I work with 20KG for hard drills -

    For a little more strength / stamina

    warm up with one arm swings and some reps of the chosen exercise with a light bell

    pick one of

    clean and jerk

    and do any of these routines

    intervals - 6 sets on the right - then 6 sets on the left with a challenging weight with a work 1 min - rest 1 min interval

    the goal here is try an keep and even pace through all 6 mins of work on each arm - the first set will seem easy the last will not

    ladders - with a light medium + heavy bell

    light bell 3 mins work 1 min break - medium bell - 2 mins work 2 min break - heavy bell 1 min work - 3 min break - medium bell - 2 mins work 2 min break - light bell 3 mins work = switch hands - try and hold an even pace - so the light bell will fell slow to start


    working up and down the light - heavy to light - 2 mins work 1 min break - pace is quicker on the light bell - slower on the heavy
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member

    He usually puts up a different workout every day. Of course you should already be comfortable with your swings, clean and jerks, snatches.. don't attempt if you aren't comfortable with those moves. But if you are, the workout of the day can be fun!